

Warez术语 解释

Latest software releases.

0-Day - 最新的已破解或注册的完全版软件,取意在软件发布当天就已破解或可以注册使用。


Same as above, although the period of time between ripping a game or

application and it appearing on a warez site is even shorter.

0-Sec - 同意0-Day,只是这个比0-Day出得更加快。

Ace File

The first file in a series of compressed archives (the one you

double click on to decompress all the files at once).

Ace档 - Winace压缩的的档。 program://www.winace.com

Active List

Similar to a mailing list, but uses ICQ to send instant messages

to subscribers.

活动列表 - ICQ上类似新闻列表的功能,而已群体通知注册的成员。

addon 完全光盘版中除了基本程序剩下的东东



功能最弱。Software receives this label when it is in the very early stages of

development. Usually full of bugs, so don't touch it with a barge pole.

阿尔法版 - 软件开发初期的的版本,很多虫。


A system which uses cgi scripts to prevent people stealing

links and then taking the credit for uploading the files.




Short for applications. For example Flash 5 or GoLie 5.5.

Appz - 应用软件的缩写。

ASF File

The worst quality movie file format (still pretty good though),

much smaller in size than dat or mpg.

ASF档 - M$的烂东西。

Banner Site

Password and username restricted FTP site. To get the correct

login details you must click on several banners.

横幅网站 - 需要按广告索取密码的ftp网站。





几个beta版本,一般由beta1,beta2,……标记。Refers to an almost finished piece of software that is released to

the public for bug testing. 贝塔版 - 开发将要完毕,让公众测试的版本。





An acronym for Business Software Alliance, an organisation who are

responsible for enforcing anti-piracy litigation. Similar groups in charge

of controlling software "theft" include the SIIA, SPA and ELSPA.

BSA - 商业软件联盟的简称。同类组织有SIIA, SPA以及ELSPA。


Many people read about BSODs on bulletin boards and think that

they're being insulted, but there is no need to get paranoid. It is actually

an acronym for "Blue Screen Of Death". These can occur for a multitude of

reasons (old Bill likes to keep us guessing!) and are the bane of PC user's


BSOD - 死亡蓝屏的简称。

Bulletin Board

A virtual meeting place on the web similar to a chat room

except that it isn't in real time. One person leaves a message then others

come along, read it and add a reply. Each new discussion is called a new topic

or thread and has it's own link. Whenever a new topic is created the older

topics are pushed one place downwards in the list. When someone replies to

an older topic it is brought back to the top of the list.

电子公告栏 - 论坛(forum)发展起来之前的交流方式之一。现在各大院校仍在使用中。

C?? File

File extension that indicates that a file is part of an .ace or .

rar series of compressed files. C??档 - Winace或WinRAR压缩档的副档名。

Cgi Scripts

These are referrers which are used in url£r. When you click

on a link with a ?cgi reference you are directed to a sponsor£r website or an

anti-leech protected file.

公共网关接口脚本 - http网站使用的一种程序。


A tiny text file (usually less than 1kb), which is stored on your

hard drive when you visit a web site. These are used to remember who you are

so that you can access members only areas on the site without having to type

in a password every time or to retain your personalised settings so that

they are available the next time you visit.

“饼干”- 用来记录网站使用者的资料的细小文档。


Someone who is involved in the logistics of delivering new

releases directly from the release groups themselves to FTP sites.

传送者 - 负责把不同小组发布作品送到ftp站上的人。


A tiny executable file that is used to transform a shareware program

into the full version. Also used to remove any copy protection from the main

executable of games (this will already have been done in "ripped" warez


破解 - 移除软件拷贝保护。

CRC Error

These can occur when you try to decompress a file that has

become corrupt during the downloading process, usually as a result of too much


CRC错误 - 压缩档下载因各种原因而造成错误,解压时就会看到CRC错误的讯息。


The amount of data you are permitted to download from a ratio site.

The more credits you have the more software you are allowed to download.

信用 - 你容许从比率站上下载的数量。


A quick way of referring to "Download Accelerator Plus", a free download

manager that claims to speed up file transfers by up to three hundred per

cent. It works by making multiple connections to the same file and is paid for

by revolving advertising banners.Also supports

resume. **EDITOR'S PICK**

DAP - 下载软件Download Accelerator Plus的简称。

DAT File

File format used for movies, identical in quality and size to mpg

as far as I can tell.

