

今天,市场部的同事反映Help版块,输入关键词查询时,没有查到结果,页面顶部出现错误:Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sctwo000/public_html/help/lib/database/mysql.php on line 534






  var $searchString = '';

  var $searchResults = array();

  var $searchResultsIds = array();

  var $searchCategories = array();

  var $searchType = 1;

  var $ignoreWords = array();

  var $maxResults = 5;

  var $constraintFunctions = array();

  var $start = 0;

  var $doCustomFields = false;

  var $customFieldData = array();

  function AKB_SEARCH_PARENT()


   $this->searchType = (int) $GLOBALS['defaultSearchType'];

   $this->ignoreWords = explode(',', str_replace(","," ,",$GLOBALS['skipWords']));

   if ((is_array($this->ignoreWords)) && (count($this->ignoreWords) > 0)) {

    $additionalWords = $this->ignoreWords;

    array_walk($additionalWords,array($this, "processExtraIgnoreWords"));

    $this->ignoreWords = array_merge($this->ignoreWords,$additionalWords);



  function processExtraIgnoreWords(&$passedItem) {

   $passedItem = trim($passedItem).",";


  // {{{ questFullTextSearch()

  function questFullTextSearch($booleanmode = false)


   $this->searchString = trim($this->searchString);

   // We can't search without something to search for

   if ((empty($this->searchString)) && (!$this->doCustomFields)) {


   } elseif (strlen(trim($this->searchString)) < 3 && (!$this->doCustomFields)) {



   $orderBy = ' lastupdated ';

   $workflowQry = '';

   if (validUrl()) {

    $workflowQry = ' AND ( q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_APPROVED.'\' OR q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' ) ';


   // Enable the quote search for boolean mode set.

   if ($booleanmode && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

    $this->searchString = addslashes($this->searchString);


   // Construct the full text search part of the query

   $fullTextFields = array ('title', 'answer', 'metakeywords');

   $rependingFullTextFields = array ('qh.title', 'qh.answer', 'qh.metakeywords');

   $allowed_cats = array();

   if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

    $allowed_cats = $GLOBALS['AKB_CLASS_HELPER']->GetPermittedCats();


   //Is this inline help searching?

   if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

    $_carray = $GLOBALS['AKB_CLASS_HELPER']->tree->GetBranchFrom((int)$_GET['searchOverride'],false);

    $_carray[] = (int)$_GET['searchOverride'];


   $query = 'SELECT questionid, title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('answer', 1, 201).' as answer , lastupdated, workflowstatus, \'articles\' as types, \'Question\' as plugin ,\'_\' as href ';

   if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

    $query .= ", ".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($fullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).' as score';

    $orderBy = ' score DESC , '. $orderBy;


   $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."questions ";

   $query .= "\n WHERE questionid IN ";

   $query .= "\n ( ";

   $query .= 'SELECT DISTINCT q.questionid';

   $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categoryassociations a, ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categories c, ";

   $query .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

   $query .= ' WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

   AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

   AND q.visible = 1




    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


    ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


   AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

   $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT q.questionid, ';

   if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

    $count_query .= $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($fullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).') as num';

   } else {

    $count_query = substr($count_query,0,-2).") as num ";


   $count_query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,';

   $count_query .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

   $count_query .= ' WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

   AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid


   AND q.visible = 1



    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


    ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


   AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

   //Inline help search option

   if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

    $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

   } else {

    if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

     if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

     } else {

      $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

      $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


    } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

     $query .= " AND c.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";

     $count_query .= " AND c.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";



   if (!empty($this->constraintFunctions)) {

    foreach ($this->constraintFunctions as $f) {

     $query .= $this->$f();

     $count_query .= $this->$f();



   if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

    $query .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($fullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode);

    $query .= " OR name like '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($this->searchString)."%' ";

    $query .= " OR description like '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($this->searchString)."%' ";

    $query .= " ) ";


   $query .= $this->customFieldsSQLHelper($this->doCustomFields,$this->customFieldData);

   $query .= "\n ) ";

   if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

    $count_query .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($fullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode);

    $count_query .= " OR name like '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($this->searchString)."%' ";

