
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS

This rev is loaded with bug fixes and other goodies. Here's a my list.

Noted Bugs

- click arrow on combo now closes combo

- combo + store load exception no longer spins forever

- BasicDalog refocus after dragging and resize (so keys work)

- grid editor at first/last row now respects enter/tab key to stop editing

- DateField / DateMenu IE rendering issues fixed (white background then disappear)

- lots of prototype and scriptaculous workarounds put in place

- grid editor "double take" and double event bug fixed

- new css to fix field, combo and datefields in toolbars.

Features & Functions

- TreeEditor class to make tree editing simple and fix all the issues people have been having. See the organizer example, it now uses it.

- If you add a function "getRowClass" to your ColumnModel, the grid will call it to get special css class(es ) while rendering rows (called with parameters record, rowIndex).

- setRawValue on TextFields (and subclasses) to set the value of the field without any processing

- valueNotFoundText config on combo. This is text to be displayed when the value for the field does not have a match in the store (e.g. when a load hasn't happened yet for GridEditor).

- emptyText/emptyClass on all TextFields. Take a look at the combos.html example. It does the "Select a state..." text. This is standard on search fields and other types of fields.

- default grid dirty cell indicator. The default is a red triangle in the corner. (Edit a value in the editor grid example).


- Table to Grid example (thanks Nige)

- Many of the other examples have been cleaned up and have new stuff



Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 2  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-13-2007, 07:16 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
I just redeployed the zip. I did not remove the the debug code from ext-all.js and the combo trigger was not functioning properly.
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 3  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-13-2007, 10:01 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
Again, fantastic job Jack. The new example looks nice
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
Any thoughts on how far away the first beta is?
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 4  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-13-2007, 10:04 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
The only thing holding us back from a beta is Grid drag/drop, a root Form class and some documentation. So I'd imagine it will be soon.
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 5  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-13-2007, 10:05 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
Rev 4 is up.
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 6  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-15-2007, 04:00 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS

readable source hey,

where can I access the non-minified source code for ext?

also, you mentioned the drag/drop grid feature as being a requirement for the beta. maybe I can help - as I'm working on a similar feature for a site. any particular requirements?

Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
  # 7  
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS
03-15-2007, 05:07 AM
Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS

Did you look in the directory after you expanded the zip file?

All the source is there. And ext-all-debug.js is the concatenated non-minified source.

Ext 1.0 Alpha 3 - Rev 3 - Ext JS