


【稀世文物 91】公元前 14~13 世纪,造型奇特的雄鹿饮杯,出土于赫梯帝国首都哈图沙,现在土耳其安纳托利亚高原。赫梯帝国曾经击败过巴比伦,并于 1285 年与埃及法老拉美西斯二世爆发卡迭石大战。该器物现藏于美国大都会博物馆

By 1700 B.C., people speaking Hittite—an Indo-European language—had founded a capital at Bogazköy (ancient Hattusha) and, under a series of powerful kings, established a state in central Anatolia. The Hittite army attacked and partly destroyed Babylon in 1595 B.C., and in 1285 B.C. fought a battle against the Egyptian king Ramesses II at Qadesh in Syria.

This silver drinking vessel in the form of a stag was hammered from one piece that was joined to the head by a checkerboard-patterned ring. Both the horns and the handle were attached separately. A frieze depicting a religious ceremony decorates the rim of the cup, suggesting the uses for which the cup was intended.