DAT档 - mpg电影档,常见于VCD中。


The lazy way of referring to the Dreamcast, Sega's latest console


DC - 世嘉游戏机Dreamcast的简称。


Unpacking many files that have been stored in a single


解压 - 把压缩了的档解开。

Demo Demo版:与Beta版相差无几。如果是游戏软件只能玩前几局,其他软件则有许多正式版 所具有的功能无法使用。

A concise means of referring to a distribution FTP site. These are

huge storage areas which act as a springboard for the transfer of new

releases. Their whereabouts are never public disclosed to aid their survival

rate. You can think of them as the initial source from which warez emanates.

分发中心 - 不公开的ftp,用来向pub上面发布的资源。

Direct Downloads

Links to actual files rather than other warez sites or

pages. These are usually gathered together from many different sites and put

on one page for your convenience.

直接下载 - 指从别的站搜索来的连接,在自己的网页上贴出。不管初衷是什么,被视为



Movies ripped from a DVD using the DivX video codecs. Can be played

back using Media Player.

DivX - 从DVD上抽出,用DivX 视频编解码制作的电影。

原来DivX是从Zoom Video

进化来的,全称是Digital Video Express



discription 文件Short for description. Very brief text file found in warez archives

stating the title of the software, the number of files that makes up the

set and the group who released it.

DiZ档 - DIZ是英文描述的简写。顾名思义,用来记录介绍发布品的相关资料。

Download (or DL)

Copying files from a web server or FTP site to your

computer using a modem.

下载 - 这个就自己去体会吧.....


An application that simulates another computer system or console

using your PC.

模拟器 - 一个用来在个人电脑上模拟其它系统或硬件功能的软件。

ESD Electronic Software Distribution

Stands for Frequently Asked Questions.

FAQ - 常问问题的简写。


Abbreviation for "Files Anywhere", a popular, free web storage service.

Files Anywhere的简写,一个过气的网络硬碟站。网站://www.filesanywhere.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The method used to transfer files from one

computer to another using a modem.

文件传送协议 - 是Internet上跨越任何平台(platform) 传输文件的标准TCP/IP协议


A general net term for "verbally" attacking someone. This can be

done via email, bulletin board, chat room or any medium which involves

communication across the web.

"燎" - 用语言来攻击别人,论坛上的口水战发展成人身攻击。


Full Packaged Product (FPP)–Retail

Physical, shrink-wrapped boxes of licensed product that can be purchased in

a local retail store or any local software retailer.


Pro的FPP版本的光盘卷标就是WXPFPP_EN,其中WX表示是Windows XP,P是Professional




Virtual hard drive storage area on the web. Free to join and

anything and everything can be uploaded or downloaded.

Freedrive - 曾经完全免费的网路硬碟。 网站://www.freedrive.com/


Freeware is programming that is offered at no cost. However, it is

copyrighted so that you can't incorporate its programming into anything

you may be developing. The least restrictive "no-cost" programs are

uncopyrighted programs in the public domain. These include a number of

small UNIX programs. When reusing public domain software in your own programs, it's good to know the history of the program so that you can be sure it really is in the public domain.Freeware - Unrestricted software that is downloaded from the net and is

completely free to use. Often paid for using advertising.

免费软件 - 完全免费的软件,不是是广告软件列入flashget.

FTP Client / Browser

A program used to access, upload and download data from

FTP sites.

Ftp客户端/流览器 - 用来进入FTP上传下载的软件。

Full version 正式版。用户使用最多的版本,功能完备。

The art of transferring data from one Ftp site to another using the

connection speed of the slower of the two computers.

FXP - 在两ftp服务器之间直接传送资料


Pretty self-explanatory this one.

Gamez - 破解或注册了的完全版游戏。


One of the best download managers available.

Getright - 下载管理软件。


A piece of software is said to have gone gold when the final version is

complete and it is ready to ship to the public.

金版 - 就是准备发售的最终开发版软件。


Another excellent download manager.

Gozilla - 另一个下载管理软件


Gaining access to a remote computer without the authorisation to

do so. Usually for the purposes of stealing confidential information or the

malicious destruction of data.

