


India wheat export ban: Why it matters to the world

By Shruti Menon

matter [ˈmætə(r)] v. 要紧
It matters. 它很重要。
It matters to…… 对……很重要           

India has defended its decision to ban wheat exports after criticism that it could worsen the global food supply situation in the wake of the Ukraine war.


defend [dɪˈfend] v. 保卫;为……辩护
worsen [ˈwɜːsn] v. (使)恶化
in the wake of 紧紧跟随;随着……而来           

"If everyone starts to impose export restrictions... that would worsen the crisis," German Food and Agriculture Minister Cem Ozdemir said after the ban was announced in May.


impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v. 强制推行,强制实行           

But India's Commerce Minister, Piyush Goyal, says the export ban should not affect global markets because it is not a major wheat exporter.


So what has been the impact of India's move?


Global wheat prices rise


India's ban was announced on 13 May, after unseasonably hot weather affected the wheat crop, sending local prices soaring.


unseasonably [ʌnˈsiːznəbli] adv. 不合时令地;不合时宜地
soar [sɔː(r)] v. (数量、价值、水平、规模等)急升,猛涨           

Although India is not a major wheat exporter, the move unsettled global markets with the Chicago benchmark wheat index rising by nearly 6%.

尽管印度不是主要的小麦出口国,但此举令全球市场动荡,芝加哥基准小麦指数上涨近 6%。

unsettle [ʌnˈset(ə)l] v. 使动摇;使不安定
benchmark [ˈbentʃmɑːk] n. 基准
index [ˈɪndeks] n.(物价和工资等)指数           

The prices of some of the main types of wheat rose for several days, peaking on 17 to 18 May.

一些主要小麦品种的价格连续几天上涨,在 5 月 17 日至 18 日达到顶峰。

peak [piːk] v. 达到高峰,达到最大值;n. 巅峰,顶点           

Wheat prices had risen throughout March and April after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as had the prices of other foodstuffs.

俄乌战争后,小麦价格在整个 3 月和 4 月都在上涨,其他食品的价格也是如此。

foodstuff [ˈfuːdstʌf] n. 食品,食物           

Disruption caused by the war means that millions of tonnes of wheat have been unable to leave Ukraine, which is one of the world's biggest exporters.


disruption [dɪsˈrʌpʃn] n. 妨碍,扰乱           

Kelly Goughary, of the agriculture data research group Gro Intelligence, explains that India's ban led to a further price surge because "global buyers were depending on supplies from India after exports from the Black Sea region plunged".

农业数据研究集团Gro Intelligence的凯利·高格里解释说,印度的禁令导致价格进一步飙升,因为“在黑海地区的出口暴跌后,全球买家依赖印度的供应”。

surge [sɜːdʒ] n. 激增,猛增;v. 急剧上升,激增
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 骤降           

Who's been affected by India's ban?


India is the world's second biggest wheat producer, but accounts for less than 1% of the global wheat trade. It keeps a lot of it to provide subsidised food for the poor.

印度是世界第二大小麦生产国,但仅占全球小麦贸易量的不到 1%。它保留了大量粮食来为穷人作为补贴食品。

account for (比例)占
subsidised [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪzd] adj. 补贴的,补助的           

But just before announcing the ban, India was aiming to boost exports by shipping a record 10 million tonnes of wheat this year - compared with just two million last year.

但就在宣布禁令之前,印度正试图扩大小麦出口,计划今年出口创纪录的 1000万吨小麦,而去年仅为 200 万吨。

It was offering supplies to new markets in Asia and Africa, and even after the ban, several countries said they were in touch with India to keep exports going.


India says some countries will still receive wheat exports, and that it will "continue to assist neighbours in their hour of need."


in one’s hour of need 在某人困难的时刻           

Its top export markets are Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka - as well as the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


In 2019-20, Sri Lanka and UAE imported more than 50% of their wheat from India, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC), and Nepal imported more than 90%.


It is not yet clear whether these countries will still get Indian wheat under existing contracts, or will receive supplies under future deals.


It is not yet clear 目前尚不清楚           

However, Egypt says that government purchases of Indian wheat will continue. It's one of the biggest importers of wheat globally.


The International Monetary Fund has called on India to reconsider the export ban, saying it could play a significant role in helping alleviate the current wheat supply crisis for those countries most affected by the war in Ukraine.


International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金
call on 呼吁; 公开请求
alleviate [əˈliːvieɪt] v. 减轻,缓和           

Bad weather and fertiliser prices


fertiliser [ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)] n. 化肥           

Apart from the war in Ukraine, the weather has had an impact in some major wheat-exporting countries.


"Drought, floods and heat waves threaten crops in some other major producers [US, Canada and France]," says Kelly Goughary of Gro Intelligence.

“干旱、洪水和热浪威胁着其他一些像美国、加拿大和法国这样的主要生产国的作物,” Gro Intelligence的凯利·高格里说。

Global wheat production for the 2022-23 period will be the lowest for four years, and global stocks of wheat are predicted to be at their lowest for six years, according to a US government report.

根据美国政府的一份报告,2022-23 年全球小麦产量将是四年来的最低水平,预计全球小麦库存将处于六年来的最低水平。

predict [prɪˈdɪkt] v. 预计
be predicted to预测           

Gro Intelligence also points out that global fertiliser prices have tripled over the past year, risking "significant" reductions in crop yields this year.

Gro Intelligence 还指出,全球化肥价格在过去一年中上涨了两倍,使今年农作物产量面临“大幅”下降的风险。

triple [ˈtrɪp(ə)l] v. (使)成为三倍
yield [jiːld] n. 产量;v. 产生(收益、效益等),产生(结果)           

It estimates that this - together with other factors - means global wheat stocks are down to their lowest level since the 2008 financial crisis.

Gro Intelligence估计,这与其他因素一起会使得全球小麦库存降至2008年金融危机以来的最低水平。



