
Heroes come from the people:The Touching Story Behind a Taxi Driver's Refusing to Charge a Passenger

Heroes come from the people:The Touching Story Behind a Taxi Driver's Refusing to Charge a Passenger


The Touching Story Behind a Taxi Driver's Refusing to Charge a Passenger

Heroes come from the people:The Touching Story Behind a Taxi Driver's Refusing to Charge a Passenger

的哥王炎和他的出租车 通讯员供图 Taxi driver Wang Yan next to his taxi (Photo provided by correspondent)

Heroes come from the people:The Touching Story Behind a Taxi Driver's Refusing to Charge a Passenger

“中国好人”吕东在黄石市先进模范宣讲报告会上 通讯员供图 Lv Dong delivers a speech in Huangshi City at the “Good Samaritans of China” award ceremony (Photo provided by correspondent)

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 梁传松

通讯员 蔡翔 汪涛

Jimu News Reporter: Liang Chuansong

Correspondents: Cai Xiang, Wang Tao

翻译:马锐淇,谢雅和,卫拉 (湖北大学)

Translated by Ma Ruiqi, Xie Yahe, Lisa M. K (Hubei University)


“He is so enthusiastic about helping others, and I think I should pass on this seed of kindness.” said a taxi driver named Wang Yan from Huangshi Bus Transit Taxi Company on February 11th, recalling an incident that occured several days earlier.


On that particular day, Wang Yan was driving a male passenger in Xialu District, Huangshi City, when the passenger received a phone call in the car. Wang Yan inferred, from the phone exchange, that at the other end of the line was an aged woman who lives alone. She requested assistance from this passenger because the drainage pipe in her home was blocked. Without any hesitation, the passenger immediately arranged for volunteers to handle the situation.


Hearing this, Wang Yan was deeply moved by the passenger's actions. Later, he refused to charge the passenger when they arrived at the destination, explaining he wanted to pass on this kindness.


A Phone Call Moves a Taxi Driver


“I was touched when I heard their conversation.” Wang Yan, 43, told Jimu News reporters on the 11th recalling the situation at that time.


Wang Yan is from Wangren Town, Tieshan District, Development Zone in Huangshi City. After his marriage, he settled his family in Huangshi. On the afternoon of February 9, he dropped a passenger off at Xialu District. Then on his way back, near the governmental buildings of Xialu District, he picked up a man around 60 years' old who was going to the Radio and Television Building of Huangshi City.


After getting on the taxi, the man received phone calls nonstop. Due to the noises in the vehicle, he decided to turned the speaker on.


One of the calls was from an elderly woman living alone who wanted to ask the passenger for help since the drainage pipe in her home was blocked and the living room was flooded.


“He agreed to help her without any hesitation. After hanging up, he first made a call to a pipeline dredging service company and requested that personnel be sent to clean the sewer. Then, he contacted two volunteers and asked them to help her in cleaning her house.” Wang Yan said, “So I guessed this passenger may also be a volunteer himself.”


Plain clothes and gray hair --- that was what Wang Yan noticed about the passenger from his rearview mirror. He was gentle and polite when talking with the elderly woman, and was also considerate when handling her request. All of this moved Wang Yan and grew his respect for him. While the passenger was pre-occupied with the phone calls, Wang Yan quietly turned off the meter. After arriving at his destination, the passenger attempted to scan the payment code to pay the fare, but Wang Yan declined his offer.


“Since you are so enthusiastic about helping the elderly, I too need to do something for you.” Wang Yan said.


The passenger thanked Wang Yan for his kindness, but insisted on paying the fare. After much deliberation, Wang Yan still did not charge the passenger in the end.


Wang Yan told the reporter that he has been driving a taxi since he was laid off in 2019. His son is in the ninth grade this year while his daughter the third grade. Besides, he has to support the elderly in his family. His wife works for a company in Huangshi City, and with a total monthly income of 7,000 yuan between the two, it is insufficient to support them. However, the actions of this passenger sowed seeds of kindness in his heart. He knew that this kind of warmth should be passed on, and that passenger was the first person on his list of people to help.


“If I charged him by distance, it would only be about 20 yuan. Not accepting his fare is my show of respect for him.” Wang Yan said, “If he can do good to others, I too should pass on the spark of kindness.”


“Good Samaritans of China” Spread Love


“This kind-hearted taxi driver is Mr. Wang, and is license plate is 鄂BX7877. Please give him a thumb-up! Aside from the feeling of being respected, I am also grateful that Huangshi is home to so many honorable, kind people like him. The wind of civilization sweeps throughout Hubei Province, and the flower of this spirit blooms all over Huangshi --- the hometown of bronze.” Lv Dong, recipient of the “Good Samaritans of China” award, posted on his personal WeChat public account on February 11.


