
The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

author:Xiuyun Village Li Jun
The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

"Lao Tzu wants to eat meat, Lao Tzu wants to eat meat..." I stood in the courtyard and watched my mother bring a few pieces of meat into the house to entertain the workers who repaired the house, and I knew that I could not eat it. Angrily, he nibbled on two mouthfuls of corn buns in his hand, put the remaining half into his bag, and went to school.

Standing at the desk, looking at the textbooks on the desks of the classmates next to me, I remembered what my mother said to me, "When you kill the pig, your mother will pay you tuition." "At that time, many students were like this, because they could not afford to pay a few dollars in tuition, and they had to stand and listen to the lectures.

Every 'rush day', I would come to the market with my mother to set up a stall and sell some needles and threads for daily necessities. That day, I took a fancy to a pair of 3 yuan straw shoes, cried to death and asked my mother to buy it for me, but I failed to do so, and I was beaten by my mother from the beginning of the field to the end of the field, and my mother also cried while fighting...

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

On this day, the turning point of my fate finally arrived, I received an acceptance letter from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, I did not sleep well for several days, I do not know whether it is excitement or nervousness. Accompanied by my mother, I came to Chengdu, a strange city.

We stood near the Mozi Bridge and asked, "Where is the Mozi Bridge?" "All that answers us is contempt, ridicule and indifference. I stood by and looked at my mother, who was crying anxiously, and at this moment, I had only one thought in my mind: I wanted to stay here and become the master of the city!

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

The dolls of the poor have long been in charge, and like most young people from the city to the countryside, I have fought and struggled in Chengdu with my own hands, and finally gradually gained a foothold.

My name is Li Jun, the secretary of the party branch of Xiuyun Village, Baiyi Town, Cangxi County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

In the 2008 "5.12" earthquake, my hometown of Cangxi County, not far from Guangyuan Qingchuan County, the area where the earthquake was extremely hard hit.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

I had been calling home since 14:30, 3 minutes after the earthquake, and it couldn't be connected. In the night, I finally contacted my mother, and her first words were: "To die, our family, to die together!" ”

So, as a volunteer, I returned to this mountain from Chengdu day and night.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

Xiuyun Village, Baiyi Town, Cangxi County, Guangyuan City, 52 kilometers away from the county seat and 8 kilometers away from the town government, has jurisdiction over 6 villager groups, 264 households, 994 people, is a very remote and poor small mountain village.

Here, there are many old people who have never seen a train, and even to their deaths, they have never been able to get out of the Sun Mountain that runs across the village. Listen to an old man in the village, his son and daughter-in-law have been working outside the home for many years, in order to save the fare, they have not returned home for six years, when they return home, their children call them "uncle, aunt".

At night, sitting in the field in front of his home, listening to his mother, there was only one path in the village that led to the outside, and it was muddy when it rained, and that year, a villager suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage, but when the ambulance bumped all the way to his house, he had already left this beautiful world.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

Whenever I heard that these things came from my hometown, I couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness in my heart, and after much hesitation, I finally quit my job in Chengdu and returned here again.

The first thing I did when I came back, I found Hou Junyi, the village director, and took the initiative to apply to the party committee and government of Baiyi Town, "don't have a penny of salary", and concurrently serve as the assistant village director as a volunteer.

I used my personal resources in Chengdu to invite more than 10 enterprises in Chengdu to visit our village to investigate and invest, but the results were the same: Shanda, no road, no investment.

If you want to be rich, build roads first! In order to raise funds for road construction, I successively found Huaxi Village, Dazhai Village, Pengzhou Baoshan Village and some well-known local enterprises (commonly known as "begging for mouths" in the countryside), and finally raised funds to build a cement road for the village under the hard bubbles and raw pulling!

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

On October 23, 2010, the day of the change of the party branch of Xiuyun Village, there were only 27 party members in the village, and I was elected with 26 votes, with a monthly salary of 540 yuan.

At the time, my wife was strenuously opposed and almost divorced me. I understand her, after all, she is also from the countryside, her parents worked hard to send her to finish college, it was hard to have a certain foundation in Chengdu, and now she wants to return to the countryside, which is difficult for anyone to accept.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

What is still reassuring to this day is that in order to support me to be a humble "village official", she gave up her career in Chengdu during the Spring Festival of 2010 and accompanied me back to the countryside.

After the road was repaired, another serious problem was put in front of my eyes, the young and middle-aged labor force in the township went out in large numbers, leaving the elderly, children and women at home. A large amount of land is idle and abandoned, how can the rural economy break through?

