


Marilyn Monroe is one of the most well-known celebrities of all time. As a household name whose work has been referenced in everything from "Moulin Rouge" to "Ru Paul's Drag Race," the Golden Age actress was able to make a widespread impact during her short career. 


With such great notoriety, comes a tendency for mythmaking. Monroe's personality has been transformed into a larger-than-life caricature, her most iconic looks have come to define her entire image, but in many ways her legacy has been misunderstood. 

Here are ten things people tend to get wrong about Marilyn Monroe. 



1. Her name was Marilyn Monroe

Though it's the name she's best known by, the name Marilyn Monroe was not the first name to be donned by the California native Norma Jeane Mortenson. After her birth, she was baptized with her mother's name: Norma Jeane Baker. She carried that name with her through foster care until she married a neighbor at age 16 and became Norma Jeane Dougherty. 




It wasn't until she signed her first acting contract with 20th Century Fox that she began to contemplate the perfect stage name. Monroe and studio executive Ben Lyon put their heads together to come up with the moniker that would help catapult her to superstardom. Lyon suggested Marilyn after actress Marilyn Miller and Norma Jeane suggested Monroe after her mother's family. 

直到她与20世纪福克斯公司签订了第一份表演合同,她才开始考虑完美的艺名。梦露和工作室主管本·里昂齐心协力,想出了一个有助于她成为超级明星的名字。在女演员玛丽莲·米勒(Marilyn Miller)和诺玛·珍妮(Norma Jeane)以母亲的家人的名字推荐梦露之后,里昂推荐了玛丽莲。


Thus, the name Marilyn Monroe was conceived; her iconic look and personality soon to follow. 


2. She was a natural blonde



Monroe's iconic platinum blonde locks were bottle-born, like many other stars' at the time.


For women hoping to make a name for themselves in the film industry in the 1940s, blonde was considered the most versatile hair color. Monroe, who joined her first modeling agency as a curly haired brunette, was dedicated to doing whatever it took to get noticed. She started lightening her hair in the mid-1940s and was instantly hooked.



"For Marilyn, going blonde, it was like the Hollywood star-building machine," said photographer Nancy Lee Andrews, "she saw what it could do for her." Over the years, Marilyn continued to lighten her hair until it eventually reached its iconic platinum blonde shade, or as she referred to it "pillow case white." The color is still associated with her to this day, referenced everywhere from magazines to Billie Eilish's Met Gala appearance. 


摄影师南希·李·安德鲁斯(Nancy Lee Andrews)说:“对于金发碧眼的玛丽莲来说,这就像好莱坞的造星机器,她看到了它能为她做些什么。”多年来,玛丽莲一直在淡化她的头发,直到它最终达到标志性的白金金色,或者她所说的“枕套白色”这种颜色至今仍与她有关,从杂志到Billie Eilish在大都会庆典上的亮相,随处可见。

3. She was discovered while babysitting 


With a name locked in and a new hairstyle, the next step for the up-and-coming starlet was crafting a good origin story. The publicists at 20th Century Fox pitched Monroe to the press as a young orphan who was discovered while babysitting for a Fox talent scout. 



In reality, Monroe fought for her opportunities and was eager to learn the ins and outs of the film industry. As Sarah Churchwell, author of "The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe" puts it, "Marilyn was not waiting for powerful men to come find her. She was pounding on the door of the studio. She was doing absolutely everything that she could to break into the movie business."


事实上,梦露为自己的机会而战,渴望了解电影业的来龙去脉。正如《玛丽莲·梦露的许多人生》一书的作者莎拉·丘吉尔所说,“玛丽莲不是在等待有权势的男人来找她。 她在敲工作室的门。 她正在尽一切努力打入电影业。"

4. She gained fame easily


Stardom did not simply fall into Marilyn Monroe's lap. Beauty and talent were seen as basic necessities for any woman hoping to work in the male-dominated film industry and actors needed a contract with the "Big Five'' -- Warner Brothers, RKO, MGM, Paramount or 20th Century Fox -- to succeed.


Stardom did not simply fall into Marilyn Monroe's lap. Beauty and talent were seen as basic necessities for any woman hoping to work in the male-dominated film industry and actors needed a contract with the "Big Five'' -- Warner Brothers, RKO, MGM, Paramount or 20th Century Fox -- to succeed.



Monroe struggled to gain a long-term contract. She landed small roles with 20th Century Fox and Columbia Pictures before finally getting a seven-year contract with Fox in 1951. What she lacked in immediate success on-screen, though, she gained back with a tenacious understanding of her audience off-screen. 


梦露努力争取一份长期合同。她在20世纪福克斯和哥伦比亚电影公司(Columbia Pictures)担任小角色,最终于1951年与福克斯公司(Fox)签订了七年合同。然而,她在银幕上获得的即时成功所缺乏的,是她对银幕下观众的顽强理解。

Monroe was able to use press coverage, like leveraging her relationship with Joe DiMaggio, to keep her name relevant. As Alicia Malone of Turner Classic Movies explains, Marilyn was, "very, very smart about publicity and very funny. Marilyn always seemed to know what publicists wanted, what photographers wanted. So whenever she was presented with an opportunity, she made the most of it."

梦露能够利用新闻报道,比如利用她与乔·迪马吉奥的关系,让她的名字保持相关性。正如特纳经典电影公司(Turner Classic Movies)的艾丽西亚·马龙(Alicia Malone)所解释的那样,玛丽莲“在宣传方面非常非常聪明,非常有趣。玛丽莲似乎总是知道公关人员想要什么,摄影师想要什么。因此,每当她有机会时,她都会充分利用。”

