


select identity(int) ido ,* into #temp1order from table3

select * from #temp1order where ido>2 and ido<5

exec sp_dboption northwind,'select into/bulkcopy',true --执行第一条语句时报错,打开属性

select * from #temp1order where identitycol between 2 and 5


use master

exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','testback','d:/testbak'

backup database msdb to testback

backup database msdb to disk='d:/test1.bak'


create table newproducts2 like table products

create table newproducts1 as select productID, productname from products definition only

select * into newproducts from products where 1<>1


alter table newproducts add primary key(productID)


alter table newproducts add column (testid,varchar)


create unique index productsid on newproducts(productID)

drop index newproducts.productsid


select count(*) as tablecount from products


select * into itemss01class from zw0008..fitemss01class

select * into fitemss01 from zw0008..fitemss01 where 1<>1


select * into fitemss01 from openrowset ('SQLOLEDB','taojf';'sa';'1','SELECT * FROM zw0008..fitemss01 where 1<>1')

insert into fitemss01 select  substring (xmdm,3,7)as citemcode,xmmc as citemname, 0 as bclose ,substring(xmdm,3,5)as citemccode, null as iotherused, xmdm as U8_R9

from gl_xmzl where xmdm>'01' and gsdm='2008'

select * from table1

select * from table2

select top 0* into newproducts1 from products

insert into newproducts select * from products

..from b in '"&Server.MapPath("taojf")&"/data.mdb" &"' where..

insert into anyigl select * from anyigl in '"&Server.MapPath("taojf")&"/anyisys.mdb" &"'

select * from anyigl


select productid,sum(unitprice)  as total from orderdetails  group by productid having sum(unitprice)>100   order by productid

select productid ,count(*) from orderdetails  group by productid

select productid,sum(unitprice)  as total from orderdetails  group by productid having count (*)>20 order by productid

select productid,sum(quantity) as total  from orderdetails group by productid having count(*)<10 order by productid

select * from orderdetails  having avg(unitprice)>5


alter table neworders1 add constraint pk_neworders1_id primary key (orderid)

alter table neworders2 add constraint pk_neworders2_id primary key (orderid)

select orderid from (select * from neworders1 union select *  from neworders2 )

a group by orderid having count(*)>1


CREATE TABLE hard (qu char (11) ,co char (11) ,je numeric(3, 0))

insert into hard values ('A','1',3)

insert into hard values ('A','2',4)

insert into hard values ('A','4',2)

insert into hard values ('A','6',9)

insert into hard values ('B','1',4)

insert into hard values ('B','2',5)

insert into hard values ('B','3',6)

insert into hard values ('C','3',4)

insert into hard values ('C','6',7)

insert into hard values ('C','2',3)

insert into hard values ('D','2',3)

insert into hard values ('E','2',3)

insert into hard values ('D','2',3)

select * from hard a where je in (select top 2 je from hard b where b.qu=a.qu order by b.je desc)order by qu,a.je desc


select getdate()


select top 10 b.* from (select top 20 orderid,productid from orderdetails order by orderid desc)

a,orderdetails b where b.orderid=a.orderid order by a.orderid


select top 10 * from orders order by newid()

select newid()

DECLARE @myid uniqueidentifier

SET @myid = NEWID()

PRINT 'Value of @myid is: '+ CONVERT(varchar(255), @myid)

select name from sysobjects where type='U'

select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('orderdetails')


select count(*) beforetr from newproducts

truncate table newproducts

select count(*) aftertr from newproducts

select * from newproducts


select top 8* from orderdetails order by orderid asc,productid asc

select * from  (select top 5 * from (select top 8  * from orderdetails order by  orderid asc,productid asc)a order by orderid desc, productid desc)b order by orderid asc,productid asc


create table a_dist(id int,name varchar(20))

insert into a_dist values(1,'abc')

insert into a_dist values(1,'abc')

insert into a_dist values(1,'abc')

insert into a_dist values(1,'abc')

exec up_distinct 'a_dist','id'

select * from a_dist

alter procedure up_distinct(@t_name varchar(30),@f_key varchar(30))




declare @max integer,@id varchar(30) ,@sql varchar(7999) ,@type integer

select @sql = 'declare cur_rows cursor for select '[email protected]_key+' ,count(*) from ' [email protected]_name +' group by ' [email protected]_key +' having count(*) > 1'


open cur_rows

fetch cur_rows into @id,@max

while @@fetch_status=0


select @max = @max -1

set rowcount @max

select @type = xtype from syscolumns where id=object_id(@t_name) and [email protected]_key

if @type=56

select @sql = 'delete from '[email protected]_name+' where ' + @f_key+' = '+ @id

if @type=167

select @sql = 'delete from '[email protected]_name+' where ' + @f_key+' = '+''''+ @id +''''


fetch cur_rows into @id,@max


close cur_rows

deallocate cur_rows

set rowcount 0


--select * from systypes

--select * from syscolumns where id = object_id('a_dist')


create table a_test(name varchar(20),role2 varchar(20))

insert into a_test values('李','管理员')

insert into a_test values('张','管理员')

insert into a_test values('张','一般用户')

insert into a_test values('常','一般用户')

create function join_str(@content varchar(100))

returns varchar(2000)



declare @str varchar(2000)

set @str=''

select @[email protected]+','+rtrim(role2) from a_test where [name][email protected]

select @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)

return @str



select [name],dbo.join_str([name]) role2 from a_test group by [name]

select * from a_test

--select distinct name,dbo.uf_test(name) from a_test


create function fmerg(@id int)

returns varchar(8000)



declare @str varchar(8000)

set @str=''

select @[email protected]+','+cast(pid as varchar) from 表A where [email protected]

set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)




select distinct id,dbo.fmerg(id) from 表A


declare @sql varchar(4000)

set @sql = 'select Name'

select @sql = @sql + ',sum(case Subject when '''+Subject+''' then Result end) ['+Subject+']'

from (select distinct Subject from CJ) as a

select @sql = @sql+' from test group by name'



select a.productname,a.unitprice,b.discount from products a,(select max(unitprice) unitprice from products where products.unitprice=a.unitprice)b


select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('TableName')



declare @objid int,@objname char(40)

set @objname = 'tablename'

select @objid = id from sysobjects where id = object_id(@objname)

select 'Column_name' = name from syscolumns where id = @objid order by colid




select name from sysobjects where type='U'


修改别人的,需要sysadmin role

EXEC sp_password NULL, 'newpassword', 'User'



--a. 查已知列名的情况

SELECT b.name as TableName,a.name as columnname

From syscolumns a INNER JOIN sysobjects b

ON a.id=b.id

AND b.type='U'

AND a.name='你的字段名字'


Select o.name As tablename,s1.name As columnname

From syscolumns s1, sysobjects o

Where s1.id = o.id

And o.type = 'U'

And Exists (

Select 1 From syscolumns s2

Where s1.name = s2.name

And s1.id <> s2.id



select * from (select top xxx * from yourtable order by id asc) aa

where not exists(select 1 from (select top xxx-1 * from yourtable order id asc) bb

where aa.id=bb.id)

select * from  (select  top 34 * from orders order by orderid ) a where orderid not in (select orderid from (select top 33  * from orders order by orderid)b)

select * from (select  top 34 * from orders order by orderid)a where orderid not in (select orderid from (select top 33  * from orders order by orderid)b)


select * from (select  top 34 * from orders order by orderid asc)a where not exists (select top 33 * from orders order by orderid asc)

--exists =any 用法

select distinct s.orderid from orders s where s.orderid=any(select od.orderid from  orderdetails od)

select distinct s.orderid from orders s where exists (select od.orderid from  orderdetails od where s.orderid=od.orderid)


fetch absolute [number] from [cursor_name]


select rows from sysindexes where id=object_id('orders') and indid in (0,1)

select count (*)  as rows from orders


select left(len('orders')-1,1)

backup database CDMS to disk='d:/CDMS/c.bak ' --备份

restore database CDMS from disk='d:/CDMS/bbb.bak '--恢复


EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'pubs',

@filename1 = N'c:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/Data/pubs.mdf',

