
cs439辅导 进程和线程以及死锁


  • ​​Q1​​
  • ​​i​​
  • ​​ii​​
  • ​​Q2​​
  • ​​i​​
  • ​​ii​​
  • ​​Q5​​
  • ​​(a) Our most basic synchronization primitive is a lock. When would we use a lock? When we use a lock, what concurrency bug are we trying to prevent?​​
  • ​​b) Deadlock is an important concurrency bug that can be hard to spot. What are the four necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock?​​
  • ​​(c) As we considered advanced synchronization techniques, we considered situations where we might want to acquire multiple locks. As we know, acquiring multiple locks can be a dangerous requirement, and so we studied conservative two-phase locking. What condition of deadlock does conservative two-phase locking break? Explain how.​​
  • ​​(d) Consider the following code. Is it susceptible to deadlock? If so, fix the code so it is not. If not, explain why.​​
cs439辅导 进程和线程以及死锁


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int global = 0;

void foo(int a) {
    global += 1;
    a += 3;
    printf("Thread, global= %d,  a= %d\n", global,  a);

int main() {
    int a = 5;
    int child = fork();
    global += 5;

    if (child == 0) {
        global += 1;
        printf("child 1, global = %d, pid = %d \n", global, getpid());//6
    else {
        child = fork();
        if (child == 0) {
            printf("child 2, a = %d, pid = %d \n", a, getpid());//5
        else {
            global += 2;
             printf("parent, global = %d, pid = %d \n", global, getpid());//7
    return 0;





parent, global = 7
Thread, global= 6, a=8
child 2, a = 5
child 1, global =      

可能的输出顺序,总共有432*1 = 24种,这4种输出排列组合,顺序不一样,则输出不一样。



parent, global = 7
Thread, global= 6, a=8
child 2, a = 8  ## 只有这里发生变化
child 1, global =      

child 2中的值会变成8。因为a是全局变量,则函数对它的修改会在child 2这个进程中造成影响。其他没有影响。


cs439辅导 进程和线程以及死锁
global_x = 0;
foo (int a) {
  global_x += 1;
  a += 3;
  printf (" Thread: global_x=%d, a=%din", global_x, a)
int main () {
 int a= 10;
 thread_create(foo, a);// 创建线程,去执行了。
 a = a + 1;// 此时的a,还是10 + 1,因为是局部变量
 thread_create(foo, a);// 创建线程,去执行了。
global_x += 5;// 此时的global,不一定是0,因为上面有两个线程,所以在这里有三种情况:
1. 两个线程都没执行,5
2. 执行了1个,那就是6
3. 执行了2个,那就是7
printf (" Checkpoint1: global_x=%d, a=%d\n", global_x, a);
// 所以这里的输出有三种可能:5, 11   6, 11, 7,11  

// 在这里阻塞,等待两个线程完成

// 执行到这里,两个线程都执行完毕了。所以这里global一定是7,a局部变量,就是11
printf ("Checkpoint2: global_x=%d, a=%d1n", global_x, a);



Checkpoint1: global_x=5, a=11
Thread: global_x=6, a=12
Thread: global_x=7, a=12
Checkpoint2: global_x=7, a=11      
Thread: global_x=1, a=12
Checkpoint1: global_x=6, a=11
Thread: global_x=7, a=12
Checkpoint2: global_x=7, a=11      
Thread: global_x=6, a=12
Thread: global_x=7, a=12
Checkpoint1: global_x=7, a=11
Checkpoint2: global_x=7, a=11      




  1. Deadlock

(a) Our most basic synchronization primitive is a lock. When would we use a lock? When we use a lock, what concurrency bug are we trying to prevent?

Locks are used to guard a shared data variable, like the account balance shown here. If all accesses to a data variable are guarded (surrounded by a synchronized block) by the same lock object, then those accesses will be guaranteed to be atomic — uninterrupted by other threads.

Deadlock occurs when a set of threads is waiting on an event that can only be

generated by another thread in the set.

Race conditions occur when results change based on scheduling due to a failure to protect shared data.


Two types of bugs – Deadlocks: threads cannot execute any further

and wait for each other – Non-deadlock bugs: non deadlock but incorrect

results when threads execute

Non deadlock and deadlock bugs.

Of the non-deadlock bugs, the main types are:

Atomicity Violation Bugs : atomicity assumptions madeby programmer are violated during executionof concurrent threads。fix : Always use locks when accessing shared data

Order Violation Bugs:desired order of memory accesses is flipped during concurrent

execution – Fix: condition variables

b) Deadlock is an important concurrency bug that can be hard to spot. What are the four necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock?

死锁的四个必要条件 :

Mutual exclusion

Hold-and-wait: They hold the lock while waiting for other resources

No preemption: Resources cannot be forcible removed from threads that hold them.

Circular wait: There is a circular chain of threads s.t. each holds one or more resources that are being requested by the next thread in the chain.

fix : destory one conditions.

© As we considered advanced synchronization techniques, we considered situations where we might want to acquire multiple locks. As we know, acquiring multiple locks can be a dangerous requirement, and so we studied conservative two-phase locking. What condition of deadlock does conservative two-phase locking break? Explain how.

两阶段锁 two-phase locking

Conservative two-phased locking

Requires you to gather all locks before beginning your operations, and, if you

can’t, you must release any you have acquired. Breaks hold and wait.

也就是说,如果有两把锁,只有获取两把锁才去操作资源,否则要放开锁。破坏了四个条件中的hold and wait.

Conservative Two-Phase Locking

• A thread must:

– Acquire all locks it will need

• If all locks cannot be acquired, release any already acquired

and begin again

– Make necessary changes, commit, and release locks

• Thus B cannot see any of A’s changes until A

commits and releases the lock

• Provides serializability

• Prevents deadlock

(d) Consider the following code. Is it susceptible to deadlock? If so, fix the code so it is not. If not, explain why.



首先shared 锁是读锁,excude 锁是写锁。

cs439辅导 进程和线程以及死锁
cs439辅导 进程和线程以及死锁

A transaction is said to follow the Two-Phase Locking protocol if Locking and Unlocking can be done in two phases.

Growing Phase: New locks on data items may be acquired but none can be released.

Shrinking Phase: Existing locks may be released but no new locks can be acquired.
