
spark源码分析七(SparkContext - runJob)SparkContext



上一篇分析完Executor的注册启动流程,接下来看rdd.action[foreach,collect,save,…]-> sc.runJob(rdd,iter=>f)


runJob->submitJob-> eventProcessLoop.post(JobSubmitted)->eventQueue





   * Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and pass the results to the given
   * handler function. This is the main entry point for all actions in Spark.
   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on
   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD
   * @param partitions set of partitions to run on; some jobs may not want to compute on all
   * partitions of the target RDD, e.g. for operations like `first()`
   * @param resultHandler callback to pass each result to
  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit): Unit = {
    if (stopped.get()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("SparkContext has been shutdown")
    val callSite = getCallSite
    val cleanedFunc = clean(func)
    logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite.shortForm)
    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.logLineage", false)) {
      logInfo("RDD's recursive dependencies:\n" + rdd.toDebugString)
    dagScheduler.runJob(rdd, cleanedFunc, partitions, callSite, resultHandler, localProperties.get)

 private def doOnReceive(event: DAGSchedulerEvent): Unit = event match {
    case JobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, func, partitions, callSite, listener, properties) =>
      dagScheduler.handleJobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, func, partitions, callSite, listener, properties)


RDD依赖关系其实可以抽象理解成一个单向列表-> 树




private[scheduler] def handleJobSubmitted(jobId: Int,
      finalRDD: RDD[_],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,
      partitions: Array[Int],
      callSite: CallSite,
      listener: JobListener,
      properties: Properties) {
    var finalStage: ResultStage = null
    try {
      // New stage creation may throw an exception if, for example, jobs are run on a
      // HadoopRDD whose underlying HDFS files have been deleted.
      finalStage = createResultStage(finalRDD, func, partitions, jobId, callSite)
    } catch {
    // Job submitted, clear internal data.

    val job = new ActiveJob(jobId, finalStage, callSite, listener, properties)
    logInfo("Got job %s (%s) with %d output partitions".format(
      job.jobId, callSite.shortForm, partitions.length))
    logInfo("Final stage: " + finalStage + " (" + finalStage.name + ")")
    logInfo("Parents of final stage: " + finalStage.parents)
    logInfo("Missing parents: " + getMissingParentStages(finalStage))

    val jobSubmissionTime = clock.getTimeMillis()
    jobIdToActiveJob(jobId) = job
    activeJobs += job
    val stageIds = jobIdToStageIds(jobId).toArray
    val stageInfos = stageIds.flatMap(id => stageIdToStage.get(id).map(_.latestInfo))
      SparkListenerJobStart(job.jobId, jobSubmissionTime, stageInfos, properties))

submitStage 逐步递归上级stage -> getMissingParentStages

/** Submits stage, but first recursively submits any missing parents. */
  private def submitStage(stage: Stage) {
    val jobId = activeJobForStage(stage)
    if (jobId.isDefined) {
      logDebug(s"submitStage($stage (name=${stage.name};" +
      if (!waitingStages(stage) && !runningStages(stage) && !failedStages(stage)) {
        val missing = getMissingParentStages(stage).sortBy(_.id)
        logDebug("missing: " + missing)
        if (missing.isEmpty) {
          logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.rdd + "), which has no missing parents")
          submitMissingTasks(stage, jobId.get)
        } else {
          for (parent <- missing) {
          waitingStages += stage
    } else {
      abortStage(stage, "No active job for stage " + stage.id, None)


val missing = getMissingParentStages(stage).sortBy(_.id)根据id排序

id生成 nextStageId = new AtomicInteger(0)


Stage有两种: ShuffleMapStage和最终的ResultStage

private def getMissingParentStages(stage: Stage): List[Stage] = {
    val missing = new HashSet[Stage]
    val visited = new HashSet[RDD[_]]
    // We are manually maintaining a stack here to prevent StackOverflowError
    // caused by recursively visiting
    val waitingForVisit = new ArrayStack[RDD[_]]
    def visit(rdd: RDD[_]) {
      if (!visited(rdd)) {
        visited += rdd
        val rddHasUncachedPartitions = getCacheLocs(rdd).contains(Nil)
        if (rddHasUncachedPartitions) {
          for (dep <- rdd.dependencies) {
            dep match {
              case shufDep: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] =>
                val mapStage = getOrCreateShuffleMapStage(shufDep, stage.firstJobId)
                if (!mapStage.isAvailable) {
                  missing += mapStage
              case narrowDep: NarrowDependency[_] =>
    while (waitingForVisit.nonEmpty) {



submitMissingTasks(stage, jobId.get)

最终 taskScheduler.submitTasks(TaskSet) -> backend.reviveOffers()

/** Called when stage's parents are available and we can now do its task. */
  private def submitMissingTasks(stage: Stage, jobId: Int) {
    logDebug("submitMissingTasks(" + stage + ")")

    // First figure out the indexes of partition ids to compute.
    val partitionsToCompute: Seq[Int] = stage.findMissingPartitions()

    // Use the scheduling pool, job group, description, etc. from an ActiveJob associated
    // with this Stage
    val properties = jobIdToActiveJob(jobId).properties

    runningStages += stage
    // SparkListenerStageSubmitted should be posted before testing whether tasks are
    // serializable. If tasks are not serializable, a SparkListenerStageCompleted event
    // will be posted, which should always come after a corresponding SparkListenerStageSubmitted
    // event.
    stage match {
      case s: ShuffleMapStage =>
        outputCommitCoordinator.stageStart(stage = s.id, maxPartitionId = s.numPartitions - 1)
      case s: ResultStage =>
          stage = s.id, maxPartitionId = s.rdd.partitions.length - 1)
    val taskIdToLocations: Map[Int, Seq[TaskLocation]] = try {
      stage match {
        case s: ShuffleMapStage =>
          partitionsToCompute.map { id => (id, getPreferredLocs(stage.rdd, id))}.toMap
        case s: ResultStage =>
          partitionsToCompute.map { id =>
            val p = s.partitions(id)
            (id, getPreferredLocs(stage.rdd, p))
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        listenerBus.post(SparkListenerStageSubmitted(stage.latestInfo, properties))
        abortStage(stage, s"Task creation failed: $e\n${Utils.exceptionString(e)}", Some(e))
        runningStages -= stage

    stage.makeNewStageAttempt(partitionsToCompute.size, taskIdToLocations.values.toSeq)

    // If there are tasks to execute, record the submission time of the stage. Otherwise,
    // post the even without the submission time, which indicates that this stage was
    // skipped.
    if (partitionsToCompute.nonEmpty) {
      stage.latestInfo.submissionTime = Some(clock.getTimeMillis())
    listenerBus.post(SparkListenerStageSubmitted(stage.latestInfo, properties))

    // TODO: Maybe we can keep the taskBinary in Stage to avoid serializing it multiple times.
    // Broadcasted binary for the task, used to dispatch tasks to executors. Note that we broadcast
    // the serialized copy of the RDD and for each task we will deserialize it, which means each
    // task gets a different copy of the RDD. This provides stronger isolation between tasks that
    // might modify state of objects referenced in their closures. This is necessary in Hadoop
    // where the JobConf/Configuration object is not thread-safe.
    var taskBinary: Broadcast[Array[Byte]] = null
    var partitions: Array[Partition] = null
    try {
      // For ShuffleMapTask, serialize and broadcast (rdd, shuffleDep).
      // For ResultTask, serialize and broadcast (rdd, func).
      var taskBinaryBytes: Array[Byte] = null
      // taskBinaryBytes and partitions are both effected by the checkpoint status. We need
      // this synchronization in case another concurrent job is checkpointing this RDD, so we get a
      // consistent view of both variables.
      RDDCheckpointData.synchronized {
        taskBinaryBytes = stage match {
          case stage: ShuffleMapStage =>
              closureSerializer.serialize((stage.rdd, stage.shuffleDep): AnyRef))
          case stage: ResultStage =>
            JavaUtils.bufferToArray(closureSerializer.serialize((stage.rdd, stage.func): AnyRef))

        partitions = stage.rdd.partitions
      taskBinary = sc.broadcast(taskBinaryBytes)
    } catch {
      // In the case of a failure during serialization, abort the stage.
      case e: NotSerializableException =>
        abortStage(stage, "Task not serializable: " + e.toString, Some(e))
        runningStages -= stage

        // Abort execution
      case e: Throwable =>
        abortStage(stage, s"Task serialization failed: $e\n${Utils.exceptionString(e)}", Some(e))
        runningStages -= stage

        // Abort execution

    val tasks: Seq[Task[_]] = try {
      val serializedTaskMetrics = closureSerializer.serialize(stage.latestInfo.taskMetrics).array()
      stage match {
        case stage: ShuffleMapStage =>
          partitionsToCompute.map { id =>
            val locs = taskIdToLocations(id)
            val part = partitions(id)
            stage.pendingPartitions += id
            new ShuffleMapTask(stage.id, stage.latestInfo.attemptNumber,
              taskBinary, part, locs, properties, serializedTaskMetrics, Option(jobId),
              Option(sc.applicationId), sc.applicationAttemptId, stage.rdd.isBarrier())

        case stage: ResultStage =>
          partitionsToCompute.map { id =>
            val p: Int = stage.partitions(id)
            val part = partitions(p)
            val locs = taskIdToLocations(id)
            new ResultTask(stage.id, stage.latestInfo.attemptNumber,
              taskBinary, part, locs, id, properties, serializedTaskMetrics,
              Option(jobId), Option(sc.applicationId), sc.applicationAttemptId,
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        abortStage(stage, s"Task creation failed: $e\n${Utils.exceptionString(e)}", Some(e))
        runningStages -= stage

