




​塞尔维亚国力太小,小到被欧盟随意拿捏,武契奇为了整个国家为了生存一忍再忍实属不易。对于西方讲究丛林法则,弱肉强食的世界,塞尔维亚毫无尊严无外交可言。面对欧美威胁仍不愿同流合污,坚挺中俄实属难得,武契奇先生大义!!!Wu Qiqi's bloodiness has finally erupted!

Vuchi ć will resign from his position as the chairman of the ruling party and establish a new political movement. He announced that the country has entered the highest state of readiness and lamented that he is fighting for Serbia. The army has advanced towards the Kosovo regional government, and this time he is fighting against hegemonism. He really musters the courage to face death as if he were returning!

Serbia's national strength is too small to be easily manipulated by the European Union, and it is not easy for Vuchi ć to endure and endure for the survival of the entire country. Serbia has no dignity and no diplomacy in a world where the West stresses the the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. Facing threats from Europe and the United States, we are still unwilling to collude with each other. It is indeed rare for us to stand firm with China and Russia. Mr. Wu Qiqi is righteous!!!

