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The transaction of virtual goods will be the "Blue Ocean" of E-business

Alibaba Corp. has gone public. It is significant for China, in the field of E-business just as one milestone,even the whole world . With the leading of Netsun and Alibaba,the E-business of China is growing steadily. It will have a nice future.

I have supposed that Alibaba will be the master of E-business. Since it captures a overwhelming market in both B2B and C2C field. Generally speaking, HC international is just half-life in our feeling; Eachnet has been collapsed at the first blow of Taobao. Netsun is limited in both force and market share. But now, I consider that it is impossible for Alibaba to hold all the market share. Even if it has the energy, it hasn't the ability.

The Internet contained both "Red Ocean" and "Blue Ocean”. Both of the two parts are important components of Internet. So, when the internet is at the status of "Red Ocean", "Blue Ocean" comes up. So the "Blue Ocean" of E-business is beyond the control of Alibaba.  

The "Blue Ocean" will stem from the innovation of two aspects, one is the mode of transaction, the other is the goods of transaction. So you should try your best in these two aspects, you will build the "Blue Ocean". Fortunately, the new mode is developing. That’s “Witkey”. 

What is Witkey? It is new mode of E-business since its virtual goods. The goods can be divided into two parts, one is intelligence and the other is relationship. So it has great difference comparing with Alibaba and Taobao.In the future, Witkey will construct the architecture of E-business which is suitable for this special kind of goods.

How about the future? I think it is bright and clear. Both intelligence and relationship are necessary for every person. But it is a long distance for the development of market and the construction of architecture. However, this new kind of mode can be as powerful as Alibaba, I believe.

So where is next Alibaba? I think it exists in the transaction of virtual goods, it will come from the  Witkey websites, which are facing fiercely competition.  

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