
Best Children's Education YouTube Channel

author:Grassroots Cultural and Educational Channel

Grassroots Influence New Horizons Flange Porcelain Compilation

In addition to celebrities chasing stars and learning music, dance and cooking, YouTube is also a good learning platform, especially for children in kindergarten, elementary school and junior high school. According to the latest data from the Pew Research Center, 80 percent of all parents aged 11 or under say their child will watch videos on YouTube, while 53 percent say their children watch them every day. However, not all YouTube videos are safe, so parents may wish to try the following entertaining and educational YouTube channels and, of course, learn English by the way.


Originally a children's literacy site created by the sag-aftra foundation, storylineonline now has its own youtube channel, which records imaginative films for elementary school-age children, including award-winning actresses such as Viola Davis and Allison Janney reading books and illustrations for children. In addition to broadening children's knowledge, storyline online's curriculum can increase comprehension, oral expression and writing skills.

amy poehler’s smart girls

Aimed primarily at middle school students, the channel empowers and frees girls through intelligence and imagination, with science, math and creative films, as well as more serious topics such as preventing domestic violence and standing the right side.

Best Children's Education YouTube Channel

khan academy kids

The online learning platform designed by the nonprofit khan academy for parents and children ages 2 to 7, the channel broadcasts a weekly circle time video that encourages children to learn, play and read together. In addition, Khan Academy offers a free khan academy kids app that allows kids to learn free standard-compliant classes, including math, reading, writing, social-emotional learning, creative projects, and physical activities.

mr. demaio

Loved by the children, this Gen Y teacher understands the needs and voices of Gen Y parents and teaches elementary school students history, social research and science on the YouTube channel with 10 to 20 minutes of film time per episode.

pbs kids

Many parents rave about this educational channel. PBS Kids provides children with quality programs and learning environments that invite children to explore the world around them with nonviolent, appropriate content, and is committed to providing children with knowledge and critical thinking skills while enhancing their imagination and curiosity about the world.

Other recommended children's education channels include:

mike likes science

art for kids hub

netflix jr.