黑(骇) - hacking的原意同破坏无关,只是一种“玩”。现在这个词是褒义,用来描述非



Repeatedly trying to access an FTP site using an FTP client or

download manager.

撞击 - 重复快速地尝试登入一个ftp. 很多ftp都设置了对hammer的人自动ban.


Stands for "Instant Relay Chat". Used for real time chat and

transferring files over the Internet.

IRC - Instant Relay Chat的缩写, 可以用来实时聊天和传送资料。


完全光盘版An exact copy of an original CD, all the multimedia bits and pieces

are uncut and therefore they are extremely large and awkward to download.

ISO - ISO有多重意思。Warez里指的是CD的影像。





Key Generator

A tiny executable program that is capable of creating a serial

number from a specified username. These are specific to particular

applications or utilities, so a serial number created with one key generator

will only work for the program for which the key generator was developed.

注册机 - 生成注册码的小程式。


An annoying and overused general derogatory term used to insult/put

down anyone and everything.

Lamer - 烂人,没用的人。常用来指那些不知道规矩或明知故犯的人。


Downloading files without giving anything back in return or copying

other people£r links.


LITE 简版的意思

An exact copy of a web site that is stored on a different server.

Using multiple locations for warez样sites allows the site to be accessed using

a different address if the main site is deleted.




Very common website sponsor found on warez sites. They don£s mind

their banners being used on illegal software sites because their products

are one of the ¥Crey areas?of the law. Modchips are small pieces of

electronic circuitry which allow copied games to be played on your

Playstation. If a Playstation has been fitted with a Modchip it is said to

have been "chipped".

俗称 ”直读芯片“ 通常原装的 PS/PS2,XBOX 游戏机只能读取正版的游戏碟MODCHIP 就

是加装、改装在游戏机主板上,让游戏机跳过正版碟那个检测, 直接玩D版游戏(多谢


MoviX eMoviX


MoviX is a series of 3 tiny "live CD" Linux Distros aimed at MM. eMoviX makes

a CD able to play by itself all audio/video files it contains (DivX, QuickTime

, MP3 etc.). MoviX&MoviX2 transform in secs yr PC in a powerful MM box.

:Perl Foundry

Development Status: 4 - Beta

Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Natural Language: English

Operating System: OS Independent

Programming Language: Perl

Topic: Video, Software Distribution

Project UNIX name: movix

Registered: 2002-09-02 03:12

Activity Percentile (last week): 97.8467%

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MP MaintenancePack
MUI Multi-language User Interface
Multi Web Space Faker

A tool used to create lots of free web space

accounts simultaneously.

多网站免费空间账号生成器 - 又一个网路泡沫时代的warez界利器。

Name Zero

An organisation that offers free website domain names. The main

drawbacks are that you have to put up with a very bulky banner residing at the

bottom of your page and the fact that you never actually own your chosen


Name Zero - 曾几何时是免费的域名提供者。网站://www.namezero.com/


Short for info or information. Basic text file containing all the

important details relating to a particular release, such as number of files,

release date, copy protection system, installation instructions etc.

NFO档 - nfo是information的缩写,里面带有所有相关重要的讯息,例如破解使用方法,



A release is said to be nuked if it is completely unplayable.

Usually when this happens another group re-releases the particular game,

although fixes do sometimes follow on to rescue the game from trash can.

Nuked - 因为发布作品存在问题而被“灭"掉,别的小组就可以重新发布同一个东西。


original equipment manufactory


Original Equipment Manufacturer

You may license products through an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). T

hese products, such as Windows operating systems, come installed when you pu

rchase a new computer.


An acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM software products

are repackaged versions of the full retail product. They are often

re-branded to suit the needs of the particular vender and are much more

reasonable priced because they lack excessive packaging and a hard copy of the


OEM - 其实,OEM与现代工业社会有着密切的关系。一些著名的品牌商品制造商,常常因


求助。这些伸出援手的厂商就被称为OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始设备





Not strictly a warez term this one, but one that you are likely to

come across while searching for MP3 music. It stands for original soundtrack

(movie music).

OST - 原声大碟. ROR IRC的#Music与音乐版经常提供精彩的原声大碟。

PA Product Activation







We all know games and applications aren't perfect. When they are released we would hope that they have been thoroughly tested for bugs and incompatibility problems, but you can guarantee that many of these will still slip through the quality control net. Once the program is released to the general public, the bug reports start to flood in. A patch is a downloadable executive file which takes these reports into account and attempts to incorporate all the fixes for these known problems. A patch can resolve incompatibility problems, prevent crashes or improve the performance of a piece of software.

补丁 - 补什么?当然是捕虫也。M$的软件虫多,别家的软件游戏的虫也不少,有虫就要找杀虫圣手帕伽先生,包你...



The replication and distribution of videos or computer software.

盗版 - 字典上说是未经授权而使用或复制他人作品。


Irritating browser windows that open automatically when you visit

a warez site. Usually contain voting portals or porn sites.

突然出现的广告 - 大家都烦这个,就不多说了。 btw,Netcaptor挡popups的功能不错。


A port is a term used when referring to FTP sites and is an essential

extension of the address used to access them. If the port number of an FTP

site isn't specified the default setting of 21 will automatically be used.

端口 - 除了前门后门,一个服务器上还有不少其它的门,每一扇门就是一个端口。


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away someone posted a request

for porn on a bulletin board, only, because of a typing error what he ended up

asking for was "pron". Since then this has become a bit of a running joke and

so it is now deliberately misspelt.

Pron - 据说当年某位人兄问朋友要诱人的pp,谁知道打成乒乓。结果大球没有却得了两个



A third party server which acts as an anonymous go between whenever

you request a web page or contact a remote server. The message from your

computer is first sent through the proxy server before being relayed to the

final destination so that it appears as though the request has come from the

IP address of the proxy server rather than you. Used when you wish to maintain

your privacy on the net or speed up your connection (much more detailed

info on this subject in the "more tips" section).

代理 -   代理服务器是介于浏览器和Web服务器之间的一台服务器,有了它之后,浏览器不是直接到Web服务器去取回网页而是向代理服务器发出请求,Request信号会先送到代理服务器,由代理服务器来取回浏览器所需要的信息并传送给你的浏览器。而且,大部分代理服务器都具有缓冲的功能,就好象一个大的Cache,它有很大的存储空间,它不断将新取得数据储存到它本机的存储器上,

如果浏览器所请求的数据在它本机的存储器上已经存在而且是最新的,那么它就不重新从Web服务器取数据,而直接将存储器上的数据传送给用户的浏览器,这样就能显著提高浏览速度和效率(速度会随着代理服务器地理位置的不同以及网络传输情况而改变),而且国外的网络大部分都是没有限制访问网站或者所限制的不同,所以我们有很大的机会通过代理服务器去访问那些原本不能够去的网站。更重要的是:Proxy Server (代理服务器)是Internet链路级网关所提供的一种重要的安全功能,它的工作主要在开放系统互联 (OSI) 模型的对话层。 (节选自某中文网站)


A quick way of referring to the Sony Playstation.

PSX - Sony Playstation的简写。


A free for all FTP site where anonymous access is permitted.

公众ftp - 一个对所有人都开放的匿名服务器.(所有人是指pub主人选择开放的对象)

Pub Scanner

Someone who scours the net for anonymous access FTP sites

which permit the creation and deletion of files. These are then exploited by

uploading software for others to share.

扫pub者 - 就是用软件扫瞄匿名FTP服务器的人。扫瞄在大多数国家都是不合法的,要是


Pub Stealer

Someone who posts the IP address of a public FTP site which they

themselves have not built. Some pub stealers justify this by claiming that

the elitism of private FXP groups discriminates against those people who do

not have access, yet others simply post other people's work to try to claim

the credit for themselves. Either way though, pub stealers are despised by the

FXP groups and praised by those who would otherwise not have access to them.

Pub贼 - 顾名思义,不是自己的pub(不拥有也没出力建立)却拿出来”分享“了。是被人



A release is branded with this term if it has been damaged beyond

repair during the ripping process.

“强奸” - 就是发布作品时对那个东西做了无法修补的损坏。

Rar File

The first file in a series of compressed archives (the one you

double click on to decompress all the files at once). Usually decompressed

using a program called Winrar.

RAR档 - Winrar压缩出来的档。


Two numbers separated by a semi-colon. Indicates how much data you

must upload to an FTP site before you are permitted to download anything.