    $count_query .= " OR description like '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($this->searchString)."%' ";

    $count_query .= " ) ";


   $count_query .= $this->customFieldsSQLHelper($this->doCustomFields,$this->customFieldData);

   if (validUrl()) {

    $count_query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $count_query .= 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT qh.questionid, ';

    if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

     $count_query .= $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($rependingFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).') as num';

    } else {

     $count_query = substr($count_query,0,-2).") as num ";


    $count_query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'catassoc_history a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations ca, ';

    $count_query .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

    $count_query .= ', '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions_history qh ';

    $count_query .= "\n WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.questionid = a.questionid

    AND q.questionid = qh.questionid

    AND (q.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_REPENDING."' ".getShowDisapprovedArticleString('OR', 'q.').")

    AND ( qh.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_APPROVED."' OR qh.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED."')

    AND q.visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

    // pre execute inner query

    $innerQuery = 'SELECT MAX(qh.versionid) as versionid';

    $innerQuery .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."catassoc_history a, ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categories c, ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categoryassociations ca, ";

    $innerQuery .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

    $innerQuery .= ', '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions_history qh ';

    $innerQuery .= "\n WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.questionid = a.questionid

    AND qh.questionid = q.questionid

    AND ( q.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_REPENDING."' ".getShowDisapprovedArticleString('OR', 'q.').")

    AND ( qh.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_APPROVED."' OR qh.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED."' )

    AND q.visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

    //Inline help search option

    if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

     $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

     $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    } else {

     if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

      if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      } else {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


     } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $innerQuery .= " AND c.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";

      $count_query .= " AND c.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";



    if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

     $innerQuery .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($rependingFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode) . ' ) ';


    if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

     $count_query .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($rependingFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode) . ' ) ';


    $innerQuery .= ' GROUP BY qh.questionid ';

    $versionIds = array();

    $innerResults = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($innerQuery);

    while ($innerRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($innerResults)) {

     $versionIds[] = $innerRow['versionid'];


    $versionIdsString = "''";

    if (sizeof($versionIds)) {

     $versionIdsString = " '".implode("','", $versionIds)."' ";


    $query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $query .= 'SELECT questionid, title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('answer', 1, 201).' as answer , lastupdated, workflowstatus, \'articles\' as types, \'Question\' as plugin ,\'_\' as href ';

   if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

    $query .= ", ".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($fullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).' as score';


    $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."questions_history ";

    $query .= "\n WHERE versionid IN ";

    $query .= "\n ( ";

    $query .= $versionIdsString;

    $query .= ' ) ';

    // End of Query for Question History Searching


   // run this query only if the attachment searching is enabled

   if (isset($GLOBALS['enableAttachmentSearch']) && $GLOBALS['enableAttachmentSearch'] == true && !empty($this->searchString)) {

    $workflowQry = '';

    if (validUrl()) {

     $workflowQry = " AND ( q.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_APPROVED."' OR q.workflowstatus = '".WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED."' )";


    $attachmentFullTextFields = array ('content', 'filename');

    $count_query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $count_query .= 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.pageindexid, ';

    if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

     $count_query .= $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($attachmentFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).') as num';

    } else {

     $count_query = substr($count_query,0,-2).") as num ";


    $count_query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,';

    $count_query .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

    $count_query .= ', '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'pageindex p ';

    $count_query .= "\n WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND q.questionid = p.questionid


    AND q.visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

    // Pre-get the page index id

    $innerQuery = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.pageindexid';

    $innerQuery .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categoryassociations a, ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."categories c, ";

    $innerQuery .= '('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)';

    $innerQuery .= ', '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'pageindex p';

    $innerQuery .= ' WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND p.questionid = q.questionid


    AND q.visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."'))