Lv Dong was the exact passenger who boarded Wang Yan's taxi that day.


“Many elderly residents in Huangshi have my phone number, so my phone is on 24/7.” Lv said in an interview. That day, he was on his way to the Huangshi City Radio and Television Building for a meeting, when he received a call from an elderly woman in her seventies asking for help. When he learned that her house was flooded, Lv was concerned but unfortunately tied up with the meeting, so he immediately arranged for other volunteers to assist.


“This elderly woman lives alone, it would have been disastrous if she did not get any help in such a cold weather.” Lv Dong said. During the pandemic in 2020, Lv also delivered daily supplies to her house multiple times.


57-year-old Lv Dong is a retired worker as well as a veteran. “When I have my military uniform on, I am a soldier; the spirit of being soldier, however, remains in me even when I'm not in my uniform.” Being a “Soldier” is his lifelong identity.


Lv Dong participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam from 1984 to 1985 and was awarded a third-class merit. After retirement, he was assigned as a firefighter in Daye city. He was a brave fighter in the face of fire and participated in extinguishing several fires, even once rushing into a burning home to retrieve a gas cylinder that was about to explode.


“On September 20, 2020, the taxi driver of 鄂BX3115 refused to charge me; on April 12, 2022, two installers did the same…I have had multiple other encounters like this.” Lv Dong said. He was once more moved by the actions of the taxi driver, Wang Yan, which encouraged him to continue helping more people.


One Man Influences over 100 People


The reporter learned that Lv Dong dedicated himslef to public welfare after being discharged from the army. He joined the “Walking with Love” Volunteer Association in Xialu District and has participated in volunteer activities every week to care for the elderly in nursing homes in Xialu District. Lv has also participated in charity shows and other activities numerous times, donating money and materials to help students in need.


In early 2020, organized by the Bureau of Veterans Affairs of Huangshi City, the Huangshi Veterans Volunteer Service Team was formed, with Lv Dong as the leader. Under Lv's direction, 159 outstanding veterans joined the service team and took active roles in new “battlefields” to create local civilization, combat floods, among other activities.


After the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, Lv requested to volunteer in Tonghua community, and told the community secretary: “As a veteran and a member of the Communist Party, I feel duty-bound to stand at the frontline.”


He was also the first volunteer in Tonghua Community. He volunteered to guard the gate of the community's third and fourth block. Arriving at 5 am and leaving at 24 am, Lv worked for 50 days without taking a day off.


On many ocassions, Lv delivered the daily supplies distributed by the community's administration to each household. It was also at that time that he became acquainted with the elderly woman who had asked him for help earlier in the taxi. Since then, the elderly lady always turns to Lv Dong first whenever she needs help.


On one late night in December last year, Lv's phone rang. The caller said: “Dong, my father, a veteran who had participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, has just passed. Since my whole family have fevers right now, I'd like your help in arranging the funeral.”


“Don't worry, we'll be there soon!” About 10 minutes later, Lv Dong arrived at the home of Shao Taifa with 5 veteran volunteers. Shao was the veteran who had just died of illness. Upon arrival, Lv and the volunteers were immediately occupied with the preparations for the funeral.


It was early morning by the time they had finished. “Salute!” Lv and others gave a military salute to the deceased veteran before leaving.


The next day, Lv and the volunteers returned to Shao's home. They arranged all the funeral events from about 8 a.m. to about 6 p.m., until Shao was cremated and laid to rest.


Since March 2020 to date, Lv Dong has been awarded the honors of Moral Model of Huangshi, Advanced Individual of Huangshi in the Fight against COVID-19, the Eighth Annual Moral Model of Huangshi, Advanced Individual of Double Support of Hubei Province, Model of Jingchu, Model Retired Soldier of Hubei Province, Outstanding Party Member of Hubei Province, Model Volunteer of Hubei Province in 2021, and Good Samaritans of China.


“Do well and have well.” “Good deeds can also be passed on.” After Lv updated his public WeChat account on February 11, his followers eagerly left their comments on his post. One of them wrote: “Good deeds can drive away the coldness and clear up the haze. Good deeds are like the overflowing warmth of sunshine. They make our lives full just like lush green trees, colorful like bright beautiful flowers, and joyous as dancing bees and butterflies, adding more interest to our lives. Give me a hug and I will give you a smile back; Give me a glass of water and I will return it with an ocean. When you treat others kindly, your life becomes brighter.”


