
Talking about rejecting Arsenal, Vardy: Brains and hearts tell me to stay

author:Tiger soccer
Talking about rejecting Arsenal, Vardy: Brains and hearts tell me to stay

Jamie Vardy claims to have been thinking about whether to turn down Arsenal for a long time in hotels in England, saying that he has met Wenger several times in the hotel.

This summer, before and after Vardy made a decision to refuse Wenger's invitation, he met Wenger several times. After Wenger paid a £20m transfer fee to activate Vardy's liquidated damages clause, Vardy began to think about whether to stay with last season's Premier League title or switch to Arsenal.

Vardy said: "Every day I would stay in the hotel for a long time and do nothing. I have plenty of time to think about every little thing. I started thinking about what might happen in the future, maybe not, where I might go, maybe not anywhere. Every time I think about it, when I start thinking about every detail, my heart and my head are telling me: You should stay.

"Before and after I made my decision, I met Wenger and I spoke to him several times. He was doing a Euro Cup-related show for French television, and I was not embarrassed to meet with him, it was just a very simple greeting, similar to hello, are you okay? Stuff like that. ”

Vardy said there was nothing to distract him, and he said it was the biggest decision of his career. At the age of 29, the opportunity to join the big club may never come again, but Vardy is happy that his fairytale journey to Leicester City can continue.

Vardy said: "Leicester city has been improving and we will continue to perform like this. You can see how the teams are performing in the transfer market. If the team continues to move forward, I will still be part of the club.

'I've been here since I left Fleetwood and we've had the opportunity to get promoted and the team has been improving.

With Vardy completing the renewal of his contract, this summer, the club also completed the renewal of the contract with Schmeichel Jr., Mahrez, Simpson, Morgan and Derinkovt, and the head coach Ranieri also renewed the contract with the club.

"In any case, the vast majority of the important players in the team have renewed their contracts, that's who we are, we're brothers. Everyone signed a long-term contract with the team, which is what the manager wants to see.

"He wanted to keep everyone behind, to bring everyone together, and only Kante left, which wasn't too bad."

Leicester City may not have changed, but Vardy's life has changed dramatically, with the grassroots striker, who debuted at a non-league club, revealed he didn't even want to leave his home and fans always wanted to take a selfie with him.

Vardy said: "I really can't go to the store, I'll get distracted by some issues. Of course, the fans just want to take a picture with me or something else, but if I go out with my little daughter, I don't want to put her down while I'm holding her and take a picture with the fans.

"I try to explain these things to the fans in the best possible way. When I don't have a game, that's the only time I can spend with my family. ”

England national team captain Looney also helped Vardy deal with the problem of solving the problems after becoming famous, and despite being 30 years old, Vardy said he wanted to continue playing in the national team.

Rooney has declared he will retire from the national team at the age of 32, but Vardy said: "I hope I can play for a long time, I hope my legs don't rust, because I've been playing since I was 18. I hope they will let me continue to give me positions and at the same time I don't want to lose my speed. ”

(Editor: Little Meteor)