     ((q.startdate < '".$GLOBALS['currDatetime']."') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND (qa.groupid is null ".AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL(false).") ";

    //Inline help search option

    if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

     $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

     $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    } else {

     if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

      if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      } else {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


     } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $innerQuery .= " AND c.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($allowed_cats))."')";

      $count_query .= " AND c.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($allowed_cats))."')";



    if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

     $innerQuery .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($attachmentFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode) . ' ) ';


    if (!empty($this->searchString)) {

     $count_query .= ' AND ('.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($attachmentFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode) . ' ) ';


    $pageIndexIds = array();

    $innerResults = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($innerQuery);

    while ($innerRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($innerResults)) {

     $pageIndexIds[] = $innerRow['pageindexid'];


    $pageIndexIdsString = "''";

    if (sizeof($pageIndexIds)) {

     $pageIndexIdsString = " '".implode("','", $pageIndexIds)."' ";


    $query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $query .= 'SELECT questionid, filename as title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('content', 1, 201).' as answer, lastupdated, \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' as workflowstatus, \'attachments\' as types, plugin, fullurl as href ';

   if (!empty($this->searchString) && $GLOBALS['databaseType'] == 'mysql') {

    $query .= ", ".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->FullText($attachmentFullTextFields, $this->searchString, $booleanmode).' as score';


    $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."pageindex ";

    $query .= "\n WHERE pageindexid IN ";

    $query .= "\n ( ";

    $query .= $pageIndexIdsString;

    $query .= " ) ";

    // End of Query for Attachment Searching


   $query .= "\n ORDER BY $orderBy DESC ";

   $num_results = 0;

   $numResult = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($count_query);

   while ($numRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($numResult)) {

    $num_results += $numRow['num'];


   // If there are no results there isn't any point doing the big query

   if ($num_results == 0) {

    return false;


   $query .= $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->AddLimit($this->start, $this->maxResults);

   $result = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($query);

   if ($GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->CountResult($query) > 0) {

    // Load the results into the search results variable

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($result)) {

     $this->searchResults[] = $row;


    for ($i = count($this->searchResults); $i < $num_results; $i++) {

      $this->searchResults[$i] = null;


   } else {

    return false;



  // }}}

  // {{{ questKeywordSearch()

  function questKeywordSearch()


   $orderBy = ' lastupdated ';

   $this->searchString = trim($this->searchString);

   // We can't search without something to search for

   if (empty($this->searchString)) {



   $allowed_cats = array();

   if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

    $allowed_cats = $GLOBALS['AKB_CLASS_HELPER']->GetPermittedCats();


   $like_query = $this->buildLikeQuery();

   $attachment_like_query = $this->buildAttachmentLikeQuery();

   //Is this inline help searching?

   if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

    $_carray = $GLOBALS['AKB_CLASS_HELPER']->tree->GetBranchFrom((int)$_GET['searchOverride'],false);

    $_carray[] = (int)$_GET['searchOverride'];


   $workflowQry = '';

   if (validUrl()) {

    $workflowQry = ' AND ( q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_APPROVED.'\' OR q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' ) ';


   $count_query = 'SELECT count(distinct q.questionid)  as num

   FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,

   ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)

   WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

   AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid


   AND visible = 1



    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


   AND ('.$like_query.')

   AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


   $query = 'SELECT questionid, title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('answer', 1, 201).' as answer, lastupdated, workflowstatus, \'articles\' as types, \'Question\' as plugin ,\'_\' as href ';

   $query .= 'FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q

WHERE q.questionid IN


            SELECT q.questionid

   FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,

   ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)

   WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

   AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid


   AND visible = 1



    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


    ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


   AND ('.$like_query.')

   AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


   //Inline help search option

   if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

    $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

   } else {

    if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

     if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

     } else {

      $query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

      $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


    } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

     $query .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";

     $count_query .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";



   if (!empty($this->constraintFunctions)) {

    foreach ($this->constraintFunctions as $f) {

     $query .= $this->$f();

     $count_query .= $this->$f();



   $query .= ')';

   // *******

   // Seaching in QuestionsHistory

   // *******

   if (validUrl()) {

    $count_query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $count_query .= 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT qh.questionid) as num ';

    $count_query .= 'FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'catassoc_history a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,  '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations ca,

    ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)

    , '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions_history qh

    WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.questionid = a.questionid

    AND q.questionid = qh.questionid

    AND q.visible = 1

    AND ( q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_REPENDING.'\' '.getShowDisapprovedArticleString('OR', 'q.').')

