
The Yinchuan Discipline Inspection Commission issued a circular and 3 cadres were dealt with

Source: Yinchuan Evening News

With the National Day and mid-Autumn Festival approaching, in order to further tighten discipline, focus on consolidating and expanding the spiritual achievements of the eight provisions of the central authorities, and persistently correct the "four winds" to change the style of work and create a new wind, the three typical cases of violating the spirit of the eight central regulations recently investigated and handled by the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Yinchuan City are hereby reported as follows:

I. Feng Guoqing, former secretary of the party branch of Ningxia Yuehai Industrial Group Co., Ltd., illegally handled the wedding banquet. On October 2, 2019, Feng Guoqing held a wedding banquet for his son at the Yinchuan "Smart Holidays" Hotel, in addition to his son's 8 tables, Feng Guoqing also entertained 12 tables, invited relatives and friends and employees of Yuehai Industrial Group Company to a total of 117 people, and received a gift of 78,366 yuan, exceeding the scale of banquets stipulated by the party and state staff to handle wedding and funeral matters, and violated the banquet management service object. On May 22, 2020, Feng Guoqing was punished with an internal party warning and handed over 6,000 yuan of illegal funds that exceeded the standard to the state treasury.

2. Liu Shijie, former member of the Party Working Committee, deputy secretary, and minister of the Armed Forces Department of Shengli Street, Xingqing District, violated public funds for tourism. On September 26, 2017, Liu Shijie led a team to visit the recruits in the direction of Liaoning, and after the return visit, from September 28 to October 2, Liu Shijie and others went to Dalian and Shenyang to stay and play, and after returning to the silver, Liu Shijie illegally reimbursed his personal private travel expenses of 2193.41 yuan. On September 23, 2018, Liu Shijie led a team to Qingdao, Shandong, Yantai direction to visit the recruits, after the return visit work, from September 28 to September 30, Liu Shijie and others went to Yantai Penglai to stay and play, after returning to Yin, Liu Shijie illegally reimbursed personal expenses for private travel of 1034 yuan. On October 23, 2019, Liu Shijie was dismissed from his party post and demoted to a fourth-level chief section member, and 3227.41 yuan of disciplinary funds were confiscated.

Third, Yongning County Traffic Bureau Highway Section Party Branch Member, Deputy Section Chief, Trade Union Chairman Zhang Jianlin private car public maintenance issues. During the National Day period from April 2016 to 2017, Zhang Jianlin illegally used the fuel card of the unit to refuel his vehicle a total of 5 times, with a total amount of 1332 yuan; during his tenure as the maintenance director of the highway section in Yongning County, he illegally used the fuel card of the unit to refuel his vehicle, with a total amount of 2000 yuan. On September 7, 2020, Zhang Jianlin received a severe warning from the party.

The above three typical cases have exposed that under the situation of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities and seriously rectifying the "four winds," there are still a very small number of party members and cadres who have a weak political consciousness, lax self-restraint, turn a deaf ear to the spirit of the eight central regulations, and even knowingly commit crimes and defy the wind and violate discipline, and are seriously dealt with, which is completely self-inflicted. The broad masses of party members and cadres should draw lessons from this, take them as a warning, draw lessons from each other, draw a "red line" in their thinking, build a solid bottom line in their behavior, and ensure that they are afraid in their hearts, cautious in their words, and restrained in their deeds.

The National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020 are approaching, and the festival is a key node for the "four winds" problem to occur frequently. Party organizations at all levels should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, keep a close eye on prominent problems from the high plane of adhering to political principles and strict political discipline, and persistently rectify the "four winds." The broad masses of party-member leading cadres should give play to the "head goose effect," consciously resist hedonism and extravagance, put an end to extravagance and wasteful behavior, and improve their work style at the rate of the above. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should give full play to their functions and roles, continue to intensify supervision and inspection of the "four winds" problem during the "double festival" of the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, ensure that they are discovered together, investigated and handled together, and reported and exposed together, continue to release a strong signal that discipline enforcement will be strict and discipline violations will be investigated, and strive to create a clean and healthy environment for officials to start a business.

Source: Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection