


欢迎大家阅读本期的“大航海-雷霆之声”!跟队记者Brandon Rahbar发推分享了一段班凯罗关于雷霆的采访,他才采访中笑着表示自己会收回那段“不喜欢雷霆”的话(20年8月)...班凯罗直言自己对雷霆没有怀恨在心,雷霆是一支高水准的球队;如果能被他们选中,那将会是很幸运的事。






I hate a few companies that I would gladly work for. It’s what being a professional is.

If he doesn’t get drafted by us he won’t shed a tear. If he does he’ll be a professional.


If I was a kid and my favorite sports team left my area, of course I’d be bummed. He’s just grown past that. That’s immediately what I thought about when I read the tweet.


Don’t be surprised when he goes #1, he’s everything the magic needs and more


Imagine how much it would hurt for Supersonic fans if OKC takes a Seattle native especially if he becomes a superstar


Taking Paolo could possibly be a bridge for Seattle and Thunder fans


I’d welcome him wi to open arms.


That’s a nice statement.

Still on the Chet train


Honestly glad it's been addressed lmao


Me too, especially with the draft tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for the question to be asked since I seen the clip.


There was no reason for it to be lol anyone who thought it meant anything was overreacting


Paolo would be awesome in OKC


would still rather have chet but this is nice. I won't be heartbroken if we choose Banchero


Coo to know. Enjoy Houston!


I swear, if someone drafts Banchero, just surround him with 3&D 3pt shooters that are interchangable and let him play the Lebron role and I bet he really thrives!


He's gonna be the best player in this draft


Does he actually have memory of the Sonics existing? I mean wasn’t the dude like 6 years old.


I was born in 1990 and it’s still “Fuck the Utah Jazz” so I don’t think that’s particularly relevant haha.


Paolo haters in shambles. I’d love to draft him if we could


I still prefer Chet but i woul be okay with Paolo



Okay, I don’t dislike him anymore

Green and paolo are gonna be some really likable rivals



I always felt like that's how he felt towards OKC.

But honestly - this is REALLY late coming out and seems almost desperate to me.

有球迷给跟队记者Brandon Rahbar留言,后者如是回复道——


please don't make me change my preference again, Brandon


Lol don’t worry, he’ll be a Rocket in about 31 hours.
