


“羊了个羊”主题 英语语言知识点 二


1. 单词:

①魔性的背景音乐BGM:earworm background music

②消除类游戏:a pattern-matching game;a match-tiles-style game;an elimination game

③feature: v.以…为特色;起重要作用

[牛津] Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. 小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优待。

[牛津] Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. 橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中显得很重要。

④boast: v.自夸;自吹自擂

[牛津] The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course. 那家宾馆还拥有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场。

⑤mine: v.采掘,挖掘;pron. 我的(东西);n. 矿;地雷,水雷

[柯林斯] The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically.那个煤矿要关闭了,因为储量不足,难以经济开采。

[柯林斯] That wasn't his fault, it was mine.那不是他的错,是我的错。

[柯林斯] The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.进入驻地的几条通道都已布满了雷。

⑥compelling: a.扣人心弦的

[牛津] a compelling need/desire 非常强烈的需要╱欲望

⑦overt: a.公开的;明显的

[近义词] obvious, distinct, visible, declared, evident

[牛津] There was little overt support for the project. 对这个项目公开表示支持的很少。

⑧convert: v.转变,转换

[牛津] He converted from Christianity to Islam. 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。

2. 写作应用(原因阐述):

① mine :Developers mine the psychological literature for insights.

② A more overt tactic is to:A more overt tactic is to punish players who do not log in regularly.

③ Other tricks are designed to:Other tricks are designed to persuade players to convert playtime into purchases.

3. 趣味拓展(游戏知多少):

① Candy Crush Saga 糖果传奇

② Adopt Me 收养我吧

③ Farmville 虚拟农村

④ Fortnite 堡垒之夜

4. 写作练习:






