


狼和羊(Wolves and sheep)



A lamb was drinking water by the river. When the wolf saw it, he wanted to find a legitimate excuse to eat him. So he ran upstream and said that the lamb had muddy the river so that he couldn't drink clean water. The lamb replied that he only stood by the river to drink water, and was downstream. It was impossible to muddy the water upstream. Seeing that this plan was impossible, the wolf said, "my father was scolded by you last year." the lamb said that he was not born at that time. The wolf said to him, "no matter how you defend, I won't let you go anyway."

Moral: any legitimate excuse for the wicked is invalid.

狼和狮子(Wolves and lions)



Once, the wolf snatched a sheep from the sheep. When he was walking back with the lamb in his mouth, he met a lion. The lion immediately snatched the sheep from the wolf and swaggered away. The wolf didn't dare to resist, so he had to wait for the lion to go away and say, "it's unfair for you to rob my prey." the lion smiled and said, "so, did you get this properly? It was undoubtedly given to you by your friend, right?"

Moral: thieves and robbers are birds of a feather, there is no difference between good and bad.

