







So how do you kill time to relax yourself? Here are some of the things my friends and I did to have fun without modern conveniences last month.

Card games

Playing cards can bring hours of fun! It is the most common card game. You only need a pack of cards. The games include 'President’, ‘Cheat’ and a take on the game” ‘UNO’.

Hunt the thimble

One player hides a thimble or another small object in a room, while the other players stay outside. The other players then return to the room and look for the object. The player who hid the thimble can give clues or say ‘hot’ or 'cold’ depending on how close the players are to the object. The person who finds the item first wins.

Board games

Board games are great at helping pass the time on a dull day. In the game, players have to deduce(推断)the mystery of the story. For example,when solving the mystery of the broken toy, players have to discover which toy it was, who broke it, and when it was broken.


This is a very amusing game. All you need is a pen and piece of paper for each person in the group. Everyone writes the beginning of a story. Then it is passed to the next person in the circle, who writes the next word or sentence. But the challenge is that the paper is folded so that only the most recent phrase can be seen before being passed again to the next player, who writes the next line and so on. After ten sentences have been written, the whole story is seen clearly. Usually there will be some funny stories to make you laugh!

11. Which game favors a player good at finding/hidden objects?

A. Card games. B. Hunt the thimble. C. Board games. D.Consequences.

12.What challenges players in Consequences?

A. Players need a pen and piece of paper.

B. Players must write clearly and completely

C. Players should write the beginning of a story on the paper.

D. Players can only see the most recent part of the folded paper.

13. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To instruct readers to play four games. B. To compare which game is more funny.

C. To introduce some games to pass the time. D. To inform readers he could play four games.


Ferrell got the standard well wishes on the website on her 53rd birthday, but she got some unusual messages too. One message was from a family in California who had just lost their four-year-old son to cancer. His older brother was heartbroken. Could Ferrell help?

That message was exactly what Ferrell was looking for. To celebrate her 53rd,the longtime social service worker had put out a call on her website. She wanted to perform 53 acts of kindness by the end of her birth month! and she needed information on people who could use one. When she got the note about the California family, she sent a wind chime(风铃)with the message "Listen to the wind and know that I am near" carved on it. It now hangs in the four-year-old’s bedroom, where his brother can listen to it whenever he wants.

This is not the first time that Ferrell has decided to give gifts for her birthday. For her47th,she founded Love with Skin On, an organization devoted to doing good deeds. Over the years, Ferrell has reached out and touched over 100 strangers, some found online, others with help from her grandkids. In another act of giving, she shared her favorite creative gift ideas online for others to use.

Ferrell pays for everything herself: gift cards and care packages. Her family often gives her some extra birthday cash with a warning not to spend it on anyone else, which she naturally ignores.“I got a couple of gift cards for my birthday this year and was like“YESSS!”It’s Ferrell’s party, and she’ll give if she wants to.

14.Why did Ferrell send the California family a wind chime?

A To bring a message to the family B. To ask for the needed information

C. To comfort the child who lost his brother. D. To help the child lean about a wind chime.

15. What do we know about Ferrell?

A. She began to give gifts at 53. B. She did 53 acts of kindness in total.

C. She helped people in trouble in different ways.D. She set up an organization to celebrate her birthday.

16. Which of the following words can best describe Ferrell?

A.Gifted and modest. B.Caring and generous.

C. Humorous and thoughtful. D. Determined and confident

17. what can we learn from the text?

A. To give is better than to receive.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.God helps those who help themselves.D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


“Pale Moon rains. Red Moon blows. White Moon neither rains nor snows." For generations, people have watched the Moon for signs of changes in the weather. The Moon does, in fact, affect the Earth's climate and weather patterns in different ways.

The most obvious effect the Moon has on the Earth can be seen in the ocean tides.A world without tides would have very different weather systems. Tides are one factor that influences the movement of ocean currents, which move warm or cool water around the Earth. Thus, the water temperature changes. Warm ocean currents bring warmer and wetter weather, while cold ocean currents bring colder and drier weather.

The Moon is also thought to affect polar temperatures and contribute to fluctuations in the amount of Arctic ice.Tidal forces(潮汐力)act to break up ice sheets and change ocean heat flows, changing the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean. Satellite measurements have shown that the poles are 0.55℃ warmer during a full Moon.

The Moon's influence,sometimes slight and sometimes strong, has had an important impact on life on Earth. Some scientists argue that it is the Moon that made life possible in the first place. The Moon makes the Earth move steadily as it is spinning(自转),helping to give us a steady climate. Without it,the Earth would lose balance. The Moon is our closest friend,without which the Earth would be a very lonely place.

18.Why do people watch the Moon according to Paragraph 1?

A. To appreciate the moon. B. To record weather patterns.

C. To prepare for extreme weather.D.To observe signs of weather changes

19. What impact does the Moon have on the Earth?

A.It influences water temperature B.It makes weather hard to predict

C. It turns the earth colder and drier. D. It changes the size of ocean currents.

20. What does the underlined word “fluctuations”mean?

A.Change.B.Increase. C.Flow. D. Measurement.

21. What is the best title for the passage?

A.Changes of Ocean Heat Flows. B.Patterns of the Earth's Climate.

C.Causes of Changes in Polar Weather. D. Effects of the Moon on Global Weather


When I'm on my social media, I sometimes feel like I'm in a modern, virtual agora(露天集市) of ancient Greek city-states. This was the center of town, the place where business was conducted, goods were bought and sold, and ideas were exchanged. For many people, the agora was not just a marketplace; it was the stage on which the dramas of daily life started. Social media now provides that space.

In the age of social media, we may be returning to a state in which a thinker's wisdom relies on his ability to perform it. That is to say, we are able to transform that performance into online information.

Some of the best-known public people of the present day have realized this. Jordan Poterson and Brené Brown, for example, have lots of followings across their social media platforms, using them as major platforms to spread their ideas. While neither of them may call themselves as philosophers, both deal with basic philosophical ideas about happiness and how to live.

However, could the competitive performance of wisdom fully show whether people really owned it? Plato thought it might be a problem, and it can also be seen from the“Information War"of the present day. So, what if you're good at social media- does that mean that you have anything of value to say? Popularity may be measured by likes, but wisdom is not.

22. What do social media and the Greek agora have in common?

A. They focus on trade of goods. B. They offer a stage to do dramas.

C. They are both the center of town. D.They allow ideas to be exchanged

23. What does the underlined word“this" refer to?

A.Returning to ancient Greek city-states B.Transforming old habits into new ones.

C. Using social media to spread their ideasD.Building a stage to put on some performances

24. How does the author prove his idea in Paragraph 4?

A.By giving examples. B. By using a quotation

C.By making a comparison D. By providing research data.

25. Where is the text probably from?

A.A guidebook. B.A magazine. C. A textbook. D.A novel.



Whether it's to improve your fitness, health or environment, taking up bicycle riding can be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

Save the planet

26______. Twenty bicycles can be parked in the same space as one car. It takes around5 percent of the materials and energy used to make a car to build a bike, and a bike produces zero pollution.


Cycling just 20 miles a week reduces your risk of heart disease to less than half that of those who take no exercise. Studies from Purdue University in the US have shown that regular cycling can cut your risk of heart disease by 50 percent.

Enjoy healthy family time

Cycling is an activity the whole family can do together. It's kind on your joints, and there's nothing to stop grandparents joining in too. Moreover, your riding habit can be sowing the seeds for your kids. 28._____. Put simply, if your kids see you riding regularly, they will think it's normal and want to follow your example

Increase your brain power

Do you want to be smarter and increase your brain power? 26._____. That's because cycling helps build new brain cells in the hippocampus--the part responsible for memory which goes worse from the age of 30._____. It increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain

Make you happy

Even if you're not in a good mood,30/ .Just three 30-minute rides a week can be enough to give people the lift they need

A. Then just go cycling

B. B.Keep your heart strong

C. Make creative breakthroughs

D. D.Bicycles can save a lot of space

E. the benefits of cycling is beyond words

F. cycling through the miles.will lift your spirits

G.They are influenced by their parents’ exercise choices




This is Poot Poot, the white Nigerian Dwarf goat that surprises us all. Poot Poot was born last March and was the 31.______ kid we'd ever seen at 1.4 pounds. He was so small that we didn't think he would 32.______ it to the morning. He had a body temperature so low that it wouldn't even 33.______on the thermometer(温度计)

My ten-year-old daughter,Atlas,and I 34.______all night looking after him. Poot Poot was too little to 35.______, so we milked his mother and used an eyedropper to feed the milk to him. To 36.______his body temperature,we placed him in a plastic bag so we could put him in the bathtub filled with warm water without his getting 37..______

Poot Poot wasn't the first goat we'd had to 38.______ inside our home, but he was the sweetest and neatest. 39.______there wasn't a diaper(尿布) small enough for him, he 40.______made trouble.

Atlas, too, had been early born, 41.______only 2 pounds at birth, so she has always 42.______it was sweet that Poot Poot was small, like her. Each day, they become closer. Whenever Atlas steps foot outside the door, Poot Poot screams and screams until she 43.______ to him. The pair play hide-and-seek in the tall grass, Atlas waiting until Poot Poot turns around,then dashing off to 44.______ Poot Poot bleating(咩咩叫)as he follows the sound of her voice. This little kid has already brought so much 45.______ into our lives and has become a special part of our family ever.

31. A. smartest B. cutest C. tiniest D. shortest
32. A. make B. approach C. leave D. take
33. A. work B. freeze C. show D. drop
34. A. stayed up B. walked around C. made up D. sat around
35. A. breathe B. jump C. scream D. nurse
36. A. record B. measure C. raise D. keep
37. A. angry B. wet C. injured D. warm
38. A. buy B. discover C. bring D. train
39. A. Since B. Though C. If D. Unless
40. A. usually B. nearly C. mostly D. hardly
41. A. weighing B. lifting C. carrying D. keeping
42. A. dreamt B. predicted C. concluded D. thought
43. A. gives way B. comes over C. looks up D. makes faces
44. A. hide B. greet C. wait D. play
45. A. confidence B. joy C. honor D. convenience



46. Tom was ________________ (official) recognized as a hero for saving a girl from a car accident.

47. The first pill________________(design) to treat Covid-19 has been approved by the UK medicine department.

48. Space walking is a________________(challenge) task for Senior Colonel Wang Yaping.

49.Vax___________(choose) as the word of the year at the Oxford English Dictionary since mid-March this year.

50. Please keep________________in mind that honesty is the best policy when we communicate.

51. A terrible flood hit a northern city in China,________________caused great damage to local people.

52. The tour to the museum gave people ________________unforgettable impression last week.

53.Adam just won the English speech contest,________________theme was The Greater Bay Area and I.

54. Teenagers should be responsible________________to their actions.

55.Anyone will feel nervous if he is under great________________(press).




56.We should __________ __________ __________(期待)a wonderful future when iPad and other technologies can add a lot to the classroom.

57.China has __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(树立好榜样) other countries by taking the lead in dealing with climate change.

58. People find that it is convenient for us to pay a bill with mobile payment.(同义转换)

People__________ __________ __________ for us to pay a bill with mobile payment.

59. Jessica lay on the sofa and she was absorbed in her book.(用分词改写)

Jessica lay on the sofa, __________ __________ __________ __________.

60. Many hotels have emergency doors. The guests can escape from them

Many hotels have emergency doors __________ __________ the guests can escape.

61. Nanshe Ancient Village has unique scenery. I stayed there with my family last year.(用定语从句合并)


62. The scientist is collecting endangered wild animals for future study.(改为被动句)

62. 只有经过足够的训练,你才能掌握一项技能。(用only的倒装句翻译)



Wrapping paper flew everywhere as Cali opened her gift. The box had a picture of a pretty girl in a red dress. She was wearing white ice skating shoes, dancing on a frozen pond.

“Ice skating shoes? Wow! How nice of you! But. . . I don't know how to skate. " She looked embarrassed.

“Don't worry," said Aunt Lisa. "That's the fun part-learning how to do it!”

“That’s right,"said Uncle George. “We will take you to the ice rink(溜冰场)and all go skating together. ”

"I don't know... ,” said Cali. She wasn't too sure whether she was able to do it Sometimes she had a hard time learning new things. She looked again at the happy girl on the box. It did look like fun. Cali imagined herself gliding(滑行)and turning around on the ice like a real skater. “Okay," she agreed. “Let's do it!”

The next day Cali went to the skating rink with her aunt and uncle. She sat down on the bench and slipped her feet into the ice skating shoes. Holding the shoelaces in her fingers, she could not figure out how to tie them up. "I don't know how to do it. ” She said She felt sad for this was another thing she couldn't do.

“Let me show you," her aunt bent down on one knee, explaining how to tie the shoelaces around the small hooks. Then she tied them into a tight bow."Now, you do the other one yourself." Cali bent over and did what her aunt had shown her. After a few tries. she worked out how to tie the shoelaces around the hooks.“You did it! Let's start out!’ smiled her aunt.




Para 1:

Holding Cali's hands, they slowly made the first step on the smooth ice.


Para 2:

“Now you try it on your own," suggested her uncle. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

