
JAVA内嵌derby数据库打包,使用Java Derby数据库服务器应用程序

JAVA内嵌derby数据库打包,使用Java Derby数据库服务器应用程序

I am trying to create a Derby database server application using Java. So far i have managed to create client end applications that connect to the derby database which can be accessed from the server I started using derby cmd commands. What i need to make is a java application which, when ran, will start the derby database server. So far all I have come across is this

NetworkServerControl serverControl = new NetworkServerControl(InetAddress.getByName("myhost"),1621);


Every time I run this code nothing happens. I am new to Derby and I really need to figure this out for my application. Please don't mention Apache Derby or Oracle derby documentations as i have gone through them and failed to understand. A simple precise solution will be highly appreciated!

P.S. I have added the derbynet.jar file to my project.


To start derby server from same VM (derby as your application:

extract, and go to db-derby-\lib

copy all jars from lib to your lib folder in your app, add to dependencies.

then in your app execute this:

String[] args = {"start"};

// for other port;

// String[] args = {"start","-p","1088"};

org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl.main( args);

If you would like to start separate process then, use:


where cmdarray is your path to executable and parameters to run it.