



  • Their rdeness really burns me up 他们的无礼真让我生气
  • It burns me up when I see that advertisement 看到这个广告我就生气
  • It burn you up that a boy like me saved your life, huh? 像我这样的人救了你一命,肯定气死了吧,呵呵

burn up 表示烧毁、烧光

Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow jogging

to make someone very angry

burn me up      


  • We can? All right, I'm tryin that. 我们行吗?我倒要试试
  • Ok, you know what blows my mind? 知道什么最令我嫉妒吗?

blow one's mind 表示令某人十分惊奇、激动、心动、神魂颠倒

Those rotating lanterns blow my mind      


  • How you get any work done is beyond me. 我无法理解你如何完成工作
  • Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? 知道我搞不懂什么吗?

get something done 表示完成某件事,beyond me表示高于我,理解为超出我的理解范围,如Something is beyond me

If you want to get something done, decide when and where you're going to do it

Don't brag about what you're going to do. Get something done      


  • Did he give you that whole "You're-not-up-to-this" thing again? 他是不是又和你唠叨你不适合这里之类的话
  • Oh, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco versiou, 对,而且这次是迪斯科加长版
  • whth three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own" 带着三重唱说“你永远不能自立”

on your own 表示独立的​,make it 表示达成预定的目标,you make it 你做到了

I think I can make it on my own

I can't live on my own

The success of failure of the matter depends on your  own effort      


  • Brand new wuman, ladies and gentlemen 一位脱胎换骨的新女性
  • I could not have done this without you 多亏你到我这才能办到
Could not image how I live without you these years, my kids

Of course, on such a gadget that you could not live without, your mobile      


  • Now come on, get outta my way 现在,都给我让开
  • I'm so sorry, you know, maybe I wasn't being clear 抱歉,或许我没有说清楚
