
优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题

优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题

作者:Evelyn Yao 清华大学本科在读


在“Operations Research近期论文精选”中,我们有主题、有针对性地选择了Operations Research中一些有趣的文章,不仅对文章的内容进行了概括与点评,而且也对文章的结构进行了梳理,旨在激发广大读者的阅读兴趣与探索热情。在本期“论文精选”中,我们以“医疗系统的优化”为主题,分别探究了数据驱动的优化问题、病人主动转入重症监护室的问题和在分诊时采用入院预测来改进病人在急诊科的停留时间的问题,涉及机器学习、马尔可夫决策过程、排队论等诸多知识。



● 题目:Debiasing In-Sample Policy Performance for Small-Data, Large-Scale Optimization


● 期刊:Operations Research

● 原文链接:https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2022.2377

● 作者:Vishal Gupta, Michael Huang, Paat Rusmevichientong

● 关键词:small-data, large-scale(小数据大规模) • data-driven optimization(数据驱动的优化) • large-scale regime(大规模制度) • cross-validation(交叉验证) • end-to-end optimization(端到端优化)

● 摘要:Motivated by the poor performance of cross-validation in settings where data are scarce, we propose a novel estimator of the out-of-sample performance of a policy in data-driven optimization. Our approach exploits the optimization problem’s sensitivity analysis to estimate the gradient of the optimal objective value with respect to the amount of noise in the data and uses the estimated gradient to debias the policy’s in-sample performance. Unlike cross-validation techniques, our approach avoids sacrificing data for a test set and uses all data when training and hence is well suited to settings where data are scarce. We prove bounds on the bias and variance of our estimator for optimization problems with uncertain linear objectives but known, potentially nonconvex, feasible regions. For more specialized optimization problems where the feasible region is “weakly coupled” in a certain sense, we prove stronger results. Specifically, we provide explicit highprobability bounds on the error of our estimator that hold uniformly over a policy class and depends on the problem’s dimension and policy class’s complexity. Our bounds show that under mild conditions, the error of our estimator vanishes as the dimension of the optimization problem grows, even if the amount of available data remains small and constant. Said differently, we prove our estimator performs well in the small-data, large-scale regime. Finally, we numerically compare our proposed method to state-of-the-art approaches through a case-study on dispatching emergency medical response services using real data. Our method provides more accurate estimates of out-of-sample performance and learns better-performing policies.



优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题



优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题



● 题目:Robustness of Proactive Intensive Care Unit Transfer Policies


● 期刊:Operations Research

● 原文链接:https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2022.2403

● 作者:Julien Grand-Cle´ment, Carri W. Chan, Vineet Goyal, Gabriel Escobar

● 关键词:intensive care units(重症监护室) • Markov models(马尔可夫模型) • robust optimization(鲁棒优化) • threshold policies(阈值策略)

● 摘要:

Patients whose transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) is unplanned are prone to higher mortality rates and longer length of stay. Recent advances in machine learning to predict patient deterioration have introduced the possibility of proactive transfer from the ward to the ICU. In this work, we study the problem of finding robust patient transfer policies that account for the important problem of uncertainty in statistical estimates because of data limitations when optimizing to improve overall patient care. We propose a Markov decision process model to capture the evolution of patient health, where the states represent a measure of patient severity. Under fairly general assumptions, we show that an optimal transfer policy has a threshold structure (i.e., that it transfers all patients above a certain severity level to the ICU (subject to available capacity)). As model parameters are typically determined based on statistical estimations from real-world data, they are inherently subject to misspecification and estimation errors. This is an important issue, which can lead to choosing significantly suboptimal policies. We account for this parameter uncertainty by deriving a robust policy that optimizes the worst-case reward across all plausible values of the model parameters. We are able to show that the robust policy also has a threshold structure under fairly general assumptions and that it is more aggressive in transferring patients than the optimal nominal policy, which does not take into account parameter uncertainty. We present computational experiments using a data set of hospitalizations at 21 Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals and present empirical evidence of the sensitivity of various hospital metrics (mortality, length of stay, and average ICU occupancy) to small changes in the parameters. Although threshold policies are a simplification of the actual complex sequence of decisions leading (or not) to a transfer to the ICU, our work provides useful insights into the impact of parameter uncertainty on deriving simple policies for proactive ICU transfer that have strong empirical performance and theoretical guarantees.



优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题

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优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题



● 题目:Using Hospital Admission Predictions at Triage for Improving Patient Length of Stay in Emergency Departments


● 期刊:Operations Research

● 原文链接:https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2022.2405

● 作者:Wanyi Chen, Nilay Tanik Argon, Tommy Bohrmann, Benjamin Linthicum, Kenneth Lopiano, Abhishek Mehrotra, Debbie Travers, Serhan Ziya

● 关键词:patient flow(病人流量) • healthcare operations(医疗运营管理) • queueing(排队论) • Markov decision processes(马尔可夫决策过程)

● 摘要:Long boarding times have long been recognized as one of the main reasons behind emergency department (ED) crowding. One of the suggestions made in the literature to reduce boarding times was to predict, at the time of triage, whether a patient will eventually be admitted to the hospital and if the prediction turns out to be “admit,” start preparations for the patient’s transfer to the main hospital early in the ED visit. However, there has been no systematic effort in developing a method to help determine whether an estimate for the probability of admit would be considered high enough to request a bed early, whether this determination should depend on ED census, and what the potential benefits of adopting such a policy would be. This paper aims to help fill this gap. The methodology we propose estimates hospital admission probabilities using standard logistic regression techniques. To determine whether a given probability of admission is high enough to qualify a bed request early, we develop and analyze two mathematical decision models. Both models are simplified representations and thus, do not lead to directly implementable policies. However, building on the solutions to these simple models, we propose two policies that can be used in practice. Then, using data from an academic hospital ED in the southeastern United States, we develop a simulation model, investigate the potential benefits of adopting the two policies, and compare their performances with that under a simple benchmark policy. We find that both policies can bring modest to substantial benefits, with the state-dependent policy outperforming the state-independent one, particularly under conditions when the ED experiences more than usual levels of patient demand.


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优化|Operations Research近期文章精选:医疗系统中的优化问题

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