
持续集成(CI)- 几种测试的区别(摘录)











单元测试工具发挥的地方,如Nunit MSTest等

Integration tests usually take multiple pieces of functionality and test how they behave together. Such tests can involve two or more classes, assemblies, components, or even small programs that interoperate.

Functional tests, on the other hand, are sometimes associated with integration tests and sometimes with system tests. You extract functional tests from other types of tests to support your CI scenario.

Acceptance tests take fully integrated software with all its dependencies and test it against a normal environment. This means no mocking—only the real deal. You should test I/O, network, and database operations with specific configurations. Acceptance tests can be designed by the customer or domain specialist.

System tests are also performed on fully integrated software, but the environment tends to mimic a production environment more than it does during acceptance tests.

This kind of test is hard to integrate within your build process; these tests tend to rely on specific hardware and software configurations. But if you strain a little, some system tests can be included in your automatic build and test schedule.

You may also want to test the stability of your software. Stability tests answer such questions as whether there are any memory leaks in your Windows service, whether your program can restore the database connection after hibernation, and so on.

Although in most cases it’s possible to automate these tests, they usually have no place in CI the process. They take too much time. You need hours to properly test place in CI the process.