


【稀世文物 56】马其顿之星,原本是韦尔吉纳之星。1970 年,在希腊北部的小城韦尔吉纳,出土了公元前 4 世纪的金质方盒,盒盖上就刻画了一颗韦尔吉纳之星。据考证,这个金盒属于亚历山大大帝的父亲,马其顿国王腓力二世。这种马其顿之星,原本是古希腊的一个太阳符号,在公元前 6 世纪到前 2 世纪时盛行,它也成为亚历山大帝国希腊化的象征。如今希腊马其顿打去的区旗就描绘着一个韦尔吉纳之星。


The Vergina Sun , also known as the Star of Vergina, Vergina Star or Argead Star, is a rayed solar symbol first appearing in ancient Greek art of the period between the 6th and 2nd centuries BC. The Vergina Sun proper has sixteen triangular rays, while comparable symbols of the same period variously have sixteen, twelve, eight or (rarely) six rays.

The name "Vergina Sun" became widely used after the archaeological excavations in and around the small town of Vergina, in northern Greece, during the late 1970s. In older references, the name "Argead Star" or "Star of the Argeadai" is used for the Sun as the possible royal symbol of the Argead dynasty of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. There it was depicted on a golden larnax found in a 4th-century BC royal tomb belonging to either Philip II or Philip III of Macedon, the father and half-brother of Alexander the Great, respectively.


