
uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

In the late 1700s', Gauss, a famous mathematician, found a special kind ofnumbers. These integers are all in the form: a + b

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

.The sum and multiplicationofthese integers can be naturally defined as the follows:

(a + b

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

) + (c + d

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

) = (a + c) + (b + d )

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

(a + b

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

) * (c + d

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

) = (a * c = b * d * k) + (a * d + b * c)

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

One can prove that the sum and multiplication of these integers constitute thestructure called ``imaginary quadratic field" in calculus.

In case k = 1, these are common complex numbers.

In case both a and b are integers, these numbers are called ``Gauss integers", andthis is the very case that interests people the most in quadratic algebra.

As we all know that every integer can be factorized into the multiplication ofseveral primes (Fundamental theoorem of arithmetic, or unique factorization theorem).

Primes are the integers that can only be divided by 1 and itself. We do have asimilar concept in the context ofGauss integer.

If a Gauss integer cannot bee factorized into the multiplication of other Gaussintegers (0, 1, -1 exclusive), we call it a ``Gauss Prime" or ``Non-divisible".

Please note that 0, 1 and - 1 are not regarded as gauss primes but

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数


However, unique factorization theorem doesn't apply to arbitrary k. For examplein the case k = 5, 6 can be factorized in two different ways:6 = 2 * 3, 6 = (1 +

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

) * (1 -

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数


Thanks to the advance of mathematics in the past 200 years, one can prove thatthere are only 9 integers can be used as k, such that the unique factorization theoremsatisfies. These integers are k = { 1, 2, 3, 7, 1 1, 19, 43, 67, 163}.


The first line of the input is an integer n (1 < n < 100), followed by n lines. Each line is a single case and contains two integers, a and b (0

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数


uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

10000, 0 < b

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数



To make this problem not too complicated, we just suppose that k is 2.

For every case of the input, judge whether a + b

uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

is a gauss prime.

Output the answer `Yes' or `No' in a single line.

Sample Explanation

Please notes that (5, 1) is not a gauss prime because (5, 1) = (1, -1) * (1, 2).

Sample Input 

5  1
3  4

Sample Output 



uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数


  • a、b中有一个是零,另一个是形为
    uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数
    uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数
  • 或a、b均不为零,而
    uva1415 - Gauss Prime 高斯素数

  证明 点击打开链接



#define eps 1e-9
#define MAXN 30010
#define MAXM 110
#define MOD 999983
typedef long long LL;
using namespace std;
int T,K;
int is_prime(int x){
    for(int i=2;i*i<=x;i++) if(x%i==0) return 0;
    return 1;
int check(int a,int b){
        if(!is_prime(b)) return 1;
        int sq=sqrt(b)+0.5;
        for(int i=0;i<=sq;i++){
            double t=sqrt((b-i*i)/2.0);
            if(floor(t)==ceil(t)) return 1;
        return 0;
    if(is_prime(a*a+2*b*b)) return 0;
    return 1;
int main(){
        int a,b;
        if(!check(a,b)) printf("Yes\n");
        else printf("No\n");
    return 0;