
【英文写作日知录 第2期】句式汇总 Sun, 04 July 2021



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1. xx has great potential to power a wider range of applications
2. To empower the research community for xx
3. The technical details of the xx  
4. We propose an algorithm for computing  xx
5. In contrast to the previously released  single-stage model,these newest versions utilize a two-stage architecture.
6. By releasing this Objectron dataset, we hope to enable the research community to push the limits of 3D object geometry understanding.
7. We present a novel approach to xx
8. We leverage categorical priors for objects such as xx 
9. We present a novel approach to single view metrology that can recover xxa1 by xxb1 as well as xxa2, using just a xxc.
10. We also demonstrate the use of xx 
11. Our goal is to leverage xx to build xx
12. In particular, we plan to do
13. A thorough investigation is left for future work.
14. An important difference between xxx and xxx is that DenseNet can have very narrow layers,
15. The grid sampling is easy to implement through interval sampling, but it may lose the variance to capture the details or multi-scale features.    

2. 新单词

aromatic  	芳香的; 有香味的; 芳香植物
spice   	(调味)香料
perfume  	香水
vending machine   		自动售货机
draw a lottery/raffle 	抽奖 开奖
# Raffle: pay to play. (He bought two raffle tickets, hoping to win the new car.)
# Drawing: free to play (The restaurant was holding a drawing for free lunches. You just had to fill out an entry ticket.)

tray  		托盘(餐)
pallets  	集装箱托盘
forklift 	叉车
rebar 		螺纹钢 钢筋
bulk bag  	集装袋(集装箱)
faeces 		粪便

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