
Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

author:Three points a day of laughter

"Octagonal Pavilion Mystery Fog" revolves around the murder of XuanZhen 19 years ago. Although this drama focuses on suspense, the actual reasoning is not strong, not so much a reasoning drama, but rather an exploration of human nature.

At that time, the 18-year-old Xuanzhen was beautiful and delicate, lively and bright, and was the darling of all the people around her, such as her family, teachers, classmates, etc., and it was in this easy-to-get favor and tolerance that she became extremely arrogant, without any reverence and empathy, and eventually attracted the disaster of killing herself.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

God is fair, but it always takes time to prove it.

There is also a core line in the film is the depiction of the completely different life encounters of Xuanzhen Xuanzhu and the twin sisters.

Obviously, they are twins, but Xuanzhen is beautiful and outstanding, Xuanzhu looks flat, Xuanzhen said to her with a disdainful face: "He is my sister, since childhood everyone said, your sister grew up like this, are you really twins?" ”。

Xuanzhen is outgoing and sweet, Xuanzhu is introverted and cramped, and in the intentional or unintentional comparison of everyone, Xuanzhen is as proud and self-satisfied as a princess, while Xuanzhu is inferior and sensitive like a maid.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

From the moment of birth, people are always in comparison and comparison, how many pounds does your baby have? Male or female? His baby just doesn't cry or make trouble. As we grow up, everyone's childhood is probably inseparable from the shadow of "other people's children".

Imagine the comparison between twins who are under one roof every day or even born together is even more depressing. Dressed in the same clothes, Xuanzhen is praised by everyone, and Xuanzhu will not be noticed if she is not a sibling, and with Xuanzhen by her side, but the less outstanding Xuanzhu can only be accused of being sympathetic, and she is ashamed of herself again and again.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

Even more frightening is that even your last refuge, your dear family, is the same. In the play, whether it is the eldest brother Xuan Liang or the second sister Xuan Mei, it is inevitable to be biased towards Xuan Zhen, Xuan Zhen's charm and being pampered always makes her know how to be liked, and Xuan Zhu's sensitivity and neglect always make her more isolated and even thorny, just like Xuan Min said: "Such a sister, who will like."

And the mother even after 19 years of Senile dementia is still missing Xuanzhen, 15 years away from home Xuanzhu seems to have been forgotten by everyone.

Yes, this is the most uncomfortable place, once you suffered from the unfairness of the outside world, you always hope that your relatives will understand you, will protect you, will not be moved by the surface, and uphold justice. However, the cold fact is that relatives are also human beings, and most people are not exempt from vulgarity, even more directly.

During the meal, the two sisters mixed their mouths, obviously Xuanzhen was angry, but the sister reprimanded Xuanzhu: "Xuanzhu, what the hell is wrong, make the sister angry like this." No one asks you about your sadness and uneasiness, but takes it for granted that you are not.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

When you are the best, in the eyes of everyone you are always cheerful and open-minded, and if you are the one who is inferior, you always like to play with temper and resentment.

Because the best are favored and always get the benefits, they don't need to fight for it. And even if it should be their own, they will inevitably be ignored and taken away, naturally they are not willing to be unbalanced, to appeal to complain, a vicious circle, and it seems even more stingy and hateful. In the dream of the Red Chamber, the girls in the courtyard gave flowers, but only sent People under the fence to Dai Yu with resentment: "It is not left by others, nor is it given to me." In fact, the same is true.

Comparison is the root of suffering. We are always persuaded not to compare ourselves with others, but didn't the person who said this compare you?

If Xuanzhu and Xuanzhen can get the same pampering as their families, then she will naturally become clear, her sister is beautiful, but I have good grades, and my mother and brother love me as much.

However, it did not, but always reminded her that she was inferior to her sister, and the gradually arrogant sister naturally took pleasure in secretly bullying her.

It is hard to have a teenager Ji Guang like her, Xuan Zhen looks at it in her eyes to play tricks to destroy, because she is always the most beautiful, should the whole world revolve around her, kun opera, for Ji Guang, she does not really like, but because it is Xuan Zhu's, it is always snatched up, because she has become accustomed to it, how can you Xuan Zhu have what I don't have? You don't deserve it.

This is the arrogance of the favored, but also the misfortune of the despised, seemingly grasping some, but easily destroyed by others. The jealousy that has grown deep in the depths of the heart for many years in the adolescent years is probably like a gangrene attached to the bones, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

The pain from the family of origin is the most insoluble.

Even if you succeed in the future and seem to get rid of it, that scene will always appear in your mind again and again in the quiet of the night, in the random words of your family, lingering.

Xuanzhu, who has been away from home for 15 years, is the most prominent one in the family, she jumped out of that small city, became an executive in Shenzhen, has a career and financial resources, but still can't escape the shadow of the past.

She has been home for 15 years and cannot and does not want to return, she has not started a family in a big city, and no family has ever asked her, as if she does not exist. Only when her mother was critically ill, her sister-in-law called her.

As soon as I got home, the past came back. Once a young woman, she curled up in the closet and cried, and was reprimanded at the dinner table, this scene has never gone away, and Xuanzhen's triumphant smile is still in front of her. She hated it, and she didn't have to hide anything.

And the most difficult point of the pain from the family is that no matter how much you hate, you can't really hate to take revenge, Xuanzhu she really hopes that Xuanzhen doesn't exist, but how can she really kill her? It was her sister, there was no way, it rained and had to take the initiative to come forward and ask: "Let's go home together?" ”。

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal

As a result, this hatred can never be expressed, and this grievance against the family will not be comforted.

In reality, how many people who are treated poorly always want a word from their parents when they become adults, but most of them just think that how do you remember revenge so much, and the family is still so clear? Vexatious.

In the film, in the scene where the family cries and complains about the reunion in front of Xuanzhen's tomb, Xuanliang and Xuanmin have blamed themselves for not taking Xuanzhen in time, and still no one has much empathy for Xuanzhu, and no one feels sorry for Xuanzhu.

Perhaps, only when you truly harvest a sincere love and let the cold heart feel warm, can you slowly reconcile with the past. When the niece Nian Mei said happily from the heart: Sister-in-law, I love you! At this time, Xuanzhu really broke through the cold fog and was slightly relieved.

Who killed Baby Jane? | is always the source of pain, and the wounds from the family are the most difficult to heal