比率 - 平常以X:Y的形式书写,代表你需要上传多少东西才能下载。

rc Release Candidate
Reg File

Tiny file that adds essential configuration details into the


Reg档 - 可以导入资料进注册表的的小档。

Release Release版:功能和正式版一样,是在正式版软件销售前推出的版本,目的是为了占领市 场。但它有时间限制,在正式版推出时已不能再用。
Release Groups

A group of people who are involved in cracking and / or

ripping software and then repackaging it into easily downloadable segments.

发布小组 - 一些因为兴趣而聚在一起的小组,warez的原提供者。


The ability to stop and start downloading / uploading a file whenever

you choose without having to start from the beginning again.

续传 - 就是断线后可以载断的地方继续上传或下载,而不是重新开始整个过程。


Software that has had all the non-essential gubbins removed to reduce

its size. Videos and music are always the first casualties.

精简版 - 拿掉(rip)不必要部分(比如游戏的视频同音乐用户手册)的软件或游戏。

RM File

Shorthand for Real Media, a file format used to encode video

sequences, which can only be played back using the "Real Player". Video

clips produced using this format are not of the highest quality, but do have

the advantage of a small file size.

RM档 - Realplayer的多媒体档。

RMVB Variable Bit Rate的英文缩写,它的中文含义是可变比特率

Games which are designed for other platforms, but are played on the PC

using an emulator.

ROM - 在模拟器上使用的软件游戏。



上架前,是不是需要一段时间来压片,包装、配销呢?所以程序代码必须在正式发行 前一段时间就要完成,这个完成的程序代码叫做 Final.Code。程序代码开发完成之 后,要将母片送到工厂大量压片,这个版本就叫做.RTM版。所以说,RTM版的程序代 码一定和正式版一样。但是和正式版也有不一样的地方:例如正式版中的.OEM不能升 级安装,升级版要全新安装的话会检查旧版xx作系统光盘等,这些就是.RTM和正式版 不同的地方。但是他们的主要程序代码都是一样的。


A valid username and password that is saved as a basic text file

and is used to register a shareware program and therefore remove all the


注册码 - 让软件成为完全版的一组数字或字串。


Shareware is software that is distributed free on a trial basis with

the understanding that the user may need or want to pay for it later.

Some software developers offer a shareware version of their program

with a built-in expiration date (after 30 days, the user can no

longer get access to the program). Other shareware (sometimes

called liteware) is offered with certain capabilities

disabled as an enticement to buy the complete version of the program.

Try before you buy software downloaded from the net.

共享软件 - 让你在购买之前试用的软件。

SP Service Pack

Unsolicited junk e-mail. Supposedly stands for "Stupid Person's

Annoying Message".

Spam - 大量的垃圾电子邮件(不止只是指广告邮件)。


To make some money webmasters can place adverts on their sites. Each

time you click on these adverts or banners they get paid a few cents for

bringing potential customers to the sponsors website.

赞助者 - 以前网站是靠广告。现在不少论坛也用这个词来打动会员出资...........

SR Service Release
Surfer Friendly (SF)

Surfer friendly sites supposedly have no blind links,

pop-ups or porn banners. Don't be fooled by this label though as some sites

will tell you fibs to get you to visit them.

Surfer Friendly - 标榜自己网站没有popups没有色情广告的。

Sys Op

The person who has the responsibility for running the computer from

which an FTP site has been established. When warez is uploaded to public FTP

sites and then suddenly goes "Missing In Action" you can often lay the blame

at the door of the Sys Op who has an obligation to make sure his/her server

stays within the boundaries of the law (i.e. warez free).

Sys Op - 系统管理者, 多用来指FTP的管理者。

Top List

Chart which lists in rank order the best warez sites. Worked out on

the basis of votes.

排行榜 - 靠网站参观者投票而得出的排行,大多数时候都是垃圾网站。


Swapping warez, file for file via FTP, ICQ etc. Not usually approved

of by the real warez community who believe that warez should be freely

distributed. To put it simply, it is not the "warez way".

