

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)译做共享内容物件参考模型或共享元件参照模式,由ADL (Advanced Distribution Learning Initiative)整合各个学习标准制定而成。对数位内容教材的制作、内容开发提供一套共通的规范。ADL计划的主旨是在美国联邦政府各个部门、企业、军事、教育和培训机构之间协同合作,为模组化网上教育内容和有关的工具创造业务和市场。美国政府在订定SCORM时,特别强调不再重新研发轮子(Don't reinvent the wheel)。意思是不会提出新的规格,而是把重点摆在提出整合现有E-learning规范的架构模型。SCORM的演进由SCORM 1.0、SCORM 1.1、SCORM 1.2到SCORM 2004。




  1. 可重复使用性(Reusability):同样的教材可以不去修改或经过稍微的修改,即可在不同地方重复去使用这份符合标准的教材,也可以轻易地合并教材于其他系统,或其他的教学内容。
  2. 容易取得教材(Accessibility):透过这个标准的平台,学习者可以很容易的透过Internet网络或局域网路去存取教材,不受时间及空间的限制,轻易在本地或是远端读取课程的资讯或内容,进而达到学习的目的。
  3. 教材的可互通性(Interoperability):因为SCORM的教材设计时,都遵循一个共同的标准设计出来的,因此教材可在不同平台上呈现出来,亦可透过不同的工具重新编辑。
  4. 教材的持续性(Durability):教材不会因为科技进步或标准异动而无法使用,也就是具有良好的相容性。



What Is SCORM?


SCORM at a high-level is a collection of specifications and standards. It applies the current developments in training technology through use of a specific content model to ensure consistent implementation of training across the e-learning community. SCORM is built upon the work of the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training (CBT) Committee (AICC), the IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc., the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Alliance for Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe (ARIADNE), and others to create one unified "reference model" of interrelated technical specifications and guidelines that meet DoD high-level requirements for Web-based learning content and systems.


Content providers, instructional designers, and project managers are most interested in how SCORM will help them meet their project requirements. Content providers will quickly see how SCORM helps implement reusable learning objects. Instructional designers will identify reusable content and content sequencing strategies that can be successfully implemented with SCORM. Finally, Project Managers will realize development, time, and cost savings when a strategic plan for implementing reusable content is identified and carried out.

High-level Requirements (the "ilities")

Requirement Explanation
Accessibility The ability to locate and access instructional components from one remote location and deliver them to many other locations
Interoperability The ability to take instructional components developed in one location with one set of tools or platforms and use them in another location with a different set of tools or platforms.
Durability The ability to withstand technology evolution and changes without costly redesign, reconfiguration or recoding.
Reusability The ability to incorporate instructional components in multiple applications and contexts.


"SCORM" stands for "Sharable Content Object Reference Model."  A "reference model" is something that shows what kinds of services will be needed to solve a particular problem, how they can be put together, the relevant standards that apply, and how they might be used.

