

易地而处  yì dì ér chǔ




唐·刘知几《通史·杂说上》:“若使(司)马迁易地而处 ,撰成《汉书》,将恐多言费辞,有逾班氏。”



  • 不过如果你是大都会球迷,你应该还是不会想要跟洋基迷 易地而处 。 But if you are a Mets’ fan, you don’t trade places quite yet.
  • :你有5/10/15%机会将承受的物理效果反弹给攻击者。 Turn the Tables35pts) You have a 5/10/15% chance of reflecting physical effects back on the attacker.
  • 当你知道假使与某人 之时你也会说谎的话,就很难相信他是在讲真话了。 It is hard to believe that a man is tell the truth when you know that you will lie if you is in his place.
  • 35点: :你有5/10/15%机会将承受的物理伤害反弹给攻击者。 Turn the Tables:(35pts) You have a 5/10/15% chance of reflecting physical effects back on the attacker.
  • 之时你也会说谎的话,就很难相信他是在讲真话了。 It is hard to believe that a man tells the truth when you know that you will lie if you were in his place.
  • 我也不相信我们中的任何人会愿意与其他国家的人民或其他世代的人民 。 I wele it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.
  • 。 I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.
  • 约伯一针见血地说:「如果你我 ,我也会做你今天对我做过的事,但我不愿做。 Job said, in effect, “If you were in my place, I could do to you as you have done to me, but I would not.”
  • 祭司看见猪挣扎哀嚎的样子,不免念及,如果 ,自己是这条猪的话,又会作何选择。 Seeing the pig struggling and wailing, the flamen could not help but think what he would choose, if he were the pig.
  • 帕雷高声骂他是恶棍,他回答说,假如自己和那三人 ,希望也有人这样为他解脱痛苦。 Pare shouted at him that he was a villain, but he replied that he hoped someone would do the same for him should he be in such a state, so that he would not be in pain.
  • 来自国内外的驻村艺术家们,在经过一段 的体验后,展出作品往往是研究、探索与实验的「过程」呈现。 Starting June 8, the residency artists will present the results of the various explorations they are pursuing while in Taiwan.
  • 发展安利后我更加懂得 ,在零售及推荐时站在对方的立场设想,并在每次与他们见面之前都要准备充足,注意每个细节。 In Amway I have learnt to put myself in others’ shoes. I will make a thorough preparation before meeting customers or down lines and always pay close attention to detail.
  • 在我和我丈夫的关系里,我们尝试与彼此沟通,我们尝试将心比心, 地去感受另一半的感觉, 那其实真的并不容易做到。 My husband and I try to municate in our partnership, and we try to step into each other’s shoes and see what the other person is feeling, and that’s a really hard thing to do.
  • 易地而处造句相关


