
运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式


Soft Particles

particle systems | Wednesday 16 September 2009 9:26 am

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

The aim with soft particles is to remove the ugly artifact that appears when the particle quad intersects the scene. There are a lot of different approaches to solve this, some more complicate than others. The simplest formula for soft particles is to just fade the particle if it’s getting to close to the scene. To do this, the scene without particles has to be rendered first and the depth saved in a texture. When drawing the particles, the depth of the particle will be compared to the scene depth. The alpha should be increased by a smooth fade by this depth difference. The formula below in HLSL is the simplest possible for soft particles, and works very well. Scene_depth is the sampled depth (in viewspace) of the scene in the direction of the current pixel. Particle_depth is the depth(in viewspace) of the current particle pixel. Scale is used to control the “softness” of the intersection between particles and scene:

fade = saturate((scene_depth – particle_depth) * scale);

NVIDIA [1] proposes a method that the following fade should be used instead of the linear one described above, to make the fade even smoother.

float Output = 0.5*pow(saturate(2*(( Input > 0.5) ? 1-Input : Input)), ContrastPower);

Output = ( Input > 0.5) ? 1-Output : Output;

Umenhoffer [2] proposes a method called spherical billboards to deal with these problems. In this method, the volume is approximated by a sphere. This method also deals with the near clipplane problem that particles will instantly disappear if they get to close to the camera.

There is also an idea [3] that the alpha channel can be used to represent the density of the particles. Although this method has the drawback that the textures might need to be redone by the artists.

The method by Microsoft [4] uses a combination of spherical billboards and a texture representation of the volume. But instead of using the alpha channel, they ray march the sphere and sample the density and volume from a 3D noise texture. The result can be seen in the image below.

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

The video below shows how soft shadows can increase realism in games using large particles. It’s originally an ad for Torque 3D engine.

[1] Soft Particles by NVIDIA


[2] Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions


[3] A Gamasutra article about soft particles


[4] A DirectX 10 implementation of soft particles by Microsoft, called Volumetric Particles



Soft Particles

60 commentsBy David Rosen on April 28th, 2010

In games, particle effects like smoke or fire are drawn as image squares that always face torwards the camera. This looks fine in most cases, but the illusion is destroyed when these particles intersect with the environment and reveal a flat intersection line. Below you can see the flat intersection of a 'hard' smoke particle on the left, and the smooth intersection of a 'soft' smoke particle on the right.

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

To make it easier to see what's going on, here are the same particles without the smoke image:

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

To achieve this effect, I had to use the depth buffer, which we already store for use with post-processing (as explained in the post-processing video). Here is the depth buffer for this scene:

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

Now to soften the intersection line, we can adjust the opacity of the square based on how close it is to the surface behind it. To do this, we can subtract the particle's depth from the environment's depth. Below you can see the environment depth on the left, the particle depth in the middle, and the difference on the right.

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

Now that we have the difference between the particle depth and the background depth for each pixel, we can decide how transparent the pixel should be. I decided to make the opacity fall off linearly, as if the particle were a volumetric cube. I also offset the center of the particle so that the midpoint of the falloff lined up with the midpoint of the original hard particle.

Here is another example of a soft smoke particle intersecting a complex scene:

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

You might be wondering, "Why go to all this effort for particles in Overgrowth? It's not a war game full of explosions or an RPG full of magic spells!" That's true, but particles are still important for many natural effects. For example, drifting fog, sandstorm clouds, falling rain, impact dust, blood spray, and breath mist in cold weather.

Do you have any questions about how these soft particles work, or ideas about how we could improve them? Please let me know in the comments!


深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

  • 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式
    • 概述
    • 示例
    • 源图片和发射器
      • 存在问题的示例
      • 新方法
        • 使用注意事项:
    • 重要更新



if (DestinationDepth < SourceDepth)
    FinalColor = DestinationColor;  //不描画源像素
if (SourceDepth < (DestinationDepth - ((1 - Bias) * BiasScale)))
    FinalColor = SourceColor;  //描画源像素
    FinalColor = LinearInterpolation(DestinationColor, SourceColor,
                     ((DestinationDepth - Source Depth) / ((1 - Bias) * BiasScale)));



本实例使用一个简单的平面粒子发射器来示范了这个新的材质表达式的好处。粒子系统在以下页面进行了讲述: https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ParticleTopics



运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片1: 使用的源贴图 (图片的透明度在右侧。)



运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片2: 标准的平面粒子材质

应用这种材质的粒子系统在 Cascade视口中看上去很好。然而,当把发射器放置到关卡中时,出现了问题。无论何时当粒子穿入到关卡中的几何体时都会产生硬边。结果如下所示:

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片3: 标准的粒子/几何体的交叉效果- 拍摄 1

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片4: 标准的粒子/几何体的交叉效果- 拍摄 2

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片5: 标准的粒子/几何体的交叉效果- 拍摄 3




运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片6: 基于DepthBiasBlend (深度偏移混合)表达式的材质

DepthBiasBlend(深度偏移混合)继承于TextureSample(贴图样本)表达式,所以源贴图可以通过简单地在通用浏览器中选择一个材质来进行设置,然后右击表达式并选择"Use Current Texture(使用当前贴图)"。

Coord(坐标)输入端是标准的Texture Coordinate(贴图坐标)选项。对于粒子的情况,这项应该‘空着’以便可以使用第一个UV集合。

Bias(偏移)输入端提供了源像素偏移量 – 当物体相互穿透时,这个值被插入到上面的等式中,从而使得发生‘混合’变换。它可以是任何可以产生一个单独的浮点值的表达式组合。在这个例子中,使用了源图片的alpha通道。这意味着在每个像素上,源贴图将会对alpha值进行采样,并且会使用采样得出的值作为偏移。


材质表达式的BlendMode(混合模式)必须是半透明,即使贴图是不透明的。(注意: 这个以后也许会改变,但是到创建这篇文档为止仍然时这种情形。) 这样做是为了保证使用这个材质的物体在目标缓存中已经有和它进行混合的值时会被渲染。当要混合一个不透明贴图时,可以设置BlendMode(混合模式)为Translucent(半透明),然后向半透明通道中插入一个Constant(常量)表达式1.0。

[重要注意事项: 目前这个表达式将不会显示在缩略图渲染或者预览窗口中。这是因为在那时发生了清除操作。这是一个已知问题,并且已经放在了数据库中。]


运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片7: 新的 粒子/几何体 交叉 – 拍摄 1

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片8: 新的 粒子/几何体 交叉 – 拍摄 2

运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片8: 新的 粒子/几何体 交叉 – 拍摄 3


运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片9: 并行对比


- 材质表达式DepthBiasBlend(深度偏移混合)的开销并不便宜。它一次会使用15个额外的指令 – 当创建使用这个表达式的材质时一定要考虑这个问题。


DepthBiasedBlend模块必须在DepthBiasBlend模块之上使用(DepthBiasBlend模块不久将会被删除)。 新表达式的优点是它不再继承TextureSample表达式。RGB和Alpha的值是这个表达式的输入端。这样便不必为各种简单表达式(FlipBook, Movie, ParticleSubUV, 等。)来实现特定的Depth Blend(深度混合)表达式了。


运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片10: 不透明DepthBiasedBlend (深度偏移混合)材质


运用Soft Particles解决 硬边缘( intersection of a 'hard') Soft Particles 深度偏移混合(Depth Bias Blending)材质表达式

图片11: 半透明DepthBiasedBlend (深度偏移混合)材质
