

1、The sed editor is called a stream editor,,主要是根据表达式表述的条件,搜索到指定的内容,可以对内容进行修改,替换和删除,但是只是在输出的时候修改,并不会修改输入的文件的内容。A stream editor edits a stream of data based on a set of rules you supply ahead of time。


    It reads one line of data at a time from the input and matches that data with the supplied editor commands, changes data in the stream as specified in the commands, then outputs the new data to STDOUT.


Sed [options] 'command' files

Sed [options] –f sedscript files


(1)-n : Don't produce output for each command, but wait for the print command.

(2) -f file : Add the commands specified in the file file to the commands run while processing the input.

(3) -e script Add commands specified in script to the commands run while processing the input.





① 一个数字num:只替换第num次出现的pattern

② g:替换所有

③ p:输出替换后的内容(只输出替换后的行)

④ w file:把替换的结果(只写替换的行)写入到文件中

sed 's/buf/buf4/2' fstatt.cpp

sed -n 's/\(La\)/\1Oo/p' dataf3 //把找到的La 存起来,用\1 取回来再使用。这个指令作用的结果:若资料列含有La 字符串,则第一个出现的La 会置换成LaOo,然后,再显示这些含有La 的资料列。

sed 's/^*anonymous_enable=.*/anonymous_enable=YES/' test //^表示由列首开始比对,紧接着0 个以上的字符


    默认下,the sed editor apply to all lines of the text data.我们可以通过寻址,把行数限制在指定行或几行内。


① sed '2,3s/dog/cat/' data1 //替换2~3行

② /pattern/command //在匹配pattern的行执行command

ed '/rich/s/bash/csh/' /etc/passwd //把匹配rich的行中bash替换成csh


address {





    The sed editor applies each of the commands you specify only to lines that match the address specified.

sed '2{

> s/fox/elephant/

> s/dog/cat/

> }' data1



sed 'd' data1 //默认下,d将删除all of the lines will be deleted from the stream

sed '3d' data6 //删除第3行

sed '2,3d' data6 //删除2~3行

sed '/pattern/d' data6 //删除匹配pattern的行

sed  '/type.h/d' fstatt.cpp

sed -e '/beatu/!d' file //删除不含有xx的所有行

sed -e '/word1/,10/d' file //删除从含有word1的行到第10行

sed -e '10,/word1/d' file

sed '/[0-9]\{3\}/d' dataf3 //把含有3位数的列删除

(4) 插入和附加

The insert command (i) adds a new line before the specified line.

The append command (a) adds a new line after the specified line.

sed '[address]command\ new line'

sed '1,3a\begin' fstatt.cpp //在1~3行后append begin。


sed '3c\begin' fstatt.cpp  //把第3行替换成begin


sed -n '/pattern/p' data6

sed -n '1,3p' test

sed -n '1,3!p' test //输出非1~3行的数据


[address]w filename


sed '1,3w test' fstatt.cpp


[address]r filename

    You can't use a range of addresses for the read command. You can only specify a single line number or text pattern address. The sed editor inserts the text from the file after the address.

sed '3r data' data2

    The sed editor inserts the complete text from the data file into the data2 file, starting at line 3 of the data2 file.

(9)字元的替换(Transform command)

    The transform command (y) is the only sed editor command that operates on a single character.it performs a one-to-one mapping of the inchars and the outchars values.If the inchars and outchars are not the same length, the sed editor will produce an error message.



[address1[ , address2]] !函数参数

sed '/asd/!d' test

(11)读入下一行资料: n

[address1[ ,address2] n

sed -n -e '/echo/n' -e 'p' temp //输出文件,但如果一行含有字符串echo,则输出包含该字符串的下一行。

(12) 命令的复用


① sed 's/w1/w2/g; 1/i\words' filename(使用;号把命令隔开,前面不加-e)

② sed -e 'cmd1' -e 'cmd2'  filename(使用多个-e参数)



sed -n '/\$/p' test

4、more in document

如图中所示【4】,我们通常便在pattern space模式下。


【4】 http://www.cnblogs.com/mydomain/gallery/image/107992.html