


open System

// Simple computations

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// Here are some simple computations.  Note how code can be documented

// with '///' comments.  Hover over any reference to a variable to

// see its documentation.


let int1 = 1

/// 定义一个整形常量

let int2 = 2

/// 两个整数相加

let int3 = int1 + int2

// Functions on integers 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// Function过程

let f x = 2*x*x - 5*x + 3

/// 计算结果

let result = f (int3 + 4)

/// Function过程

let increment x = x + 1

/// Compute the factorial of an integer 有点复杂

let rec factorial n = if n=0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)

/// Compute the highest-common-factor of two integers

let rec hcf a b =                       // 两个变量,空格分隔

    if a=0 then b

    elif a<b then hcf a (b-a)           // 两个变量,空格分隔

    else hcf (a-b) b

    // note: function arguments are usually space separated

    // note: 'let rec' defines a recursive function

// Tuples 元组?

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// A simple tuple of integers

let pointA = (1, 2, 3)

// A simple tuple of an integer, a string and a double-precision floating point number

let dataB = (1, "fred", 3.1415)

/// A function that swaps the order of two values in a tuple

let Swap (a, b) = (b, a)

// Booleans

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A simple boolean value

let boolean1 = true

/// A second simple boolean value

let boolean2 = false

/// Compute a new boolean using ands, ors, and nots

let boolean3 = not boolean1 && (boolean2 || false)

// Strings

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A simple string

let stringA  = "Hello"

/// A second simple string

let stringB  = "world"

/// "Hello world" computed using string concatentation

let stringC  = stringA + " " + stringB

/// "Hello world" computed using a .NET library function

let stringD = String.Join(" ",[| stringA; stringB |])

  // Try re-typing the above line to see intellisense in action

  // Note, ctrl-J on (partial) identifiers re-activates it

// Functional Lists

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// The empty list

let listA = [ ]          

/// A list with 3 integers

let listB = [ 1; 2; 3 ]    

/// A list with 3 integers, note :: is the 'cons' operation

let listC = 1 :: [2; 3]   

/// Compute the sum of a list of integers using a recursive function

let rec SumList xs =

    match xs with

    | []    -> 0

    | y::ys -> y + SumList ys

/// Sum of a list

let listD = SumList [1; 2; 3] 

/// The list of integers between 1 and 10 inclusive

let oneToTen = [1..10]

/// The squares of the first 10 integers

let squaresOfOneToTen = [ for x in 0..10 -> x*x ]

// Mutable Arrays

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// Create an array

let arr = Array.create 4 "hello"

arr.[1] <- "world"

arr.[3] <- "don"

/// Compute the length of the array by using an instance method on the array object

let arrLength = arr.Length       

// Extract a sub-array using slicing notation

let front = arr.[0..2]

// More Collections

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A dictionary with integer keys and string values

let lookupTable = dict [ (1, "One"); (2, "Two") ]

let oneString = lookupTable.[1]

// For some other common data structures, see:

//   System.Collections.Generic

//   Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

//   Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq

//   Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set

//   Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Map

// Functions

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A function that squares its input

let Square x = x*x             

// Map a function across a list of values

let squares1 = List.map Square [1; 2; 3; 4]

let squares2 = List.map (fun x -> x*x) [1; 2; 3; 4]

// Pipelines

let squares3 = [1; 2; 3; 4] |> List.map (fun x -> x*x)

let SumOfSquaresUpTo n =


  |> List.map Square

  |> List.sum

// Types: unions

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

type Expr =

  | Num of int

  | Add of Expr * Expr

  | Mul of Expr * Expr

  | Var of string

let rec Evaluate (env:Map<string,int>) exp =

    match exp with

    | Num n -> n

    | Add (x,y) -> Evaluate env x + Evaluate env y

    | Mul (x,y) -> Evaluate env x * Evaluate env y

    | Var id    -> env.[id]

let envA = Map.ofList [ "a",1 ;

                        "b",2 ;

                        "c",3 ]

let expT1 = Add(Var "a",Mul(Num 2,Var "b"))

let resT1 = Evaluate envA expT1

// Types: records

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

type Card = { Name  : string;

              Phone : string;

              Ok    : bool }

let cardA = { Name = "Alf" ; Phone = "(206) 555-0157" ; Ok = false }

let cardB = { cardA with Phone = "(206) 555-0112"; Ok = true }

let ShowCard c =

  c.Name + " Phone: " + c.Phone + (if not c.Ok then " (unchecked)" else "")

// Types: classes

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A 2-dimensional vector

type Vector2D(dx:float, dy:float) =

    // The pre-computed length of the vector

    let length = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)

    /// The displacement along the X-axis

    member v.DX = dx

    /// The displacement along the Y-axis

    member v.DY = dy

    /// The length of the vector

    member v.Length = length

    // Re-scale the vector by a constant

    member v.Scale(k) = Vector2D(k*dx, k*dy)

// Types: interfaces

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

type IPeekPoke =

    abstract Peek: unit -> int

    abstract Poke: int -> unit

// Types: classes with interface implementations

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

/// A widget which counts the number of times it is poked

type Widget(initialState:int) =

    /// The internal state of the Widget

    let mutable state = initialState

    // Implement the IPeekPoke interface

    interface IPeekPoke with

        member x.Poke(n) = state <- state + n

        member x.Peek() = state

    /// Has the Widget been poked?

    member x.HasBeenPoked = (state <> 0)

let widget = Widget(12) :> IPeekPoke


let peekResult = widget.Peek()

// Printing

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// Print an integer

printfn "peekResult = %d" peekResult

// Print a result using %A for generic printing

printfn "listC = %A" listC
