
机器人总动员WALL · E慢慢读00023

“Eee!” WALL · E beeped. He didn’t like this thing at all. He quickly tossed the paddle aside and turned toward something else—a fire extinguisher, though WALL · E didn’t know that. He simply saw something that was red and kind of heavy. WALL · E examined it until he found what he was looking for: a lever. Usually, levers activated something. WALL · E pulled it. WHOOSH!The blast from the extinguisher propelled WALL · E into a loop-the-loop, spinning him over and over until he finally crash-landed in the trash. WALL · E moaned. He couldn’t figure out what use humans had found for this shiny red object. Perhaps it had been some sort of game, but he didn’t like it. Time to move on.
机器人总动员WALL · E慢慢读00023
“哔——”瓦力叫道。他一点都不喜欢这个东西。他迅速地将球拍抛到一边,转向另一样东西——一个灭火器,虽然他不知道它是什么。他只是看见了一样红色的、有点沉的东西。瓦力细细查看它,直到找到了他要找的东西:一根拉杆。拉杆通常都能启动什么东西。瓦力拉动了拉杆。 “呼”的一声,灭火器喷出一股泡沫,撞得瓦力在半空中连翻了几个跟头,一阵天旋地转之后终于摔落在垃圾堆中。 瓦力呻吟一声。他想象不出人类能拿这个闪亮的红色物品派什么用处。也许这是用来玩某种游戏的,但他不喜欢这个游戏。该继续干活了。
机器人总动员WALL · E慢慢读00023
机器人总动员WALL · E慢慢读00023
机器人总动员WALL · E慢慢读00023
beeped 英[biːpt] 美[biːpt] v. 发出哔哔声; 发出嘟嘟声; (使汽车喇叭等)发出嘟嘟声; beep的过去分词和过去式; A cellular telephone beeped 有个手机响了。
at all 英[æt ɔːl] 美[æt ɔːl] 完全; 全然; 一点; (用于否定句、条件句、疑问句等的句末)全然,根本,究竟; In real life he wasn't how she had imagined him at all. 一见面才发现他完全不是她所想象的那样。
fire extinguisher 英[ˈfaɪər ɪkstɪŋɡwɪʃə(r)] 美[ˈfaɪər ɪkstɪŋɡwɪʃər] n. 灭火器; Someone set off a fire extinguisher 有人打开了灭火器。
extinguish 英[ɪkˈstɪŋgwɪʃ],美[ɪk'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] vt. 熄灭, 使消亡, 压制, 使减色 助记:ex-出 + stingu-刺 + -ish表动词 → 把刺拿出去 → 刺引申为火焰 → 灭火。
【拓展】 wind fire extinguisher 风力灭火机 foam fire extinguisher 【化】 泡沫灭火器 fire extinguisher cock 灭火器开关 fire extinguisher fluid 灭火器液 fire extinguisher 灭火机,灭火器 dry powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器 foam (type fire) extinguisher 【化】 泡沫灭火器 froth fire extinguisher 泡沫灭火器 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器 dry chemical fire extinguisher 化学干式灭火器
simply 英[ˈsɪmpli] 美[ˈsɪmpli] adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过; (强调某说法)确实,简直; 简单地; Youth is simply an attitude of mind. 青春仅仅是心态问题。
examined 英[ɪɡˈzæmɪnd] 美[ɪɡˈzæmɪnd] v. 审查; 调查; 考查; 考察; (仔细地)检查,检验; 考,测验(某人); examine的过去分词和过去式; He examined her passport and stamped it 他仔细检查了她的护照,然后在上面盖了章。
activated 英[ˈæktɪveɪtɪd] 美[ˈæktɪveɪtɪd] v. 使活动; 激活; 使活化; activate的过去分词和过去式; The gene is activated by a specific protein. 这种基因由一种特异性蛋白激活。
whoosh 英[wʊʃ] 美[wʊʃ] n. (风吹)呼呼; (水流)哗哗; vi. (空气)呼呼地移动; (水)哗哗地流; They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh. 他们驱车回家,一路上挡风玻璃上的雨刮器不停地呼呼刮着。 There was a whoosh as everything went up in flames. “呼”的一声,一切都毁于火海。
propelled 英[prəˈpeld] 美[prəˈpeld] v. 推动; 驱动; 推进; 驱使; 迫使; 推搡; propel的过去分词和过去式; The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars. 小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。
loop-the-loop 英[luːp ðə luːp] 美[luːp ðə luːp] n. (飞机)翻筋斗(一种环行特技); (游乐场的)绕环滑车;
over and over 英[ˈəʊvə(r) ənd ˈəʊvə(r)] 美[ˈoʊvər ənd ˈoʊvər] 转来转去; 〔主美〕反反复复; He plays the same songs over and over 他一遍又一遍地放着同样的歌曲。 In the rainstorm, he fell down over and over again. 在暴雨中,他一次又一次地摔倒。
crash-landed 英[ˈkræʃ lændɪd] 美[ˈkræʃ lændɪd] v. 紧急降落; 强行着陆; crash-land的过去式; A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。
moaned 英[məʊnd] 美[moʊnd] v. 呻吟; 抱怨; 呼啸; 发出萧萧声; moan的过去分词和过去式; 'I might never see you again,' she moaned. 她呻吟着说:“我可能再也见不到你了。
figure out 英[ˈfɪɡə(r) aʊt] 美[ˈfɪɡjər aʊt] 想出; 理解; 弄清; You must figure out some way of getting some bread. 你必须想出某些赚钱的办法。
