
Difference between attachment & overlay

Attachment  means that any xrefs inserted into your drawing will carry through to the next drawing if you xref your drawing into another drawing. Thus creating nested xrefs.

Overlay  means that any xrefs inserted into your drawing will  not  carry through to the next drawing.

Full path  means the path to your xrefs is fixed. So if you move your files to another location, Autocad will still be looking for the xrefs in the previous location and will not be able to find them.

Relative path  means the path to your xrefs is basically floating. So if you move your files to another location, the file path will be redefined in the new location, provided you have your file folders set up correctly.

Here is a more in-depth explanation of full path and relative path:  http://www.archidigm.com/lounge/auto...utocad2004.htm

The advantages and disadvantages are something you will have to figure out for yourself. What is an advantage for me may be a disadvantage for you. Just experiment and find out what works best for you.
