


Logback Project

Logback is intended as a successor to the popular log4jproject, picking up wherelog4j leaves off.

Logback's architecture is sufficiently generic so as toapply under different circumstances. At present time, logback is divided intothree modules, logback-core, logback-classic and logback-access.

The logback-core module lays the groundwork for the othertwo modules. The logback-classic module can be assimilated to a significantlyimproved version of log4j. Moreover, logback-classic natively implements theSLF4J API so that you can readily switch backand forth between logback and other logging frameworks such as log4j orjava.util.logging (JUL).

The logback-access module integrates with Servletcontainers, such as Tomcat and Jetty, to provide HTTP-access log functionality.Note that you could easily build your own module on top of logback-core.

Sister projects

The logback-audit projectis designed for processing logging events having long-term businesssignificance. Logback-audit is based on logback-core.

Projects known to rely on logback

Hereis a non-exhaustive list of open-source projects known to depend on logback, inalphabetical order:
