
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现

SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现

The source code clearly conveys the idea documented in SAP help: “When an offline store is first opened, it synchronizes with the OData producer. OData requests made against this plugin use the available open offline stores.“.

And I am curious how this offline store is opened in the real application. So I use a CRM Fiori offline application to have a look.

(1) In offline project folder there is a config.xml, which defines the entry point for offline application access, the index.html file.

SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
