
Blooming youthful and bright nature - Shangqiu anti-epidemic frontline "post-00s" group portrait scan

author:Henan Daily

Henan Daily client reporter Li Fenghu Liu Mengke Henan Newspaper all-media reporter Chen Mengmeng

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"I'm a reserve party member I go first" "I can"... In the face of the surging epidemic, in the various anti-epidemic battlefields in Shangqiu City, the "post-00s" fresh forces that are not afraid of hardships and dangers and charge forward are showing the vigorous strength of youth everywhere. In the old days, they were children in the eyes of their parents. Today, they are becoming the backbone of the new era with the youthful responsibility of "one generation is stronger than the next".

Blooming youthful and bright nature - Shangqiu anti-epidemic frontline "post-00s" group portrait scan

Photo by Shao Xianzhe

Sampling all night "I can"

"Director, I signed up for the nucleic acid testing commando, and I can take no break!" Xia Zibo, a 21-year-old college student, studied in the 19th grade rehabilitation treatment technology major of the Medical College of Shangqiu Institute of Technology, and is now practicing at Shangqiu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. When the epidemic struck, as a young preparatory party member, he rushed to the frontline of the fight against the epidemic without hesitation and practiced his original mission with practical actions.

On the evening of August 1, Shangqiu City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine set up a nucleic acid testing commando team, and Xia Zibo, who was taking a rotation break, proposed for the first time to give up the rotation to register for the nucleic acid testing commando team. During the nucleic acid test, he fainted from heat stroke, and after a short rest, he resolutely threw himself into work immediately, without a trace of complaint, and persisted until the end.

"I can", "I'm okay"... On August 5, Li Hanlou Village, The hometown of Li Lao, Yucheng County, carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees, and Li Bingwang, secretary of the village party branch, called on his daughters Li Xiaohan, Li Xinmiao and niece Li Linlin to participate in nucleic acid testing training and undertake the nucleic acid testing and sampling work of the whole village.

At work, they wore protective suits and sweated for hours in the heat, unable to drink a single sip of water. From the afternoon work to 24:00 at night, the nucleic acid test sample collection of more than 1,200 villagers in the village was successfully completed.

"Just at home during the holidays, at the moment of the epidemic, we young people must also stand up and take on the responsibilities that belong to our young people." Li Xinmiao, a 20-year-old student at Xinjiang Medical University, said that at the special moment of epidemic prevention and control, she saw the fearlessness and responsibility of many young party members charging in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, deeply infected, and she was ready to submit an application to join the party, actively moving closer to the party organization, rushing to the front with the standards of party members.

Blooming youthful and bright nature - Shangqiu anti-epidemic frontline "post-00s" group portrait scan

Photo by Chen Mengmeng

The phone stream became hoarse

"Have you been unwell lately?" Have you had a nucleic acid test? On the morning of August 18, in the duty room of the Xincheng Police Station of the Suiyang Branch of the Shangqiu Municipal Public Security Bureau, 19-year-old auxiliary police officer Ji Xu and 21-year-old Hou Xinzhi were carrying out telephone transfers.

Ji Continued, who started working in July 2019, has been engaged in video investigation at the Xincheng police station. On August 10, the Xincheng police station set up a special supervision class of 17 people to transfer personnel from high-risk areas and sub-secret contacts in the city.

Initially, the special class was responsible for the circulation of 3,000 or 4,000 people a day, and with the severity of the epidemic situation, the task was gradually increased to be responsible for the circulation of 40,000 or 50,000 people per day. They start work at 8 a.m. and are often busy until three or four o'clock in the morning.

"In the middle of the night or in the early hours of the morning, when we do the circulation work, the biggest worry is to disturb everyone's rest. Especially if there are children or elderly people around, they are very angry when they receive a phone call, and sometimes they are mistaken for a scam call, when we explain the reason to them, everyone can still understand. Ji continued that it usually takes two minutes for a mobile phone call, and in order to quickly collect information about people who have been to high-risk areas during the outbreak of the epidemic, they have been eating and living in the police station since August 10.

"Circulation is the key to epidemic control, and the information collected by circulation can play a key role in effectively containing the epidemic." Hou Xinzhi said that although everyone often sits for a day, their necks and hands are sore, and their throats are hoarse, everyone's enthusiasm for work is still very high.

Blooming youthful and bright nature - Shangqiu anti-epidemic frontline "post-00s" group portrait scan

Gao Fengli photo

Volunteering builds a strong community defense line

On the epidemic prevention and control front in Chengguan Town, Yucheng County, a pair of sisters and brothers wearing red vests and volunteer hats can always be seen on duty at the epidemic prevention and control card point.

Older sister Zhao Chenyu, 19, a sophomore at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; younger brother Zhao Jundi, 17, has just been admitted to the School of Mechanical And Automation of Northeastern University.

On August 1, the sisters and brothers immediately signed up after seeing the news of recruiting anti-epidemic volunteers to participate in epidemic prevention work in the residents' WeChat group. Zhao Chenyu insists on being on duty at the epidemic prevention and control card point every day, carefully checks foreign personnel and vehicles for detailed records, and publicizes epidemic prevention and control information to residents, reminding residents to pay attention to strengthening self-prevention. While on duty, Zhao Jundi also hung propaganda banners with community workers to touch outsiders.

Blooming youthful and bright nature - Shangqiu anti-epidemic frontline "post-00s" group portrait scan

"Hello! Please wear a mask! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! "You come back from outside, and we'll help you sanitize your car!" At first, the sisters and brothers would encounter some residents who did not wear masks when they went out, or were impatient with disinfecting the car, but they all smiled at each other, tirelessly explained, and finally gained the understanding of the residents.

"As a college student in the new era, we are very proud to contribute our own modest efforts, and we hope to bring more positive energy to the masses in our community with our own practical actions!" The sisters and brothers said firmly.

When the youth are prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when the youth are strong, the country is strong. At the moment when the epidemic is raging, young people are taking up the banner of responsibility and responsibility in their own way, and dedicating their youth strength to this "epidemic" action. The "post-00s" appeared with a new attitude, taking the initiative, taking responsibility, being promising, working hard, and dedicating, and blooming in the fight against the epidemic.

Editor: Liu Mengke