交易 - 不是交流,是牟利性质(金钱)的交换。就是你给一样东西我才会给你一样东西。 这样的行为是完全与warez的精神背道而驰,为人所不耻。

庄子言:你可以把这种 trade 当做现实生活中的 trade,只不过不用金钱来衡量,

credits 在这里表示你对这 个 site 的付出多少,论坛上的积分也是同一个意思。说什 么“网络上的东西都应该是 free 的,积分/credits 违背了 warez 原则” 的人都是那

些想不劳而获的人。一个完全 free 的没有规则的游戏不可能存活到现在。 以上翻译是 针对现有现像而发,于原文不同。


A small, executable program which sits in your taskbar while you

play a game. Hotkeys are associated with cheat commands so that when they

are pressed you are given extra ammo, weapons, lives or the ability to

toggle between invincible/mortal modes etc etc.

训练器 - 用来玩游戏时做弊的小程序。


Nasty virus like attachments which can be merged with executable

files. These are tiny so are unlikely to arouse suspicion. When run they allow

a hacker to access your computer and wreak havoc. Can occasionally be found

in warez files.

木马 - 木马屠城听过了吧,当你电脑中了木马病毒,你就准备.....

tut 教程的缩写.

Shorthand for Ultimate Bulletin Board, currently the most popular script

used for creating warez bulletin boards.

UBB - Ultimate Bulletine Board的简写, ROR以前就一帮汉化UBB的人搞起来的。

UBB Hacks

This term falsely gives the impression that something

destructive or malicious is involved, but when you hear people talking about a

hack in the context of bulletin boards they are simply referring to code

which helps to improve the functionality of a board. For example a "thread

hack" would effect the way in which individual threads look and operate.

UBB hacks - 修改ubb功能的短小代码。

Undeletable Pub

An anonymous access, public FTP site where the permission

attributes are set to allow uploads and downloads, but do not permit deletion.

无法删除的pub - 只让上传下载无法权除的匿名公众ftp


Unpacking or decompressing many files that have been stored in a

single archive. Technically only used when talking about zip files.

解压 - 用软件解开压缩包。

Upgrade Upgrade版:升级版。能改善和增加低版本软件的功能,所具有的功能和正式版件相同。

Copying files from your computer to a web server or FTP site using

a modem.

上传 - 从你的电脑通过网路复制资料到一个网站或ftp上。


Stands for "Uniform Resource Locator". The web site address you type

into your browser.

网址 - 在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法


Stands for Video Compact Disc. Basically these are huge movie files

which can be viewed with the latest version of Media Player.

视频CD - 这个大家都熟悉了。


Volume Licensing for Organizations

You may enjoy potentially significant savings by acquiring multiple product

licenses. Depending on the size and type of your organization.



WXP Pro的VOL版本的光盘卷标就是WXPVOL_EN,其中WX表示是Windows XP,P是Professi





Open License

Select License

Enterprise Agreement

Enterprise Subscription Agreement

Academic Volume Licensing


光盘,只不过是不同的许可证方式;而Volume Licensing (Product) Keys,即VLK,它







官方网站有一个表格,上面有一句话:“Different products require different Vol

ume Licensing Keys (VLKs). Refer to the table below to make sure you have th

e correct VLK for your Microsoft product.”,我想这就很好的说明了VLK指的是Ke


















Members of the warez scene are very keen to reach the number one slot

of top lists such as Voodoo, Top 60 etc. and will therefore encourage you

to vote for their site to improve their position and get the credit they

deserve (or not as the case may be!).

投票 - 排行榜相关的行为。


Volumn License Key




warez = piracyFull version software that is uploaded to the internet and is

available for free download.

Warez - 上传到网路上让其它人免费下载的完全版软件。(现在那些直接间接收费站传播


Warez Board

Bulletin board used by the warez community to share links and

discuss anything related to warez.

Warez论坛 - 以Warez为主题的论坛。


Another utility used for decompressing all the common archive

formats. Not great in my opinion. See below for a better one.

Winace - 一种压缩软件。 网站://www.winace.com


Utility used for decompressing .rar files and much more. **EDITOR'S


Winrar - 一种非常受欢迎的压缩软件。 网站://www.rarlab.com


An essential tool used to decompress warez files.

Winzip - 比较普遍的一种压缩软件。 网站://www.winzip.com


A common compression format used to store warez.

Zip档 - 压缩档。