
















美国网友 纳迪尔的回答

Strategically, the U.N. won. North Korea had full annexation of South Korea as objective. The U.N had protecting the independence of South Korea as the main objective (enforcing U.N. resolution 84). North Korea failed their objectives while U.N. achieved their own.

从战略上讲,联合国军赢了,因为朝鲜是以全面吞并韩国为目标,而联合国军则是以保护韩国的独立为目的(执行联合国第 84 号决议)。最终,朝鲜没有实现他们的目标,而联合国却保住了韩国。

The invasion of North Korea was never an official objective, though the collapse of the NK Army provided an opportunity that U.N. exploited. Chinese intervention restored the balance of power, so in the end the pre-war borders were restored for the most part.



美国记者 哈维阿德曼的回答

The United States, under the aegis of the United Nations, threw back a 1950 North Korean invasion of the south that had attempted to reunite the peninsula by force and had almost succeeded, and proceeded into the north.


As UN forces got closer to the Yalu River, which marks the boundary between North Korea and China, hundreds of thousands of Chinese “volunteers” poured into the Korean peninsula, stiffening North Korean resistance to the UN advance.




General MacArthur, who was leading UN troops, wanted to use the A-bomb on these Chinese volunteers and, if necessary, on China itself. President Truman ordered him not to do so and finally, not trusting him to obey, removed him from command.


US commanders had promised the American public its soldiers would be home for Christmas, but that didn’t happen. What followed was a long period of bloody fighting between Chinese and American troops. Finally, the war was fought to a standstill, more or less along the original boundary lines of North and South Korea.




An armistice commission was established, along with a neutral band across the peninsula, the demilitarized zone. The two sides met and decided to suspend hostilities. No peace treaty was ever signed. Instead, both sides armed to the teeth their respective edges of the demilitarized zone. The fighting stopped in July, 1953.



美国前任官员 迈克尔赫登恩的回答

Many say that the war ended in stalemate. I would beg to differ. I think that the Korean War was a victory. Not just for the US, but for the UN, free world as a whole. The Korean War was really the first big test for the UN. We often forget(in the USA) that although the US provided the bulk of the military force, nations as diverse as Thailand & Ethiopia, Britain, Belgium, Turkey, Australia, & several others stood against naked aggression. as well.


Of course South Korea is a free dynamic country today, with one of the largest economies not only in Asia, but the world. In 1950, S. Korea was one of the poorest nations in the world. It also had a dictatorship government that was better than what they had in North Korea, but a dictatorship none the less, aspects that they would retain well into the 1970s. South Korea had also all but been “written off” by the US Joint Chiefs Of Staff, but because of the efforts of the UN, S. Korea would overcome, adapt & become the great, free nation it is today.

当然了,今天的韩国是一个自由而充满活力的国家,它不仅是亚洲最大的经济体之一,也是世界上最大的经济体之一。1950 年,韩国是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。但在美国和西方诸国的帮助下,实现了飞速发展,在克服了重重困难后,终于成为了伟大、自由的国家。



I would think that would be a “victory” by any measure. Then there’s North Korea; need I say more? My father served in the Korean War & certainly thought it was worth it. And if you look at recent events in Afghanistan, The Korean War is looking like it was probably the most successful war, at least from a US prospective that, the US has been involved in since WWII, depending on the future course of events in Iraq. So yeah, IMHO, the “Free World” won! South Korea won, survived & thrived!



美国网友 安德鲁的回答

Did China won the korean war??? Did china gain an inch of territory of USA?


Prior to the war, USA has no foothold in korea peninsular, after the Korean-war, USA gained foothold, and indeed, USA successfully installed THAAD in south korea. And who do you think USA installed THAAD against?


Yes, China won the korean war in terms of casualties and losses 36574 Americans died, but 208,729 Chinese died. That is nearly seven times casualties.



美国海军陆战队中士 斯蒂夫回答说

Easy answer, they didn’t. We didn’t decisively win the war because politicians refused to allow the military to do what needed to be done to achieve victory. General MacArthur had a problem with that and brought his concerns to the press, resulting in president Truman promptly relieving him. Due to political pressure and wanting to make American voters happy we signed a armistice and pulled out of Korea in 1953.

我不认为中国是赢家,我们之所以没有彻底赢得这场战争,主要是因为政客们从中作梗,四处阻挠军队制定好的战略。麦克阿瑟将军对此有意见,并向媒体提出了他的担忧,最终导致杜鲁门总统直接解除了他的职务。为了赢得选民的支持,迫于政治压力,我们在1953 年前签署了停战协议并撤出了朝鲜。



That being said the Chinese didn’t come anywhere close to a military victory over the US. In the battle of the Chosin reservoir, 15 thousand US troops mostly comprised of Marines and 15 thousand United Nations forces fought over 120,000 Chinese troops who had launched a surprise attack on the Reservoir. Fighting their way over 70 miles to the sea the Marines inflicted 50 percent casualties on the attackers. That is a collossal asskicking.

实际上,中国并没有在军事上取得对美国的彻底胜利。在长津水库战役中,以海军陆战队为主的1.5万美军和1.5万联合国军,与12万名中国军人展开了激烈的战斗,关键时刻,海军陆战队在 70 多英里外的海上发动袭击,给中方造成了 50% 的伤亡,这是一次重大的战果。


正义网友 林协义的反驳

Give up your stubbornness. History has proved that the Chinese won this war!The following is the history of the Korean War。


"We will wipe out the Chinese Army in 3 weeks…" - General MacArthur, 1950.

