


-- types for minimum/maximum values and histogram endpoints

type numarray is varray(256) of number;

type datearray is varray(256) of date;

type chararray is varray(256) of varchar2(4000);

type rawarray is varray(256) of raw(2000);

type fltarray is varray(256) of binary_float;

type dblarray is varray(256) of binary_double;

type StatRec is record (

epc number,

minval raw(2000),

maxval raw(2000),

bkvals numarray,

novals numarray,

chvals chararray,

eavs number);


procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, charvals chararray);

procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, datevals datearray);

procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, numvals numarray);

procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, fltvals fltarray);

procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, dblvals dblarray);

procedure prepare_column_values(srec in out StatRec, rawvals rawarray);

procedure prepare_column_values_nvarchar(srec in out StatRec, nvmin nvarchar2, nvmax nvarchar2);

procedure prepare_column_values_rowid(srec in out StatRec, rwmin rowid, rwmax rowid);


-- Convert user-specified minimum, maximum, and histogram endpoint

-- datatype-specific values into Oracle's internal representation

-- for future storage via set_column_stats.


-- Generic input arguments:

-- srec.epc - The number of values specified in charvals, datevals,

-- numvals, or rawvals. This value must be between 2 and 256 inclusive.

-- Should be set to 2 for procedures which don't allow histogram

-- information (nvarchar and rowid).

-- The first corresponding array entry should hold the minimum

-- value for the column and the last entry should hold the maximum.

-- If there are more than two entries, then all the others hold the

-- remaining height-balanced or frequency histogram endpoint values

-- (with in-between values ordered from next-smallest to next-largest).

-- This value may be adjusted to account for compression, so the

-- returned value should be left as is for a call to set_column_stats.

-- srec.bkvals - If a frequency distribution is desired, this array contains

-- the number of occurrences of each distinct value specified in

-- charvals, datevals, numvals, or rawvals. Otherwise, it is merely an

-- ouput argument and must be set to null when this procedure is

-- called.


-- Datatype specific input arguments (one of these):

-- charvals - The array of values when the column type is character-based.

-- Up to the first 32 bytes of each string should be provided.

-- Arrays must have between 2 and 256 entries, inclusive.

-- If the datatype is fixed char, the strings must be space padded

-- to 15 characters for correct normalization.

-- datevals - The array of values when the column type is date-based.

-- numvals - The array of values when the column type is numeric-based.

-- rawvals - The array of values when the column type is raw.

-- Up to the first 32 bytes of each strings should be provided.

-- nvmin,nvmax - The minimum and maximum values when the column type

-- is national character set based (NLS). No histogram information

-- can be provided for a column of this type.

-- If the datatype is fixed char, the strings must be space padded

-- to 15 characters for correct normalization.

-- rwmin,rwmax - The minimum and maximum values when the column type

-- is rowid. No histogram information can be provided for a column

-- of this type.


-- Output arguments:

-- srec.minval - Internal representation of the minimum which is

-- suitable for use in a call to set_column_stats.

-- srec.maxval - Internal representation of the maximum which is

-- suitable for use in a call to set_column_stats.

-- srec.bkvals - array suitable for use in a call to set_column_stats.

-- srec.novals - array suitable for use in a call to set_column_stats.


-- Exceptions:

-- ORA-20001: Invalid or inconsistent input values



v_statrec dbms_stats.StatRec;

v_val_array dbms_stats.chararray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.numarray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.datearray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.rawarray;


v_density NUMBER;


select owner,count(1) cnt

bulk collect into v_val_array,v_statrec.bkvals

from zsj_objs

group by owner

order by 1;

v_statrec.epc:=v_val_array.count; --endpoint count







ownname => USER,

tabname => 'ZSJ_OBJS',

colname => 'OWNER',

distcnt => 18,

density => v_density,

nullcnt => 0,

srec => v_statrec,

avgclen => 6);





v_statrec dbms_stats.StatRec;

v_val_array dbms_stats.chararray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.numarray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.datearray;

--v_val_array dbms_stats.rawarray;



v_val_array:=dbms_stats.chararray('MYTEST','PUBLIC','SYS','WMSYS'); --列值

v_statrec.bkvals:=dbms_stats.numarray(991,19000,20000,10000); --列值数量



v_statrec.epc:=4; --endpoint count




ownname => USER,

tabname => 'ZSJ_OBJS',

colname => 'OWNER',

distcnt => 4,

density => 0.00001,

nullcnt => 0,

srec => v_statrec,

avgclen => 5);


    如果因为直方图信息导致了性能问题,而数据库主机负载又太高了,导致根本没有办法重新收集直方图信息,而你对数据分布情况又比较了解的话,可以使用这种方法手工设置直方图信息,调用 dbms_stats.set_column_stats这个过程的时候一般需要no_invalidate => false,使得相关游标立刻invalidate,下次执行时重新硬分析,应用新的直方图信息.