    if (tasks.size > 0) {
      logInfo(s"Submitting ${tasks.size} missing tasks from $stage (${stage.rdd}) (first 15 " +
        s"tasks are for partitions ${tasks.take(15).map(_.partitionId)})")
      taskScheduler.submitTasks(new TaskSet(
        tasks.toArray, stage.id, stage.latestInfo.attemptNumber, jobId, properties))
    } else {
      // Because we posted SparkListenerStageSubmitted earlier, we should mark
      // the stage as completed here in case there are no tasks to run
      markStageAsFinished(stage, None)

      stage match {
        case stage: ShuffleMapStage =>
          logDebug(s"Stage ${stage} is actually done; " +
              s"(available: ${stage.isAvailable}," +
              s"available outputs: ${stage.numAvailableOutputs}," +
              s"partitions: ${stage.numPartitions})")
        case stage : ResultStage =>
          logDebug(s"Stage ${stage} is actually done; (partitions: ${stage.numPartitions})")

ReviveOffers->receive->makeOffers->scheduler.resourceOffers-> launchTasks(taskDescs)

override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {
    val tasks = taskSet.tasks
    logInfo("Adding task set " + taskSet.id + " with " + tasks.length + " tasks")
    this.synchronized {
      val manager = createTaskSetManager(taskSet, maxTaskFailures)
      val stage = taskSet.stageId
      val stageTaskSets =
        taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt.getOrElseUpdate(stage, new HashMap[Int, TaskSetManager])

      // Mark all the existing TaskSetManagers of this stage as zombie, as we are adding a new one.
      // This is necessary to handle a corner case. Let's say a stage has 10 partitions and has 2
      // TaskSetManagers: TSM1(zombie) and TSM2(active). TSM1 has a running task for partition 10
      // and it completes. TSM2 finishes tasks for partition 1-9, and thinks he is still active
      // because partition 10 is not completed yet. However, DAGScheduler gets task completion
      // events for all the 10 partitions and thinks the stage is finished. If it's a shuffle stage
      // and somehow it has missing map outputs, then DAGScheduler will resubmit it and create a
      // TSM3 for it. As a stage can't have more than one active task set managers, we must mark
      // TSM2 as zombie (it actually is).
      stageTaskSets.foreach { case (_, ts) =>
        ts.isZombie = true
      stageTaskSets(taskSet.stageAttemptId) = manager
      schedulableBuilder.addTaskSetManager(manager, manager.taskSet.properties)

      if (!isLocal && !hasReceivedTask) {
        starvationTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
          override def run() {
            if (!hasLaunchedTask) {
              logWarning("Initial job has not accepted any resources; " +
                "check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered " +
                "and have sufficient resources")
            } else {
      hasReceivedTask = true
  override def reviveOffers() {
// Make fake resource offers on all executors
    private def makeOffers() {
      // Make sure no executor is killed while some task is launching on it
      val taskDescs = withLock {
        // Filter out executors under killing
        val activeExecutors = executorDataMap.filterKeys(executorIsAlive)
        val workOffers = activeExecutors.map {
          case (id, executorData) =>
            new WorkerOffer(id, executorData.executorHost, executorData.freeCores,
      if (!taskDescs.isEmpty) {


executor.launchTask(this, taskDesc)
// Launch tasks returned by a set of resource offers
    private def launchTasks(tasks: Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]]) {
      for (task <- tasks.flatten) {
        val serializedTask = TaskDescription.encode(task)
        if (serializedTask.limit() >= maxRpcMessageSize) {
          Option(scheduler.taskIdToTaskSetManager.get(task.taskId)).foreach { taskSetMgr =>
            try {
              var msg = "Serialized task %s:%d was %d bytes, which exceeds max allowed: " +
                "spark.rpc.message.maxSize (%d bytes). Consider increasing " +
                "spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values."
              msg = msg.format(task.taskId, task.index, serializedTask.limit(), maxRpcMessageSize)
            } catch {
              case e: Exception => logError("Exception in error callback", e)
        else {
          val executorData = executorDataMap(task.executorId)
          executorData.freeCores -= scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK

          logDebug(s"Launching task ${task.taskId} on executor id: ${task.executorId} hostname: " +

          executorData.executorEndpoint.send(LaunchTask(new SerializableBuffer(serializedTask)))
def launchTask(context: ExecutorBackend, taskDescription: TaskDescription): Unit = {
    val tr = new TaskRunner(context, taskDescription)
    runningTasks.put(taskDescription.taskId, tr)
spark源码分析七(SparkContext - runJob)SparkContext
