


【稀世文物 83】拥有瑰丽橡木长椅的圣农娜教堂。圣农那教堂位于英国普利茅斯港的西北部。在 12 世纪的时候,由诺曼家族兴建,一次火灾之后,又进行了大规模的修缮,但仍然保留了早前的很多设施。其中最为有名的是教堂内那 79 张雕花长椅,这些雕花不但精美异常,而且除去描绘圣经内容之外,还雕刻了本土的一些活动记录。这些长椅全是在公元 1510 到 1530 年间由橡木雕花完成。

The Normans built a church here in the early 12th century but the church as it now stands dates from the early 15th century. The mullions to the windows are original except those to the west windows which were renewed after lightning caused part of the tower to fall on the west wall in 1791. The timber for the church roofs comes, according to tradition, from the Trelawney family mansion which was dismantled in the 15th century.

The font was part of the 12th century Norman church and was originally painted. Some paint can still be seen on the faces on each corner of the typically square shaped font of the period. The sides of the font carry a geometric radial motif surrounded by serpents.

St Nonna’s is justly famed for its collection of 79 carved bench ends representing not only biblical references but also earlier superstitions and local activities. All were carved in oak by Robert Daye (whose signature is to be found on the bench end adjacent to the font) between 1510 and 1530.