@filename2 = N'c:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/Data/pubs_log.ldf'

EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'Ty20051029101451aaa',

@filename1 = N'd:/5屏幕/Ty20051029101451aaa_data.mdf',

@filename2 = N'd:/5屏幕/Ty20051029101451aaa_log.ldf'


可以使用 sp_detach_db 存储过程分离该数据库,然后使用带有 FOR ATTACH 子句的 CREATE DATABASE 重新附加。

sp_detach_db Archive



ON PRIMARY (FILENAME = 'c:/program files/microsoft sqlserver/mssql/data/archdat1.mdf')




alter   database   [数据库名]   set   offline


alter   database   [数据库名]   set   online

alter   database   [数据库名]   set   offline with   rollback   after   10


--同库跨表更新 aaa

update aaa set aaa.a=bbb.a from aaa,bbb where aaa.b=bbb.b


update zw0002..cccc set zw0002..cccc.a=bbb.a from bbb,zw0002..cccc where zw0002..cccc.b=bbb.b


select Day(dateadd(day,-1,convert(datetime,convert(char(07),dateadd(m,1,getdate()),120)+'-01')))

   select 32-Day(getdate()+(32-Day(getdate()))) days


select * from gl_pznr order by zy Collate Chinese_PRC_Stroke_ci_as desc


select * from 表名 order by 列名 Collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS


EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives



   EXISTS(SELECT * FROM orders b WHERE b.orderid = 1)

    THEN MIN(orderid) + 1 ELSE 1 END) AS orderid

  FROM orders WHERE NOT orderid IN (SELECT a.orderid - 1 FROM orders a)


delete from neworderdetails

where orderid not in


select max(orderid) from neworderdetails group by productid


create table tablename(

序号 int ,

姓名 varchar(80),

日期 varchar(50)



insert tablename select 1,'张三','20051102'

union select 2,'张三','20051104'

union select 3,'张三','20051105'

union select 4,'张三','20051107'

union select 5,'李四','20051102'

union select 6,'李四','20051111'

union select 7,'王五','20051116'

union select 8,'王五','20051109'

union select 9,'张三','20051122'



select * from tablename

 where 序号 in(

   select 序号 from tablename a

      where not exists(

         select * from tablename b

            where b.序号=a.序号-1 and b.姓名=a.姓名


set nocount on


select count(*) from syscolumns a,syscolumns b,syscolumns c

set statistics time on

 select top 10 * from(

select a.name as name,left(b.name,10) as name1, checksum(newid()) as hash

    from syscolumns a,syscolumns b,syscolumns c )t

 where hash%100=0

set statistics time off

set nocount off

declare @t int

set @T = 1000   --计算40的阶乘


declare @ta table(id int identity(1,1),col bigint)

insert @ta(col) select 1

declare @n int,@i int,@c bigint,@len int,@tmp bigint,@tp bigint

set @len=1;

set @n = @t

while (@n >=1)


    select @c = 0 ,@i = 1

    select @tmp = col from @ta where id = @i

    while (@i <= @len)


        set @tmp = @tmp*@[email protected]

        set @tp = @tmp

        set @tmp = @tmp % 10000;

        update @ta

        set col = @tmp where id = @i;

        set @c = @tp / 10000

        set @i = @i + 1

        if not exists(select 1 from @ta where id = @i)

             insert @ta (col) select 0

        select @tmp = col from @ta where id = @i


    update @ta

       set col = @c where id = @i;

    if (@c>0)

        set @len = @len +  1

    set @n = @n - 1


declare @s varchar(8000)

select @s = isnull(@s+' ','')+right('0000'+ltrim(col),4)

from  @ta

order by id desc

select @s