    AND ( qh.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_APPROVED.'\' OR qh.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' )



     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND ('.str_replace(' q.', ' qh.', $like_query).')

    AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


    $innerQuery = '

             SELECT MAX(qh.versionid) as versionid

    FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'catassoc_history a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,  '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations ca,

    ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid) , '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions_history qh

    WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND ca.questionid = a.questionid

    AND q.questionid = qh.questionid

    AND ( q.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_REPENDING.'\' '.getShowDisapprovedArticleString('OR', 'q.').')

    AND (qh.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_APPROVED.'\' OR qh.workflowstatus = \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' )

    AND q.visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND ('.str_replace(' q.', ' qh.', $like_query).')

    AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


    //Inline help search option

    if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

     $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

     $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    } else {

     if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

      if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      } else {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


     } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $innerQuery .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";

      $count_query .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";



    $innerQuery .= ' GROUP BY qh.questionid ';

    $versionIds = array();

    $innerResults = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($innerQuery);

    while ($innerRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($innerResults)) {

     $versionIds[] = $innerRow['versionid'];


    $versionIdsString = "''";

    if (sizeof($versionIds)) {

     $versionIdsString = " '".implode("','", $versionIds)."' ";


    $query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $query .= 'SELECT questionid, title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('answer', 1, 201).' as answer , lastupdated, workflowstatus, \'articles\' as types, \'Question\' as plugin ,\'_\' as href ';

    $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."questions_history ";

    $query .= "\n WHERE versionid IN ( ";

    $query .= $versionIdsString;

    $query .= ')';


   // run this query only if the attachment searching is enabled

   if (isset($GLOBALS['enableAttachmentSearch']) && $GLOBALS['enableAttachmentSearch'] == true  && !empty($this->searchString)) {

    $count_query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $count_query .= 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.pageindexid) as num ';

    $count_query .= 'FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,

    ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid)

    , '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'pageindex p

    WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND q.questionid = p.questionid

    AND visible = 1




     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND ('.$attachment_like_query.')

    AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


    $innerQuery = '

             SELECT DISTINCT p.pageindexid

    FROM '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categoryassociations a, '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'categories c,

    ('.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'question_auth qa RIGHT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'questions q ON qa.questionid = q.questionid) , '.$GLOBALS['tablePrefix'].'pageindex p

    WHERE q.questionid = a.questionid

    AND c.categoryid = a.categoryid

    AND q.questionid = p.questionid


    AND visible = 1



     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND ((q.enableexpiry = 1) AND q.expirydate > \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\'))


     ((q.startdate < \''.$GLOBALS['currDatetime'].'\') AND (q.enableexpiry = 0))


    AND ('.$attachment_like_query.')

    AND (qa.groupid is null '.AKB_AUTH::deriveGroupSQL().')


    //Inline help search option

    if ((isInlineHelp()) && (isset($_GET['searchOverride']))) {

     $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

     $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", $_carray)."') \n";

    } else {

     if (!empty($this->searchCategories)) {

      if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique(array_intersect($allowed_cats, $this->searchCategories)))."') \n";

      } else {

       $innerQuery .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";

       $count_query .= " AND a.categoryid IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($this->searchCategories))."') \n";


     } else if (isset($GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption']) && $GLOBALS['categoryRestrictOption'] == "1") {

      $innerQuery .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";

      $count_query .= "AND a.categoryid IN (".implode(',', array_unique($allowed_cats)).")";



    $pageIndexIds = array();

    $innerResults = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($innerQuery);

    while ($innerRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($innerResults)) {

     $pageIndexIds[] = $innerRow['pageindexid'];


    $pageIndexIdsString = "''";

    if (sizeof($pageIndexIds)) {

     $pageIndexIdsString = " '".implode("','", $pageIndexIds)."' ";


    $query .= "\n UNION ALL ";

    $query .= 'SELECT questionid, filename as title, '.$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->SubString('content', 1, 201).' as answer, lastupdated,  \''.WF_STATUS_AUTO_APPROVED.'\' as workflowstatus, \'attachments\' as types, plugin, fullurl as href';

    $query .= "\n FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."pageindex ";

    $query .= "\n WHERE pageindexid IN ( ";