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

His name is Li Yuanzhi, he is 50 years old, but he is in his prime due to intellectual disabilities, so he can only raise poultry for domestic use (three pigs and a dozen chickens).

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

His wife, Zheng Xiurong, is 52 years old, and 27 years of illness and suffering have deformed and painfully deformed her bones below the waist.

The two are still childless, there are elderly people in the family who need to be taken care of, but they have never given up on each other, and for decades, the two couples have never complained about the unfairness of fate to them, but tried to change all this through hard work.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention
The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

The 76-year-old man, a 76-year-old man with a sudden cerebral hemorrhage while going out to work, is currently out of medicine due to economic difficulties.

The old man's wife is named Zheng Hui, 57 years old this year, intellectually handicapped, but he raised 9 chickens and 23 ducks, every morning before dawn to get up to feed them, after doing some basic farm work, but also to cook for his wife, the family's big and small things all fell on Zheng Hui's shoulders.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

But they have no way to dock with the market, they can only be squeezed by various "pig cycles" and "chicken cycles" and lose the power of production!

It made me deeply understand that they are not self-reliant, they just lack a reasonable, fair channel, so what they need is not sympathy, but recognition.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

Until one day, I received a phone call from a friend: "Li Jun, after my son ate the native eggs you sent, he has been clamoring to eat them, and no matter how much money I buy!" "It makes me wake up like a dream, aren't these pristine agricultural products the most valuable things in the village?"

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention
The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

With this idea in mind, I quickly started my first campaign and quickly formed a team for the "Distant Mountains And Relatives" program.

In April 2014, the "Hecun And School" was closed for many years, and the door of the overgrown Xiuyun Village Primary School was opened again. The whole village came, young and old. They came here to welcome two large cars of "relatives" from Chengdu, Chongqing, Mianyang and Leshan. On this day, distant relatives suddenly signed a "production" order of more than 530,000 yuan here.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

Through the continuous development of the "distant mountains and relatives" activity, the average income of the left-behind farmers in the village increased by more than 2,000 yuan that year, which was much higher than the average growth level of the local area, and the surrounding villages hoped to join the platform.

I know that only by allowing them to be recognized, see hope, and use these idle lands again to stimulate their productive vitality through market behavior is the last word to make them rich, which makes me more convinced of the far-reaching significance of this cause.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

In Xiuyun Village, the first "distant mountains to get married, to buy instead of donating" Xiuyun poverty alleviation model, successfully let more rural good goods go out, truly make people who eat healthy, let the people who raise people well-off.

In the past thirteen years, Xiuyun Village has transformed from an unknown poor village into one of the representative brands of sichuan ecological agricultural products, and has embarked on a replicable "Xiuyun Poverty Alleviation Road" that can be copied by Poor Villages in China.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

In 2018, the "purchase instead of donation" model was written into the guiding opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the three-year action to win the battle against poverty, requiring national promotion.

This is a sustainable industrial development path, but also in line with the actual situation of remote mountainous rural areas, most of the rural areas in the country and Xiuyun Village without any special resources, such a model is more valuable for replication and promotion. On the basis of the existing relatively mature model, we have extended this poverty alleviation model to deep poverty areas such as Tibetan areas and Yi areas in Sichuan, and expanded the experience network to more than 70 villages in Cangxi County!

This year, it is already the thirteenth year of my work in the village, in which I have encountered many difficulties, I have also encountered many cold eyes, and even thought of giving up countless times, but whenever I see the familiar faces on the leaflets, my heart will always ignite again, because this is my home, they are my relatives.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention
The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

In this era of ungodly people's hearts, we are blindly pursuing survival under great pressure, and forgetting the original beautiful lifestyle, we hope not only to promote this natural and healthy food to all friends, but also hope to reshape the trust between people and awaken the warmth behind the ingredients!

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

[Xiuyun Village] advocates "let those who eat healthy, let those who raise well-off", not only can eat healthy food, but also can really help a rural left-behind family to let them reflect the value of labor.

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

Nowadays, young people and capable people are crowding into the city, and I am going against the current, and I am not sure what will happen to the road behind, but at least for the time being, I am still moving forward step by step according to the original idea, there is pressure, but I also enjoy it. We adhere to it with conscience and faith, and do not forget our original intentions!

The distance from the city to the countryside is my thirteen years of perseverance in my childhood, not necessarily happiness! In the countryside, not everyone wants to escape! Poverty is not a natural reason for the recipient to marry in the mountains, a way of life of a city dweller on the road, eight years, do not forget the original intention

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