
Labview CIN with VS2005

Labview CIN with VS2005:

1. creat a new empety project

2. add CIN objects and libraries to the project. Select cin.obj, labview.lib, lvsb.lib, and lvsbmain.def from the Cintools subdirectory. You need these files to build a CIN.

3. open the project properties.

4. in general page, set both "output directory" and "intermediate directory" as "./debug"; set "configuration type" as "dynamic library (dll)";

5. in general section of C/C++ page, set "additional include directories" as "C:/Program Files/National Instruments/LabVIEW 7.1/cintools/" (the directory of the cintools)

6. in code generation of C/C++ page, set "runtime library" as "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)"; set "struct member alignment" as "1 byte (/Zp1)”

7. Add <CINTOOLSDIR>/lvsbmain.def (or ./lvsbmain.def) to the Linker»Input»Module Definition File field.

8. in custom build step page, set "command line" as " "C:/Program Files/National Instruments/LabVIEW 7.1/cintools/lvsbutil"  "$(TargetName)"  -d "$(SolutionDir)$(OutDir)" ";

set "outputs" as "$(OutDir)$(TargetName).lsb"

9. build the project