    $query .= $pageIndexIdsString;

    $query .= ')';


   $query .= "\n ORDER BY $orderBy DESC ";

   // Clean up our query before we use it

   // sprintf doesnt like newlines and tabs in our sql

   $numResult = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($count_query);

   $num_results = 0;

   $numRow = array();

   while ($numRow = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($numResult)) {

    $num_results += $numRow['num'];


   // If there are no results there isn't any point doing the big query

   if ($num_results == 0) {

    return false;


   // Limit our query

   $query .= $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->AddLimit($this->start, $this->maxResults);

   $result = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Query($query);

   if ($GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->CountResult($query) > 0) {

    // Load the results into the search results variable

    while ($row = $GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Fetch($result)) {

     $this->searchResults[] = $row;


    for ($i = count($this->searchResults); $i < $num_results; $i++) {

      $this->searchResults[$i] = null;


   } else {

    return false;



  // }}}

  // {{{ questSearch()

  function questSearch($fallback=false)


   //Check if this is a valid article ID. If so redirect directly.

   if ((int)$this->searchString > 0) {

    $qapi = new API_QUESTION();

    if ($qapi->load((int)$this->searchString)) {

     header("location: ".GetUrl("question",(int)$this->searchString));





   switch ($this->searchType) {

    case 1:


     if ($fallback && empty($this->searchResults)) {




    case 2:


     if ($fallback && empty($this->searchResults)) {




    case 3:


     if ($fallback && empty($this->searchResults)) {






     if ($fallback && empty($this->searchResults)) {





  function stripIgnoreWords()


   if (is_array($this->ignoreWords)) {

    foreach ($this->ignoreWords as $eachIgnoreWord) {

     $this->searchString = preg_replace('/\b'.trim($eachIgnoreWord) . '\b/i', '', $this->searchString);


   } else {

    $this->searchString = preg_replace('/\b'.trim($this->ignoreWords).'\b/i', '', $this->searchString);


   return true;


  // }}}

  function buildLikeQuery()


   $tmpWords = trim(str_replace('"', '', $this->searchString));

   $arrWords = preg_split('%\s+%', $tmpWords);

   $output = array();

   foreach ($arrWords as $word) {

    $word = trim($word);

    if (empty($word)) {



    $template = " q.title LIKE '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($word)."%'

        OR q.answer LIKE '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($word)."%'

        OR q.metakeywords LIKE '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($word)."%' ";

    $output[] = $template;


   return implode(' OR ', $output);


  function buildAttachmentLikeQuery()


   $tmpWords = trim(str_replace('"', '', $this->searchString));

   $arrWords = preg_split('%\s+%', $tmpWords);

   $output = array();

   foreach ($arrWords as $word) {

    $word = trim($word);

    if (empty($word)) {



    $template = " content LIKE '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($word)."%'

        OR filename LIKE '%".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($word)."%'";

    $output[] = $template;


   return implode(' OR ', $output);


  function customFieldsSQLHelper($condition,$cfd_array) {

   if ($condition) {

    $unionStr = " UNION ALL ";

    $buildString = "";

    if ((is_array($cfd_array)) && (count($cfd_array) > 0)) {

     $buildString = "

      SELECT questionid FROM



     $count = 0;

     foreach ($cfd_array as $customfieldid=>$data_array) {

      if (is_array($data_array)) {

       foreach ($data_array as $data_string) {

        if ($data_string != "") {

         $buildString .= "SELECT questionid FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."questions_customfields qcf WHERE qcf.data = '".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($data_string)."' AND qcf.customfieldid = '".(int)$customfieldid."'".$unionStr;




      } else if ((gettype($data_array) == "string") && ($data_array != "")) {

       if ($buildString != "") {

        $buildString .= "SELECT DISTINCT questionid FROM ".$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']."questions_customfields qcf WHERE qcf.data = '".$GLOBALS['AKB_DB']->Quote($data_array)."' AND qcf.customfieldid = '".(int)$customfieldid."'".$unionStr;





     if (strlen($buildString) > 0) {

      $buildString = "AND q.questionid IN (".substr($buildString,0,-strlen($unionStr))." ) x )";



    return $buildString;



