


如果读者有更好的方法或见解,欢迎来信交流E-mail: [email protected]



void main()


  TCHAR Info001[MAX_PATH]="Welcome to Big Apple!";

  TCHAR Info002[MAX_PATH]="Welcome to Washington!";

  char temp=(char)0x90;

  WORD temp001=0x9090;

  DWORD temp002=0x90909090;

  PVOID BaseAddressOne=NULL;

  PVOID BaseAddressTwo=NULL;



    mov BaseAddressOne,offset LabelOne

    mov BaseAddressTwo,offset LabelTwo



//a kind of method to modify itself






    jmp LabelOne












    jmp Over






编译这个程序,我们发现WriteProcessMemory() 成功修改了程序自身代码,程序运行正常。


运行后会发现系统抛出异常 Access Violation.这是因为PE 中 代码节的属性默认为 0x60000020,

20 表示代码 20000000表示可执行,40000000表示可读,如果我们在此基础上加上 0x80000000(可写)




//The following code is used to modify characteristics of sections



BOOL ModifyCharacteristicsOfSections (LPCTSTR FileName)


  DWORD i=0;

  HANDLE hDestinationFile=NULL;

  TCHAR  DestinationPEFile[MAX_PATH];

  DWORD NumberOfBytesRead=0;   //Number of bytes read

  DWORD NumberOfBytesWritten=0; //Number of bytes written

  DWORD ImageNtSignature=0;  //PE signature

  DWORD OffsetOfNewHeader=0;

  DWORD NumberOfSections=0;

  DWORD SizeOfSectionTable=0;           //size of section table

  HANDLE hGlobalAllocatedMemory=NULL;  //use GlobalAlloc();


  IMAGE_DOS_HEADER ImageDosHeader;


  IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ImageFileHeader;

  IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER ImageOptionalHeader;

  IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ImageSectionHeader;

  DWORD dwFileSize=0;












//    printf("/nCreateFile() fails!Can't open file. Please try again!/n");

//    CloseHandle(hDestinationFile);

    return TRUE;






  SetFilePointer(hDestinationFile,0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN); //Revert the file pointer,this is very important.





//    printf("/nReadFile() fails! Can't get IMAGE_DOS_HEADER./n");


    return FALSE;


  OffsetOfNewHeader=ImageDosHeader.e_lfanew; //File address of new exe header



    sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS),&NumberOfBytesRead,NULL); //Retrieve IMAGE_NT_HEADERS




    return FALSE;




//    printf("Error./nPE signature is invalid!/n");


    return FALSE;


  SetFilePointer(hDestinationFile,OffsetOfNewHeader+4,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);  //Set the file pointer to point to IMAGE_FILE_HEADER


    sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER),&NumberOfBytesRead,NULL); //Retrieve IMAGE_FILE_HEADER



//    printf("/nReadFile() fails! Can't get IMAGE_FILE_HEADER./n");


    return FALSE;





    return FALSE;





    return FALSE;






//    printf("/nReadFile() fails! Can't get IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER./n");


    return FALSE;





    return FALSE;


  NumberOfSections=ImageFileHeader.NumberOfSections; //Number of sections

  SizeOfSectionTable=sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)*NumberOfSections; //Get the size of Section Table

  hGlobalAllocatedMemory=GlobalAlloc(GPTR,SizeOfSectionTable);      //Allocate memory and initialize with zero



//    printf("/nGlobalAlloc() failed! Please try again./n"); //if failed,return


    return FALSE;


    pImageSectionHeader=(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)hGlobalAllocatedMemory; //Convert a handle to a pointer to IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER

  for(i=0;i<NumberOfSections;i++)  //Retrieve the Section Table






//      printf("Error.Can't get IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER./n");


      return FALSE;





    DWORD dwTempCharacteristics=0;




      return FALSE;


    if((*(pImageSectionHeader+i)).PointerToRawData % ImageOptionalHeader.FileAlignment!=0)



      return FALSE;


    printf("/nThe name of the section%d: ",i);


    printf("Characteristics: %#x/n",(*(pImageSectionHeader+i)).Characteristics);

    printf("/nPlease input the new characteristics of the section./n");

    printf("If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified./n");






  SetFilePointer(hDestinationFile,-((long)SizeOfSectionTable),NULL,FILE_CURRENT); //Set the file poiner




    printf("/nComplete successfully!/n");




       printf("/nWriteFile() failed!/n");


  GlobalFree(hGlobalAllocatedMemory); //Free memory


  return TRUE;    


void main(int argc,char *argv[])




    printf("Error/nUsage:ModifyCharacteristicsOfSections CompleteDestinationFileName/n");





    printf("/nError.This usually means that this file is not a valid PE file or/n");

    printf("that this PE file has been modified by another program,for example,shell programm./n");




The name of the section0: .text

Characteristics: 0x60000020

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.



The name of the section1: .rdata

Characteristics: 0x40000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section2: .data

Characteristics: 0xc0000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section3: .idata

Characteristics: 0xc0000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section4: .reloc

Characteristics: 0x42000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


Complete successfully!

The name of the section0: .text

Characteristics: 0xe0000020

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section1: .rdata

Characteristics: 0x40000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section2: .data

Characteristics: 0xc0000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section3: .idata

Characteristics: 0xc0000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


The name of the section4: .reloc

Characteristics: 0x42000040

Please input the new characteristics of the section.

If you enter 0,the characteristics of the section will not be modified.


Complete successfully!