
After becoming famous in world war, how was the sorghum river car god refined?

author:Listen to the wind as it was my4755118

An arrow did not cast a horse,

The Sixth Army air hated the clouds high.

After becoming famous in world war, how was the sorghum river car god refined?

In May of the fourth year of the Taiping Revival (979), after eliminating the Northern Han dynasty, emperor Taizong of Song, who was full of ambition, was preparing to take advantage of the victory to retake Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, and When Emperor Jingzong of Liao learned that Youzhou was trapped, he urgently ordered reinforcements. The Liao army counterattacked, the Song army was attacked on three sides, the battle was in chaos, the whole line collapsed, more than 10,000 people died, and Song Taizong fled in a donkey cart. The Liao army pursued it to Zhuozhou (涿州, Ino County, Hebei). History is called the "Battle of the Sorghum River". Song Taizong thus became famous in a war, and was called "Sorghum River Car God" by later generations.

After becoming famous in world war, how was the sorghum river car god refined?

Since Zhao Guangyi ascended the throne, he has continued to unify the party. After "Wu Yue returned to the land, Quan Zhang's soil", the southern separatist forces were basically eliminated. At this time, Zhao Guangyi turned his target to the north. He wanted to complete the unfinished work of Zhou Shizong Chai Rong and his brother Zhao Kuangyin, unify the north, and reclaim the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun. In 979, Zhao Guangyi personally conquered the Northern Han Dynasty. After an arduous struggle, the powerful Song Dynasty attacked Taiyuan, the capital of the Northern Han Dynasty, and destroyed the Northern Han Dynasty. Overwhelmed by the victory, Song Taizong wanted to take advantage of the northern Han Dynasty's Yuwei to take advantage of the situation to take Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures and complete the great cause of reunification. At the military conference before the imperial court, Song Taizong put forward the idea of recovering Youzhou, and the generals believed that the generals were tired and the grain was insufficient, and it was not appropriate to go on the expedition, but the palace was waiting for Cui Han to praise and support him: "Those who should take advantage of it, the momentum is also; those who must not be lost, the time is also." Easy to take. This means that the opportunity must not be lost, and the loss will not come again, so Song Taizong decided to send troops.

In May of the fourth year (979) of the Taiping Revival of the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi set out from Taiyuan, successively recaptured Yizhou and Zhuozhou, and fought all the way to the Sorghum River, at the beginning of the Battle of the Sorghum River, the Song army frequently reported victories, Song Taizong was overjoyed that victory was in sight, so he ordered a fierce attack, at this time, the Liao god of war, Yelü Hugo, detoured from the right wing back to the rear of the Song army, and Yelü Xieyi also rushed from the flank, forming a situation of encirclement, defeating the Song army, Song Taizong fled to Zhuozhou overnight under the protection of Hu Yanzan and others, and at this time the Liao army was closely pursued, the Battle of the Sorghum River The Song army was defeated, more than 10,000 people died, and the generals rushed to escape for their lives, and the army collapsed. In the panic, Zhao Guangyi was hit by an arrow in his thigh, the pain was unbearable, he could no longer contact other generals, and the soldiers could not find their respective superiors. In desperation, the courtiers found a donkey cart, and Song Taizong took a donkey cart and fled south to song.

After becoming famous in world war, how was the sorghum river car god refined?

The Battle of Gaoliang River was the first large-scale initiative of the Song Dynasty to attack the Liao Territory, and the first effort made by the Song Dynasty to recover the lost land of Yanyun, and when Zhao Guangyi took the Northern Han capital Taiyuan, the soldiers were actually exhausted. In order to be able to unexpectedly break into Youzhou City, he ordered all the weights to be abandoned, and a rapid march attacked down from the Taihang Mountains and stormed under Youzhou City. For the generals of the Song Army, they "besieged Taiyuan for many months, fed and exhausted, and the soldiers were lacking", and it was difficult to win, "everyone has a wish to reward". Emperor Taizong said that he would take Youzhou in one fell swoop and be rewarded at the same time. The typical "just let the horses run, don't let the horses eat grass", how unfortunate is it to meet such a boss? In addition, since later Jin shi jingyao ceded Youyun Sixteen Prefectures to the Liao State, the Liao took Youzhou as Nanjing, and carried out a large-scale expansion. The city is 36 miles, the moat is 3 meters high, 1 meter 5 feet wide, a total of 8 gates, and a population of 300,000. Once Youzhou could not be conquered in time, and the Song army could not cross the city to capture the northern pass, it could only fight with the Liao cavalry in the North China Plain, and once the Liao reinforcements arrived, they would be attacked on their stomachs and backs, and they were doomed to defeat.

After becoming famous in world war, how was the sorghum river car god refined?

The Song army fought under youzhou city for more than twenty days, coupled with being surrounded on all sides, had to retreat south and run for the road overnight, and finally evolved into a rout under the pursuit of the Liao army, killing and wounding more than 10,000 people, and receiving invincible soldiers, armor, rune seals, grain feeds, and currency. Lord Song was spared only his life, went to Zhuozhou, and stole a donkey cart and fled. The sorghum river car god thus became famous in a war!

The Battle of the Sorghum River was the first war against the Liao dynasty with the purpose of recovering the lost land of Yanyun, and it was a turning point in the alternation of attack and defense between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty, this war not only stopped the pace of the unification of the Song Dynasty, but also the Song Dynasty began to decline from prosperity to decline in subsequent foreign wars, and was suppressed by the Liao State

The state of recovery of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures has been a distant dream.

Song Taizong also took a donkey cart all the way to 70 kilometers in this battle, so as not to be embarrassed. Because he fled too quickly, the minister of culture and martial arts who accompanied the army could not wait for Song Taizong in Zhuozhou, and the dragons were leaderless. He planned to establish Zhao Dezhao, the son of Emperor Wugong and taizu Zhao Guangyi, as the new emperor. After Song Taizong, who had almost lost the throne, returned to Bieliang, he himself was ashamed and embarrassed, his face was disgraced, and he was not even prepared to issue the reward of pacifying Taiyuan, and after being advised by Zhao Dezhao, the king of Wugong County, he became suspicious of Zhao Dezhao and used the excuse to rebuke Zhao Dezhao, and Dezhao saw that Emperor Taizong was jealous of himself and committed suicide. It was only when Emperor Taizong of Song's throne was further secured.

After the arrow, Song Taizong finally died in 994 because of the recurrence of arrow wounds, which is also the final harvest of Song Taizong at the Battle of Sorghum River!

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