
python数组nonetype_附加到列表中的Python程序返回None Type数组

python数组nonetype_附加到列表中的Python程序返回None Type数组

My python program has a minor problem. The case is that I'm trying to use myarray.append() to my array, but in the python shell, it's telling me this when I do a test appending in the python shell:

>> l.append('1') # l is already defined

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in


AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'


I'm very confused about this problem, but anyways, I'll let you see the code:

l=[] #*


while True:

if 3*i<1000:

l.append(str(i)) #*





print l

*I believe here are the main factors of the problem

I might just be going crazy and not realizing, but if you can help, please do.

P.S. When I run the program, on print l, it just output's None


Your problem is in

l = l.sort()

The sort() method sorts a list in-place; the list itself is reordered, rather than returning a new list. The method returns None, which you are then assigning to l. So you just need to remove the assignment.

An alternative is to use

l = sorted(l)

which will actually make a copy of the original list with the elements in sorted order.