
布兰登-威廉姆斯告别索帅:永远感激您教会我的一切 谢谢BOSS❤️

{"info":{"title":{"content":"布兰登-威廉姆斯告别索帅:永远感激您教会我的一切 谢谢BOSS❤️","en":"Brandon Williams bids farewell to Solskjaer: Forever grateful for everything you have taught me Thank you BOSS❤️"},"description":{"content":"直播吧11月21日讯曼联此前发布公告,宣布索尔斯克亚离任,布兰登-威廉姆斯也在INS上发文告别了索尔斯克亚。布兰登-威廉...","en":"Live Bar November 21, Manchester United previously issued an announcement announcing the departure of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, and Brandon Williams also posted a farewell to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer on INS. Brandon William..."}},"items":[]}