“我们将在 3 周内消灭中国军队……”——麦克阿瑟将军,1950 年。

"If the Americans crossed the 38th parallel, the People's Liberation Army would enter the war. The American forces are trying to cross the 38th parallel and to expand the war. If they really want to do this, we will not sit still without doing anything, we will be forced to intervene." - Premier Zhou Enlai, 3 Oct 1950.“

如果美国人越过38度线,解放军就会参战。美军正在试图越过38度线,扩大战争。如果他们真的要这样做,我们不会坐以待毙。 ,我们将被迫进行干预。” ——周恩来总理,1950 年 10 月 3 日。

“I am the first U.S. Commander to agree to a truce without victory.”- General Mark W. Clark“



联合国军第三任总司令 克拉克将军

27th July marks a special day for the history of Modern China. On this day in 1953 the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed between the United States [representing the UN command] and North Korea [representing the Korean People’s Army(KPA) and Chinese People’s volunteers (CPV)]. Let us observe a moment of silence for the 132,000 Chinese soldiers, millions of Koreans and fallen soldiers from the United States and 14 other nations who will forever rest their souls in the cold of the Korean winter between 1951 to 1953.

7月27日是中国近代史上一个特殊的日子。1953 年的这一天,美国[代表联合国司令部]和朝鲜[代表朝鲜人民军(KPA)和中国人民志愿军(CPV)]签署了朝鲜停战协定。让我们为132,000名中国士兵、数百万朝鲜人以及美国和其他14个国家的阵亡士兵默哀片刻,他们将永远在1951年至1953年朝鲜寒冬中安息。

This is how the poorly-equipped Chinese People’s volunteers(CPV) defeat the Most technologically advanced and militarily superior country on this planet (the United States) during the Korean War sixty five years ago. Bear in mind that back in 1950, the GDP of the United States was USD$280 Billion, while China’s GDP was only USD$10 Billion. The United State’s steel production was 87 million tonnes, while China can only produce 0.6 million tonnes of steel. China could not even produce a single tank in 1950 when the war broke out.

65年前的朝鲜战争,装备简陋的中国人民志愿军(CPV)最终击败了地球上技术最先进、军事最优越的国家(美国)。要知道,早在 1950 年,美国的 GDP 为 2800 亿美元,而中国的 GDP 只有 100 亿美元。美国钢铁产量为8700万吨,而中国只能生产60万吨钢铁。1950年战争爆发时,中国甚至无法生产一辆坦克。中国军队之所以能赢得胜利,靠的是以下几点:



  1. Sheer determination and morale to drive invaders away from the Chinese border With North Korea. The US army had advanced all the way to the border with China before the CPV cross the Yalu river to resist US aggression. China was recovering from a hundred years of humiliation under foreign powers up till 1949.

将侵略者赶出中国与朝鲜边境的无畏决心和勇气。自鸦片战争开始,中国便接连遭受西方入侵。直到 1949 年,这个东方国家才从列强的一百年屈辱中恢复过来。

2.Chinese scouts disguised as South Korean soldiers infiltrated deep behind UN lines and provide target acquisition for Chinese artillery to pound on concentration of heavy armour


3.Superior flanking tactics which enabled the CPV to cut off leading UN armoured columns and then finishing off the tanks after their supplies were cut off.




4.However as the air war progresses and more and more US fighter jets were shot down and US pilots downed, the helicopters became a burden as it is a homing beacon for the CPV to locate the downed US pilots and capture them. About a hundred-odd US pilots were captured by the CPV during the Korean War and they were later set free in exchange for the release of prominent Chinese scientists such as T.S. Tsien / Qian Xuesen who were incarcerated in the US.


If you doubted a Chinese victory, we can view this objectively by asking if both sides achieved their intended target/objectives. For the United States, the objective is to roll back communism and unify Korea under the friendly regime of Rhee Syngman and US supreme commander General MacArthur said that the whole of Korea will be conquered by Christmas in 1950, but they failed because the CPV pushed them back to the 38th parallel, despite deploying one third of U.S. Army, half of U.S. Navy and one-fifth of U.S Air Force into Korea.

最后,我们可以通过对比一下双方原定的目标,来判断出谁是最后的赢家!很显然,中国赢了。对美国来说,原定的目标是帮助李承晚政权推翻朝鲜,统一朝鲜半岛,因为目中无人,美国最高统帅麦克阿瑟将军曾计划,在1950年圣诞节前昔全面结束战斗,但最终他们失败了,因为战场失利,美军被迫回到 38线,尽管为了这场战争,美国已经将三分之一的陆军、一半的海军和五分之一的空军部署到了韩国,但还是被彻底击败了。



For China, it was the first time after a hundred years that Chinese troops were able to repel a foreign invader away from the Chinese border and the objective to create a buffer by pushing back UN forces to the 38th parallel was achieved. The United States failed in its objective while China achieved its objective, allowing China to lift millions out of poverty by breaking US isolation,and the breathing space to develop the nuclear bomb, ballistic missile and satellite,creating substantial deterrence against the Cold War superpowers and paving the way for ~20years of peaceful development and rebuilding of the Chinese nation, and thus we can objectively say that it was a Chinese victory and a US defeat.
















