
Magento - how to add custom variables to new order E-mail?

Like any other variable that you are using you can ask variables from your object so if you do in php

<?php echo $customerObject->getMyCustomVariable();?>

you would do in template

{{var customerObject.getMyCustomVariable()}}

And as in php side you have to be sure that this attribute exists in your object and is included in collection

I have created a cutom function to do that : ` public function getCustomerKundennummer() { if (!$this->getCustomerId()) return; $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load( $this->getCustomerId()); $kundennummer = $customer->getData('kundennummer'); return ($kundennummer); } `and in my template : {{var order.getCustomerKundennummer()}}Thank you for help :)
