
Dog Appreciation – Shepherd Which one do you prefer?

author:Hound Hound Home
{"info":{"title":{"content":"名犬赏析—牧羊犬 你更喜欢哪种","en":"Dog Appreciation – Shepherd Which one do you prefer?"},"description":{"content":"苏格兰牧羊犬苏格兰牧羊犬又名柯利牧羊犬,是充满灵性的犬中明星:有些犬以娇小漂亮的外形获得人们的喜爱,有些犬以善解人意的灵...","en":"The Scottish Shepherd, also known as the Curley Shepherd, is the star of the dog full of spirituality: some dogs are loved by people for their petite and beautiful appearance, and some dogs are known for their empathetic spirits."}},"items":[]}