


A. 我的微信运动健走步数记录(自2017. 6. 11.起):两点感悟:1.It is saild that the beggars walking on the way is much happier than the emperors staying in beds.(据说行走中的乞丐比病榻上的皇帝幸福得多。) 2.日常定量的步数是充沛精力的保障。至今日(2023.5.4. 23:30), 今日健走步数:28723步 ,(19.30公里,相当于走了48.25圈标准操场),消耗907千卡热量,相当于消耗了3只鸡腿;相互点赞:20(微友为我健走点赞人数)/485(我为微友健走点赞人数);微友为我健走点赞累计人数:70人;累计与日均健走步(公里)数:51375202/2154天=23863步或35157公里/2154天=17公里;战胜99.99%的人,万里长城的1.66倍,累计消耗1108018卡热量(相当于3694个鸡腿);至今日获得华为运动勋章77枚;实时万步达成率:67(人)/485(人)=14%;微信朋友圈全员参加健走百分比:485(人)/1761(人)=28%;微信朋友圈全员万步达成率:67(人)/1761(人)=4%;占领240位微友的微信运动封面;在485位有微信运动健走步数记录者中排第一位;日行超两万步者:5人/1761人=3‰;2018.6.21.单日步行步数:73137(以上数据华为运动健康和微信运动系统提供)B. 经典段落分享(自2023.3.12.起)(53)The Ji family lived on the ground floor, the two flats opposite one another in the corridor both belonging to him. When I first heard of this I was rather surprised. With housing in such short supply in Beijing, he occupied tow flats! Later I was told that Professor Ji had so many books piled up in his rooms that there was hardly any space left to allow a visitor in. Since he was supervising postgraduate students from Japan and other countries who often had to go his home for supervision, the Peking University authorities allocated one extra flat to him in recognition of his academic achievement and international renown. He was the first staff member, and so far the only one, who had two flats in Peking University. Professor Ji ushered me into a room on the eastside. Facing me were shelf after shelf of books, like a library. Only after he moved the books and letters from an armchair did I have a place to sit. As if idly chatting, he asked me some questions about myself and then said modestly that he was "too old to write anything decent". But his new works were being published one after another. After a while, the telephone rang. ……

