


#英女王伊丽莎白二世去世 享年96岁##每日英语#

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II "died peacefully" on Thursday, according to a statement from Buckingham Palace. She was 96.


The news of her death came just hours after the palace announced that the queen's doctors were "concerned" about her health and were keeping her under "medical supervision" at Balmoral Castle, the British royal family's estate in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where she has been vacationing this summer.

就在她去世的消息发布几小时前,皇宫宣布女王的医生还在“关注”她的健康,并将她置于巴尔莫勒尔城堡(Balmoral Castle)的“医疗监督”之下。巴尔莫勒勒城堡是英国王室在苏格兰阿伯丁郡的庄园,她今年夏天一直在那里度假。

Members of the royal family, including the queen's four children, quickly gathered by her side at Balmoral, according to their respective spokespersons. She died that afternoon.


Elizabeth was Britain's longest-reigning monarch. She ascended to the throne in 1952 and, in June, celebrated her Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years as queen. Her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales, will take his mother's place on the British throne as king. Charles' wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, will become known as queen consort.


